
Crime, Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System, Part 1 of 3


Crime, Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System, Part 1 of 3

#Crime #Punishment #Criminal #Justice #System #Part

Crime, Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System
Part 1: A Panel Discussion Moderated by Arthur Miller, University Professor, New York University School of Law; former Bruce Bromley Professor of Law, Harvard Law School

Presented by Independent Institute, Kids Voting Kansas, Koch Crime Commission, and University of Kansas

Filmed Sunday, 26 June 1994
Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Part 2:
Part 3:

Randy E. Barnett, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center; former Professor of Law, Boston University
William P. Barr, Attorney General of the United States (1991 to 1993, 2019 to 2020)
Pasco M. Bowman II, Senior Judge, U. S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
Steven J. Davies, Superintendent of Schools, Kingman Norwich, KS
Williamson M. Evers, Research Fellow, Independent Institute and Hoover Institution
Joan M. Finney, late Governor of Kansas
Raymond W. Kelly, former Police Commissioner, New York City
William I. Koch, Chairman, Oxbow Corporation
W. Walter Menninger, former President and CEO, Menninger Foundation
Gale A. Norton, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior; former Attorney General of Colorado
Eric S. Rosen, Kansas Supreme Court Justice; former State District Court Judge, Shawnee County, KS
Nadine Strossen, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law, New York Law School; former President, American Civil Liberties Union
Bailus M. Tate, President, Board of Police Commissioners, Kansas City, MO

William I. Koch, Chairman, Oxbow Corporation

David J. Theroux, Founder and President, Independent Institute

criminal law , Crime, Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System, Part 1 of 3, Criminal Justice (Media Genre),Police,Cops,Court,Law (Industry),Kansas (US State),Security,Judge,Lawyer (Profession),arrested,prisoner,recividivism,Victimless crimes,War on drugs,Restitution,retribution,Victim rights,Sentencing,Law and order,property crime,Policing,Violent crime,Privatization,prison,Incarceration,Civil liberties,Gun control,Second Amendment,Adjudicator,Justice,Jury,Arthur Miller,William Barr,Nadine Strossen,Law Enforcement,Police brutality

2 thoughts on “Crime, Punishment, and the Criminal Justice System, Part 1 of 3”

  1. BEFORE you rape my thoughts. Just remember all these Fancy studies they talk of point to the same thing. (Dads not being home or worse. The child not even having a clue who Dad is! Then mom or Mom's mom having to raise the child. Study after study after study shows, children need their dads for the most dominant, positive characteristics to blossom) They blame the system and not the community of Black Dads who leave their young with no Dad. Leaving Moms to do it all on their own or worse. Foster care. Or they get themselves thrown in jail. Either way not there for their children.  Everyone always blames someone else. How about not having the children in the first place. No medical is NO excuse. TONS of programs that give free B.C. HOWEVER, if you do have one to teach the child honorable, loving, champion minded traits! YOU MUST stick around to do so.  Toooooo many want the system to change HURTING others in order to help one group of people. The people need to change not the system. If tons of other children can make it so can any black child. They need the love and support they deserve.  Not yet ANOTHER system change. The color of their skin is NOT AN ISSUE! They are capable of being smart as any other human being. The issue is the culture not the color of their skin or the system. There needs to be a cultural change to bring about Dads honoring their commitment to Father Hood, to family and to following the law. Not the commitment to gang life. There are MANY RACES over time who have overcome there battles with others to be found as worthy. So many minorities such as Jews, Irish, etc in certain areas who had hard fought battles to come from what many thought were low life's to some of the most respectable people ever. The catch………….. They stopped looking for handouts, and people changing things to meet their needs or come to there level and rose above even the systems in place. They had the mentality of all people are equal. We don't need to fight them or rave against them even when they are spiting on our good name.. Rather to find out their system and then do it one better! The best revenge is to become the best you can be. HOWEVER, it starts with a good family base! This revolving door of crime is NOT because of the system of schooling. It is because of the system of Dad after Dad NOT raising their child in just, true and righteous ways. Because they are not there to do so in the first place! STOP blaming everyone else. Change your cultural habits. Not everyone else's.

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