
Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!!


Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!!

#Criminal #Defendant #Trump #CONFUSING #STATEMENT #Court

Jesse talks about Donald Trump’s first day as a criminal defendant in court to face consequences and his wild statement to the cameras before entering the courtroom.

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criminal law , Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!!, Donald Trump,President Donald Trump,President Trump,Trump,politics,news,government,breaking news,headline news,CNN,Fox News,Jesse Dollemore,Dollemore,Dollemore Daily,Podcast,Liberal,Democrat,Progressive,I Doubt It Podcast,Brittany Page

34 thoughts on “Criminal Defendant Trump MAKES CONFUSING STATEMENT at Court!!!”

  1. We The People must demand the "DOJ Memo" preventing a sitting president from being prosecuted be voted on in the House and Senate. Last time I checked memos aren't laws

  2. On Murdochs Fox News. Crying yet, Rupert ? Poof, goes all control, all power. No one is above the law.

  3. American people go to jail every day of the week but the law don't apply to trump according to fox News and right wing maga hate groups

  4. Why, why, why do they allow this? Standing there lying his a$$ off. Verbally attacking/insulting judges & at times their staff & families, etc. I am not going to hold my breath that he will be properly prosecuted. Its just one big joke.

  5. Trump keeps claiming this is a scam trial. What part is a scam? Him banging a porn star? Paying her to keep quiet? Campaign finance stuff? I dont get it. What's the scam?

  6. You know when Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary karma and then they all acted like everything was fine, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I thought Bill Clinton was a pig. I still think Bill Clinton is a pig. And you know Hillary wasn't even nursing a baby when Bill cheated on her. Donald Trump is a pig who has given the white nationalist the right to act like jerks. And not just like jerks they are more bigoted and more hateful than they have ever been.

  7. He should just record it and play it to the media. We've all heard it before. Same bullshit, same whiney voice.

  8. he is first big crook we ever had he is a traitor an a putin lover he will screw all of us for money a power over us this small man is evil very evil

  9. Please do a story on Megyn Kelly's interview where she is so proud of American Hate speech. What an evil Heifer. It's with a chubby southern guy on a white stage. Grossest thing I've ever heard.

  10. Every time Trump speaks, he continues to add to his record tally of lies told to the American people!!!!!
    Life in prison for The Traitor President!!!

  11. Like i told someone in another comment section : Don the con did not have to run for president again , this year, He did it to prevent justice from being brought down on him! He could have waited another 4 years , i doubt he will live that long though. He did this to himself, its his fault Justice has come to collect their dues!! Time to shut up and pay up Con boy ( cuz he is no man, he is a child in mans clothing)

  12. "This is an assault on America…thats why..Im glad to be … both true statements ..yes it is an assault on the american people that yRump is putting us through this because of his actions…and yes… Im sure he is proud of his actions..he is Mr Opposite Man..
    anti meaning to everything he says..anti-christ ..the prince of lies

  13. What "legal scholars" are on your side, Donnie? You committed crimes, and now you get prosecuted for them. Former president or not, campaign or not, these trials are about what YOU DID.

  14. This is a court of law Donald, irrespective of who you are or what you are or were, a former president or whatever,no-one is above the Law.Complaints don't matter now it's time to face the music and you have to dance to the music of justice and dance well as self sponsored prizes will be awarded in the end.

  15. Good GAWD!! It is an assault on himself!! because he committed the crimes!! IT IS A CULT!!!

  16. Every legal scholar that graduated from Trump University is saying that nothing like this has ever happened. Meanwhile, real legal scholars are aghast at the level of depravity and criminality that emanates from one individual.

  17. “This is an assault on America”. You’ve never represented America Donald. You represent both yourself and the out-of-touch wealthy elite.

  18. When ever we have crimes we need prosecution. No President Legislator or Judge (justice) is above the law. We all must be held accountable. Civilized societies must have a Justice system for everyone,
    For Trump to claim his prosecution is against the the US is laughable. Crooks get caught they get prosected.

  19. Most corrupt former president ever. If you can't do the time don't do the crime. Vote 💙 save America from Trump and maga

  20. Unfortunately the U.S. has never had enough uneducated nuts elect a con man but fortunately he is being called out for what he is. A con artist who acts like an infant when caught.

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