
Could Scotland’s hate crime laws be the beginning of the end for free speech?


Could Scotland’s hate crime laws be the beginning of the end for free speech?

#Scotlands #hate #crime #laws #beginning #free #speech

Scotland’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Act came into force on Monday – and within 48 hours at least 800 ‘hate crimes’ had been reported to Scottish police. An SNP initiative, the law criminalises ‘stirring up hatred’ relating to certain protected groups – although it doesn’t cover misogyny against women.

Supporters say the law provides protection from hate and prejudice without stifling individual expression, critics – including JK Rowling – are concerned the legislation could harm free speech.

So, what’s in the new law and why has it put Scotland once again at the centre of the culture wars?

Guest: Kieran Andrews, Scottish Political Editor, The Times & Sunday Times.

Host: Manveen Rana.

Clips: BBC, Sky News, This Morning, JRE, The Daily Mail, ITV News, BBC, TalkTV, BBC, GB News, Police Scotland.

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criminal law , Could Scotland’s hate crime laws be the beginning of the end for free speech?, timesradio,hate crime,scotland hate crime law,scottish hate crime law,trans,hate speech,scottish,hate crime law,hate crimes,non crime hate incident,scottish hate crime,scottish hate crime act,scottish hate crime laws,scottish hate crime advert,jk rowling hate crime laws scotland,trans rights,crime,jk rowling hate crime,jk rowling hate crime laws,scottish comedy,scottish parliament,hate crime law uk,hate speech law,hate speech laws,snp,humza yousaf

38 thoughts on “Could Scotland’s hate crime laws be the beginning of the end for free speech?”

  1. the comments here by people who have been seduced by the right wing media such as Sky, GB news etc who have presented a narrative that relates to the act by the skin of their teeth and the people who are dim enough to believe this rhetoric don't read the law either. The people who are so proudly writing to the police using hate speech to make a claim, don't realise that they're not going to get much action because their claim is not about a protected group. Those that think its about blasphemy against Allah are also ignorant as this has not been protected. As is good for the people and obvious from the comments this act doesn't prevent you being a bigot, your still free to hate, if that is your way, but you're not free to incite. But there's plenty in the media who will do that for you

  2. These reports were getting less frequent in scotland. The opposite of a rising tide. However this law is stirring it up

  3. In case you are wondering, the 'friendly and inclusive' official SNP YouTube channel has 'owner disabled dislike button' and also disabled the ability to comment! Free speech?

  4. How did he manage to become Prime minister in Scotland. Vote in a white Scotsman who will take care of Scottish heritage and Scotland.

  5. TW are Men. TM are Women. Nonbinary doesn't exist outside of Identifying As. Humans come in the form of Male or Female, and those with intersex conditions are also either Male or Female, there is no third sex. Gender is window dressing, entirely made up and meaningless outside of the brain partaking in it. There, it's that simple.

  6. can someone tell the narrator this is not about freedom of speech, its about shutting down people complaining about the likes of Useless

  7. SNP politicians can be seen with their fellow jihadi's every Saturday screaming for a second holocaust, a final solution and the extermination of an entire race of people
    But Yousless says that is not a hate crime but freedom of expression
    Not like the heinous unforgiveable crime of using the wrong pronoun or calling a woman a woman which can land you seven years in the Gulag

  8. Yousless's Gestapo cannot arrest me
    I've self identified as a diplomat and have diplomatic immunity

  9. Think about this Scotland – you going to have the Police – living in your head RENT FREE😲

  10. Freedom of speech is the corner stone of Democracy. Without freedom of speech you cannot claim to be a democratic country. So that is the end of democracy in Scotland. Yet Humza has basically committed treason and he is a racist and the police do nothing about it. So there are massive problems now facing Scotland.

  11. White ! White! White!
    Of course, since 95.4% of Scotland is white.
    I counted 131 Scottish MPs. If the remaining 4.6% of Scotland is non white, then proportionally there should be no more than 6.026 Scottish MPs who are non white. If there's more than that figure then they are over-represented and it's discrimination against white people. How far does this have to go? All unhappy Scots should file a complaint to the police about hazmats white rant. If it'd been the other way round there would have been arrests, suspensions and sackings. Time to end the discrimination against white people!

  12. Yousaf – what’s Scotland to adopt the backward ways that he knows!

    He won’t speak out against Islamic terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic State, ISIS, the Taliban or Islamic hate preachers in the UK – but he’ll jail you if you speak out against Islam!!!

    Next stop – sharia law – ask him to denounce that!!!

    Backward man with backward beliefs full of prejudice!

  13. I’m glad he’s proud of this nefarious Act. When it’s the cause of his downfall he can own it all.
    If there is a rise in hate in Scotland, as he suggests, his party has been the catalyst for most of it with their over reach into our lives.
    Much like Sturgeon with the GRR Bill.

  14. Could it be that women are not included in Humza Yousaf's hate laws – because his own religion treats women so badly in Sharia? I mean if they put women in as a protected group could people report Muslim preachers for preaching the Koran? I mean Islam preaches a woman is worth half a man in witness, and gets half her brothers inheritance. It also codifies the rules on wife beating — etc.
    As a Scot – I do not recognise the hateful place Humza Yousaf describes Scotland as – to be frank, I think he's lying about the amount of anti-Muslim hate he's suffered. In fact Scots are so goodie-goodie – our society is if anything rather sanctimonious around racism and such. Ironically – it's the SNP's quite frequent anti-English comment is really the nearest we get to being a racist country.
    And on the "reasonable person" remember a Scottish judge, whom we are supposed to imagine would be "a reasonable person," found the comedian Dankula guilty of hate, and threatened him with a year in jail, and eventually fined him, for teaching his wife's pug dog to zeig heil, an obvious joke – a joke which he prefaced as a joke.

  15. This seems like the morality Police that they have in many muslim countries. A lot of conversation has been around enforcing trans-ideology and removing women as a protected group. But this is also an end run around the UKs long standing anti-blasphemy laws that say you can't be prosecuted for saying something that someone else considers blasphemous. This has been a complaint of muslims in the UK who feel that any criticism of Islam, drawing an image of Muhammad, etc is a hate-crime against their religion. So now the muslim First Minister has pushed through this law that could be used to criminalize any criticism of Islam.

  16. Could be the End in Scotland, when you bow to Islam..?
    This Muslim is just trying to ban criticism of his own
    Backward Medeival Religious Nonsence..
    Ignore this at your Peril..
    Don't fall for it..🇬🇧

  17. Are they going to remove the names of the targets of spurious claims from their “non crime” list ? They said that the First minister wasn’t going to be added to the list after the hundreds of complaints to the Police about his White White White speech were declared spurious.

  18. Nicola has started this ball rolling on behalf of one particular person and has ended up ticking off an entire wee nation of people pretty much. Well done 👍

  19. this law is total madness! Am French and love the UK, lived there for 30 years! Please fight back against this awful man who hates the people who took him in and is trying to bring dictature to beautiful Scotland!!! How he forgot women is Bloody shocking!!! I vote for JK Rowling all the way!!

  20. It's the beginning of the end for woke tyranny and bs – IF we all stand firm and refuse to comply with their garbage law.

  21. I get it! #kilts! We were always suspect “men” hahaha! Kindergarten lives in Scotland! “Mommy, i’m telling” “we’re being governed by a _____ fill in the blank.

  22. Thing is you voted for the SNP Scotland this is on you!

    Even if Sturgeon was still FM this bill would have been passed. Scottish people have been blinded by their desperation for independence that the important things that really matter have been neglected. You people that voted SNP & still do are foolish to allow the once proud Scottish heritage to be destroyed, SHAME ON YOU ALL! Away and fly your Hamas/Palestine flags…..traitors to Scotland.

  23. This is what happens when Islam gets in positions of power. For God’s sake people wake up!

  24. I challenge anyone to watch Humzas' face as he talks and not feel a creeping fear and growing revulsion ….

  25. This was voted for by the SNP, Labour, the Green Party and the Lib Dems. They all supported East Germany style tyranny. Be careful how you vote folks.

  26. No way will a second GENERATION IMIGRANT dictate to me what i can say in my own country or home i am a sevent seven year old WHITEMan and proud

  27. Humza attacks Western values. Not surprising. Why he is getting away with it is so sad.

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