
Credit card debt at divorce. Look out!


#Credit #card #debt #divorce

divorce lawyers near me , Credit card debt at divorce. Look out!


5 thoughts on “Credit card debt at divorce. Look out!”

  1. No the attorneys and the realtor and DHS get the marital estate when you get divorce is nothing left..

  2. My degree is in business. When we were learning of the different types of business organizations (corporations, proprietorship, LLC) the obvious worst was a Partnership. The Partners are 'jointly and severally liable" for any debts of the business. I remember thinking who in their right mind would do that on purpose. Then I remember being married to my Ex. Oh yea, that was a crappy deal too. Marriage IS a legal partnership.

  3. A very prominent real estate investor and YouTuber a real good guy "Dion talk financial Freedom", after he got divorced he discovered there was 300K in credit card debt, he knew nothing about it. Luckily he was able to negotiate down to 80K but he had to pay it all himself, his wife's bad decisions all on him.

  4. I lost 70% of my money and assets due to my wife hiding her savings and having debts. What Jonathan is saying is 100% true in the UK. Karen the divorce judge will not hesitate to throw the husband under the bus in order to achieve "fairness". Think extremely hard if you want to co-habitat or marry in 2023. These divorce judges are completely unpredictable. You have been warned.

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