
CPAC: The Conservative Case for Criminal Justice Reform


CPAC: The Conservative Case for Criminal Justice Reform

#CPAC #Conservative #Case #Criminal #Justice #Reform

“You wouldn’t necessarily expect–and certainly the establishment press doesn’t expect–to hear a discussion about criminal justice reforms and prison reform at the Conservative Political Action Conference,” stated Americans for Tax Reform Founder Grover Norquist. “But in point of fact this is a big problem, it’s an expensive problem, [and] it’s a problem that creates more expensive problems.”

During a Friday morning session at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the biggest annual gathering of right-leaning activists, Norquist, Texas Governor Rick Perry, and former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, laid out their vision for conservative criminal justice reform, highlighting a number of successful state-based initiatives implemented by Republican governors.

“We are not a soft on crime state, but I hope we get the reputation of being a smart on crime state,” Gov. Perry explained. “We shut a prison down last year. That is the message all across this country. You want to talk about real conservative governance, shut a prison down.”

Following the session, Reason Magazine’s Matt Welch visited the exhibition booths for Right on Crime, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, and Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, to get a sense of what was driving the undercurrent of interest in these issues, what sort of reception reform proponents are finding at CPAC, and the prospect of legislative cooperation with like-minded Democrats.

Produced by Meredith Bragg

Approximately 4 minutes.

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criminal law , CPAC: The Conservative Case for Criminal Justice Reform, reason,,,reason tv,reason magazine,reason foundation,criminal justice reform,mandatory minimums,drug war,grover norquist,gov. rick perry,rick perry,texas,bernie kerick,cpac,conservative,gop,repubican,libertarian,matt welch,crime,prison,detention,death penalty

27 thoughts on “CPAC: The Conservative Case for Criminal Justice Reform”

  1. In my city I have many thugs that break into my car , snatch cellphones out of my brothers hands rob people , and this isn’t just a one time thing, it happens VERY often. I want those thugs in prison. If we can reform the system to not lock up people as much, but throw all those assholes that keep robbing me and everyone I know, I’m all for it. Closing prisons is not a solution, it’s got to be fixed from the inside. Don’t tell me when these thugs get released the next day after from blatantly Robbing me , then I will not be ok with this. I’m all for liberty, but when you break the law you lose the right to be a free man

  2. since when are social conservatives more concerned ith second chances than mandatory minimums and other hard on crime policies? 
    In my state (AZ) the fiscal conservatives lowered prison cost by drastically lowering prison standards.  I am continuously amazed that the Supreme Court hasn't deemed Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Tent City a form of cruel and unusual punishment. 
    I wish the libertarians luck in their efforts to reform the Criminal Justice system.  Perhaps they could all agree that these isues are better dealt with on the state and locl level and get the federal government out of it. 

  3. oh yeah… politicians making promises again… when will we stop giving these cunts our attention?

  4. I think people are realizing we need to cut spending and are interested in hearing about anything options we have.  This is a good one.

  5. <<<<<<<LISTEN UP REPUBLICANS>>>>> THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU KEEP LOSING NATIONAL ELECTIONS!!!! WAKE UP! (Especially that guy in the Taliban mustache!… yikes!) 

  6. 'That's how you get real legislation passed'??????? How about repealing some legislation? I think that's the way to go! The LAST thing this country needs is MORE legislation.

  7. If the GOP stops supporting ALEC and their push for private prisons, I'll take them seriously. Until then, every single one is full of shit.

  8. Wow, being blindsided by the glorious mustache/beard combo right as the video starts was nearly overwhelming!

  9. There will always [for the foreseeable future] be a right and a left. Hopefully there might come a time when more people are libertarian and we have a 3 way split but even then a left and a right will exist.

    I want to think that the right can be moved in a more libertarian direction. I've said in the past that Ron Paul is not the best libertarian but instead he is everything a Republican should be; socially conservative, economically libertarian, and strongly in favor of the constitution and states rights. The Republicans aren't going anywhere but if more could be like Ron Paul they'd be much better off.

    I also think similar things about the left. Perhaps when the Republicans are in power again they will be more willing to move in a more libertarian direction. Remember when they used to compare the Patriot Act to 1984? Then Obama expanded it and the left didn't seem to care? I think the left needs more people like Kuchinich or something.

    I don't ask the left and right to stop being the left and right. Be nice if they did but I'm not holding my breath. I want them to be more like that they claim to be instead of what they are. Instead we have 3 parties who want nothing more than to make the state bigger any way they can.

  10. Rick Perry, the person who is the governor of a state that puts people in jail for up to 6 months for having small amounts of weed

  11. I dont like subdividing conservatives but Im in all three named never the less.

    The way to victory in modern politics is all about the word 'yes'. Yes you can get married. Yes you can have guns. Yes you can go to the school you want. Democrats learned that in 08 with Obama (Yes We Can), I wish Republicans would as well.
    Yes you can keep most of your money.
    Yes you can control your property.
    Yes you can have firearms.
    Yes you can start a business.
    Yes you can choose your own health care.
    Yes you can choose your own school.

  12. anybody else notice that Rand Paul's face was everywhere? I think that's a sign for what is to come who else thinks or hopes so?

  13. "solution that makes it worse"?

    YOUR SIDE of the aisle (conservative) has done NOTHING BUT make it worse!  mandatory minimums, overly-vague SYG, 3 Strikes, death penalty, private prisons, you name it

    But now… suddenly conservatives "will do it right" this time?

    I'm skeptical, but here's hoping they GET IT finally!

  14. And then you got the 'tough on crime' Republicans/conservatives…

    where does that leave the "compassionate social conservatives" on crime? o.O maybe 10% of all (social) conservatives? 5%?

  15. Who are these "social conservatives" who are so "interested in second chances and redemption"?? lol

    more so than, say, liberals?

  16. As a libertarian I could at least acknowledge the conservatives are coming to our side unlike liberals who are running toward socialism

  17. "Conservative" view on criminal justice = MORE WELFARE FOR PIGS

    The "Right" needs to turn on and GUT Law Enforcement in this country top to bottom.

    Cut off the War on Drug and War on Terror moneys immediately.  The subsequent culling of bad cops will happen almost immediately.

  18. Good luck with that. You are dealing with people. Some people will never be reformed. Then someone will trot out that "their group" is "over represented" and it'll get bogged down.

  19. Hope you guys didn't have to pay to be at that rhetoric filled hall of doom.

    Epic stache @1:01 probably the best part of CPAC outside Fein's comments.

  20. Its about time….. as an Independent i must admit the Republican party is really starting to shape up…. the PAULS are starting to loosen the establishment`s hold on it.  Good for America, I believe.

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