
Craig Houston & Silver Fox discuss the Hate Crime Scotland Law, SNP & Humza Yousaf


Craig Houston & Silver Fox discuss the Hate Crime Scotland Law, SNP & Humza Yousaf

#Craig #Houston #Silver #Fox #discuss #Hate #Crime #Scotland #Law #SNP #Humza #Yousaf

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criminal lawyer , Craig Houston & Silver Fox discuss the Hate Crime Scotland Law, SNP & Humza Yousaf, Craig Houston,Silver,Fox,Humza,Yousaf,SNP,Hate,Crime,Scotland,Holyrood

41 thoughts on “Craig Houston & Silver Fox discuss the Hate Crime Scotland Law, SNP & Humza Yousaf”

  1. They only use the racist card to try n shut folks up..pleas everyone don’t fall for that.

  2. Don't answer the door, the Humza's Brown Shirts are coming to arrest you for calling him the idiot that he is!!

  3. The snp and humza lie that much that they actually believe there never wrong always Westminster fault and make comparison with the other nations rather than take responsibility for all there failures which there is lots and I mean lots

  4. What can I post humza yousaf attacking the white people of scotland as rhat wa sabsolutle sheer hate.

  5. Nothing can be done to the predujice of the People, that's the Law. This piece of legistration is unlawful it literaly attacks people and predujices them.

  6. This "Law" lol was brought into Force and has been Used since the snp came in to Now un-Holyrood.
    It is a Charge of "Putting a Reasonable Person into a State of Fear or Alarm" and has been Used Hundreds of Thousands of Times Attacking White Males of any Age and You Only need "ONE" poor upset Baby to get it Noted and You as the Person having it made against dont get told (You can have Dozens of these Black marks against You and You are NOT aware or told by Polis" unless You find out by Mistake the Other Part of that Law is the
    "Two on One Law" and then You have a 99.9% "Chance" of being Guilty Unless You hold out for a Jury Trial which Yousef is ALSO trying to get Rid of ?????
    And Yous know i mean.

  7. I'll happily go to jail tomorrow!!!! No rent, no huge energy bills, three meals a day, TV, internet access and a bed to sleep in, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Here’s a crazy scenario regarding vicariously offended. Man with dog chatting to woman is overheard by passer-by who just hears ‘bitch’. The man was referring to his female dog, but you have that knee-jerk reaction from the ‘offended’ who thinks the WOMAN is being insulted.

  9. Dumza probably hates you two, but has to be careful. If he says he hates you then he’ll be breaking his own laws. We already know he hates a certain JK Rowling. 😉😉

  10. I think the 1st April says something. I think it'll be cancelled because basically it's a joke but it's got everyone riled up.

  11. When people are prosecuted under this law, could juries invalidate this so-called law , by refusing to convict people who had obviously violated it?

  12. Great video guys,silver fox said what I was thinking let’s inundate with hate crime reports!

  13. Who owns the sex shop ? I'll wager its owned by an SNP member .I mean ,who else would want to have a sex shop other that the nonce party .
    I myself would like to own a sweet shop 🍬🍭🍫
    Find out who owns the sex shop 👙,it might surprise you

  14. Another massive waste of money, resources and time. It'll only be used for one side against the other when it suits them and we all know how that will end. This is absolutely insane and I cant believe our government would stoop to these levels. What have the snp actually done for us scots since devolution, i challenge anyone to give me 3 good points in all these years, i cant even think of one.

  15. From what you say I think since the Woke mob will be out to get us for not agreeing with them and their twisted ideology, a preventative measure is get your hate complaint in first

  16. I saw a boycott apartheid Israel poster displayed in a Falkirk council owned building approximately 10 paces away from MP Michael Matheson constituency office ..They must pass that sign every day when they go to their office ,and never considered it offence or had it taken down

  17. mini prod…most of you already have those(varied sized) black boxes in your living rooms???..
    You have been imprisoned for decades,..cathode ray tubes,..and now light emitting diodes🐑???

  18. Hamza Hamas Putin
    Racism. Islamophobia. Hate crime
    Sounds like Germany in the 1930’s
    Welcome to Scotlanstan

  19. Does this decision reflect how unpopular the SNP executive in Scotland is becoming?? Does free speech still exist in Scotland?

  20. I feel Humzas ‘WHITE’ tirade is a hate crime. Clearly racist and hateful.
    Imagine someone Caucasian making the same speech, in Pakistan for instance, and shouting about positions in Pakistan being held by mainly Pakistanis. Not only would it be seen as racist but also a completely idiotic thing to say. He clearly is a poisonous individual.

  21. it's big brother 1984, citizens reporting and policing citizens with no requirement for any type of proof, ultimately they know it will quell any discontent or rebelling against the parliament. i suggest everyone read the book or if not watch the film, when you do, you will see it is 100% used as a blueprint for whats happening now !

  22. Humza will drop himself in this hate crime bill. . He hates
    1. white people
    2. Israel
    3. Rangers fc.
    4. No believers
    5. England 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  23. RH David Davis MP, Exposed the Salmond set up in the uk parliament, he stated Edinburgh does not have parliamentary privilege only the uk parliament

  24. Do you think that the SNP / Greens could end up being reported themselves? Do the SNP believe that this will make more people vote for them?

  25. Will Sultan Humza instruct Scottish Libraries to move the works of George Orwell into the Non Fiction section?

  26. Humza and Co won't be happy until children hand in their parents – it's heading there guys.

  27. We don't have enough police to enforce the current legislation, murders, rapes, burglary, gbh, car theft, etc., etc., etc., so the clowns at the SNP come up with this nonsense.

  28. If you look at the snp and greens standing on their soap boxes spouting their hate for other people's beliefs is that not hate crime .

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