
Cory Booker: US criminal justice is creating a “caste system”


Cory Booker: US criminal justice is creating a “caste system”

#Cory #Booker #criminal #justice #creating #caste #system

Sen. Cory Booker (D–NJ) sat down with Vox’s German Lopez to discuss racial disparities in America’s criminal justice system. See the full interview here:

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criminal law , Cory Booker: US criminal justice is creating a “caste system”, vox,news,current events,vice,fox,msnbc,United States Of America (Country),drugs,drug war,racism,racist,The New Jim Crow (Book),michelle alexander,john legend,Cory Booker (Politician),Bbc,Criminal Justice (Media Genre),politics,mandatory minimums,marijuana,medical marijuana,rand paul,bipartisanship

40 thoughts on “Cory Booker: US criminal justice is creating a “caste system””

  1. I just want to be left alone and not have a criminal record that misrepresents me. I am not a drug dealer nor am I violent. What is happening with all the money and property seized by law enforcement agencies and why is drug treatment centers so few and far between?

  2. Black people must not have agency according to Mr. Booker. Recidivism rates should be ignored I guess. This is the soft bigotry of low expectations.

  3. "This convergence in understanding… shows me that this is a time of great hope for our country."  ……Don't you miss the optimism we had in 2015?

  4. PS…he's a sell out. He blocked Americans from getting cheaper medications from Canada. He received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Big Pharm. What a great person….he's another paid off scumbag.

  5. Hmmm, I know someone VERY close to me, when she was 19 yo, 1974, went to Colombia, smuggled in 3 ounces of coke. Then a few days later after being back in the States, did a coke deal to sell 1 ounce of coke. The guys pulled out a .25 gun on her but she was able to run for a .22 rifle. She shot 2 of the 3 guys; abdomen & stomach…they lived. She got off but it should have been for self-defense. Coke was NEVER found. NO jail time except the initial arrest & just for a weekend: Rockland County Jail, NY. She had a lawyer which her father hired but she did NOT want one 'cause she knew it was self-defense & there were 2-3 witnesses. A few years ago, she tried to buy a .22 rifle but was denied by the FBI (??). Make a long story short…she's a RN, BSN. Yeah, she's white, her dad FDNY (RIP). Her uncle (RIP) was an investigated for the IRS & he found out about the shooting before her dad; they have the same surname. He was in DC at time. It's who you know…the connections you have….that's all I have to say. BTW, she's a GREAT RN….!!!!

  6. The system is really f*cked up. People go to jail, do the time, get out and keep doing the time for the rest of their lives. Is not fair nor is it right. The worst part, nothing is being done to change it and nothing will effectively be done in the near future. It's heart breaking.

  7. Bottom line, people have the greatest power at hand which is the ability of "choice". If you don't want to do the time don't do the crime. This senator is simply pandering to the minorities and trying to shame non-minorities.

  8. Listen people this man is a phony. Hes been bought out by every lobbyist in Washington. He may talk in a way we like but at the end of the day he is lying to you. Don't trust this phony politician.

  9. This man may be riding the race rights debate so that he can ensure a seat to democratic candidacy. I hope people are not so impassioned to be able realize that he is likely not like Bernie Sanders, that he is not routinely progressive nor a man of solid ideals. He has shown that he may in fact a corporate democrat similar to Hilary Clinton because he has allowed corporations, most notably, pharmaceutical companies get their hands on him. Please see his record and determine thusly if he has properly represented you.

  10. Prison is intended to protect a healthy society from The truly "Bad". Those BEYOND Reform. It is not designed for reform or social or personal growth. Spike that we incarcerate millions under the guise of reform for rehabilitation. Addiction is a disease common sense would tell you that individual cited for possession of a drug are medical and emotional help, and should never see a prison cell. Incarcerating us for driving on a suspended license (Drunk Driving not included here), or debtors prison, the constitution declared a violation of The people's rights. The problem lies in the indifference of the American People. Criminalized poverty, that's what's going on. Quit watching the network news. The census if you dig through his information that will blow your mind. Stop believing what the government tells you without gathering, and assessing your OWN research first. Stop assuming a persons arrest was executed because of their guilt. 97% of all court case's in the United States, never go to court, The defendant settles to a plea Agreement, terrified of a longer sentence by trumped up charges, that disappear in the plea agreement, and counseled by the public court appointed lawyer, that works for the court.

  11. I agree we need criminal reform. If people have done crimes that allow them to eventually leave prison we need them to be able to be welcomed in some way in society and eliminate recivitism.

  12. I live in California and I wish this guy was my senator. He truly cares about juveniles getting their life back together.

  13. No need to worry about that, i'm sure the police will shoot those individuals before they put too much pressure on prison system.

  14. Would love, love, love for Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders to join forces! That's the dream team for the beginning of the reformation of our broken system.

  15. Americans who say USA is number 1 clearly know nothing about the rest of the world.  We don't have half your problems.

  16. Thank you Mr. C. Booker for using your platform, to bring up a subject that should be an everyday conversation.

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