
Correction and Community Pillars | Criminal Justice System


Correction and Community Pillars | Criminal Justice System

#Correction #Community #Pillars #Criminal #Justice #System

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criminal law , Correction and Community Pillars | Criminal Justice System, cjs,criminal justice system,crime,criminology,prc,board exam,law enforcement,correction,jail,prison,justice,criminal,pillars,society,community

21 thoughts on “Correction and Community Pillars | Criminal Justice System”

  1. CORRECTION,punishment. Chastisement by one having authority of a person who has committed some offence, for the purpose of bringing him to legal subjection.

    Lupon is composed of Barangay Captain,as chairman and not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) members, to be constituted every two years in the following manner. Who is residing in barangay or working in barangay.

    Pangkat tagapagsundo consisting of three members who shall be chosen by the parties to the dispute from the list members of the lupon.

  2. It covers work with communities and organized groups in fighting against criminality.

    Lupon- consist of 10 – 20 members composed of punong barangay as chairman of lupon, shall be constituted every three years. there will be no educational qualification as long as the person is considered to meet the qualification set by the republic act 7160 or the local government code of the Philippines it can be a member of the lupon.

    pangkat ng tagapagsundo- among the 20 members of the lupon 3 members will be selected the consolation panel. the pangkat tagapagsundo is the one who will settle the dispute.

  3. Community in justice system they have private sector private person that have right to protect their communities and have responsibility to protect from the criminality.

    Lupon consisting of 10 to 20 members this are composed by chairman of the barangay and they have right to be middle of the situation.

    lupon ng tagpapakasundo is that consisting of 3 members of the punel if the and they have to draw if the one parties is not settle about the actual situation. And lupin ng barangay shall have authority to bring together parties actually residing in the same city or municipality for Amicable settlement.

  4. This are the classification of sentence prisoners 1st Insular or National Prisoners this are sentenced to suffer a term of sentence 3 years.amd 1 day to life imprisonment. 2nd Provincial Prisoners This prisoner sentenced 6months and 1 day to 3 years imprisonment. 3rd City Prisoners this are sentenced to 1 day to 3 years of imprisonment. 4th Municipal Prisoners This are municipality jails to serve sentenced of 1 day to 6 months imprisonment.

  5. The community pillar covers with communities and organized groups in fighting criminality, collectively impose limitations on citizen's behavior to deter criminality/criminal behavior, and serve as society at large where a person convicted of a crime goes back to after serving his/her sentence.

    Lupon is composed of Barangay Captain,as chairman and not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) members, to be constituted every two years in the following manner. Who is residing in barangay or working in barangay.

    Pangkat tagapagsundo consisting of three members who shall be chosen by the parties to the dispute from the list members of the lupon.

  6. There are four classification of sentenced prisoners the Insular or National Prisoners, Provincial Prisoners, City Prisoners, and Municipal Prisoners.
    Insular or National Prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of sentence of 3 years and 1 day to life imprisonment. While Provincial Prisoners are those person sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 6 months and 1 day to 3 years.While City Prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 1 day to 3 years.While Municipal Prisoners are those confined in municipal jail to serve imprisonment from 1 day to 6 months.

  7. The first justification of punishment is Retribution the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforce. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it.
    The second is Expiation or Atonement it is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group.The third is Deterrence punishment give lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if the violate the law. Punishment is imposed to warn potential offenders that they can not afford to do what the offender has done. The fourth isIncapacitation and protection the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he can not harm others especially the public. Punishment is effected by placing offenders in prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal depredations of criminals. The fifth is Reformation or Rehabilitation it is the establishment of the usefulness and responsibilities of the offender . Society's interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison.

  8. Correction= is the branch of the administration of Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.

    The difference between the three school of penology is that The Classical School maintains the "doctrine of psychological hedonism" or "free will". On the other hand The Neo-classical School it maintained that while the classical doctrine is correct in general, children and lunatics cannot calculate the differences of pleasures from pain, they should not be regarded as criminals, hence they should be free from punishment. While The Positivist/Italian School adheres that crimes, as any other act, is a natural phenomenon. Criminals are considered as sick individuals who need to be treated by treatments programs rather than punitive actions against them.

    The difference is that jails are intended for short sentences and temporary confinement while prisons are for felony sentencing longer than a year.

  9. Retribution is the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated afford the society or.individuals

    expiation or atonement it is punishment in the form of the group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offenders public or group

    Deterrence punishment of the person give lesson to the offender by showing to the others what would happen to them if the violate the law punishment will be imposed to warn potential offenders that they can not afford to do what the offender has be done
    Incapacitation and protection the public will be protected if the offender has being held in the condition where he cannot harm the other person.punishment is affected by placing the offenders in prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal depredation of the criminals.

    Reformation or Rehabilitation it is established of the use fulness and responsibilities of the offenders. The Society interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen and production upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo interview programs of the rehabilitation in prison.

  10. Correction it is a branch of the administration of CJS changed with the responsibility for the custody supervision and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.

    The difference between the 3 school of penology first is the classical school it is domain psychological and assumptions of the all individuals can calculate pain amd pleasure meaning in this school punishing does not to exempt whatever background of the person or anyone.
    The Neo Classical school it is the classical correction in general.children and lunatics and those person suffering from the psychological disorders connot calculate pain therefore these person or individuals are.exempted to any punishment. and the posivitist/Italian school they're theories is that criminals are.sicks individuals the person has a bad personality it considers as a sick person who needs to be treated to rehabilitation.
    jails are people that is sentence short term or temporary confinement The prison are also the people sentencing longer than a year of life time.

  11. The community makes sure that the convicted person will be accepted to the community and also prevents criminalities in the community.

    Lupon consist of 10-20 members composed of the punong barangay as the chairman of the lupon . The lupon shall be constituted every 3 years.

    Pangkat ng tagapagkasundo or conciliation panel only consist of 3 members to form the conciliation panel who shall be chosen by the parties to dispute from the list of members of the lupon.

  12. Municipal Prisoners if the punishment or imprisonment is from 1 day to 6 months.

    City Prisoners if the punishment is from 1 day to 3 years that is called City prisoners.

    Provincial prisoners if the imprisonment is from 6 months and 1 day to 3 years.

    Insular or National prisoner those sentenced to suffer a term of sentence of 3 years and 1 day to life imprisonment.

  13. Retribution the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforce. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it.

    Expiation or Atonement it is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group.

    Deterrence punishment give lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if the violate the law. Punishment is imposed to warn potential offenders that they can not afford to do what the offender has done.

    Incapacitation and protection the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he can not harm others especially the public. Punishment is effected by placing offenders in prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal depredations of criminals.

    Reformation or Rehabilitation it is establishment of the usefulness and responsibilities of the offender . Society's interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison.

  14. The community pillar covers work with communites and organized groups in fighting criminality, collectively impose limitations on citizen's behavior to deter criminality/criminal behavior, and serve as society at large where a person convicted of a crime goes back to after serving his/her sentence.

    Citizens called Pacification Committees (Lupon Tagapamayapa) have been organized to effect extrajudicial settlement of minor cases between barangay residents. In each lupon (committee) there is a Conciliation Body (Pangkat Tagapagkasundo), the main function of which is to bring opposing parties together and effect amicable settlement of differences.

    Pangkat ng tagapagkasundo referred to as the pangkat, consisting of three members who shall be chosen by the parties to the dispute from the list of members of the lupon. Should the parties fail to agree on the pangkat membership, the same shall be determined by lots drawn by lupn chairman.

  15. Correction – is a branch of the administration of CJS charges with the responsibility for the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.

    The difference between the 3 schools of penology is the classical school it has an assumptions that all individual can calculate pain and pleasure meaning in this school punishment does not exempt whatever background of a person like kid adult and seniors. but in the neo-classical school it is an opposite because the theories of neo-classical school since the children and lunatics and those persons suffering from psychological disorder cannot calculate pain therefore these individuals are exempted from punishment. while the positivist/Italian school they're theories is that criminals are sick individuals, if a person has a bad personality it considered a sick person who needs to be treated rehabilitations.

    Jail used to confine people who are waiting for trial while prison is designed to hold convicts with serious crimes.

  16. Insular or National Prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of sentence of 3 years and 1 day to life imprisonment. Provincial Prisoners are those persons sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 6 months and 1 day to 3 years. City Prisoners are those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 1 day to 3 years. Municipal Prisoners are those confined in Municipal jails to serve an imprisonment from 1 day tot 6 months.

  17. Retribution is the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforeced. Expiation or atonement is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group. Deterrence punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they violate the law. Incapacitation and Protection the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he cant not harm other especially the public. Reformation or Rehabilitation it is the establishment of the usefulness and responsibility of the offender.

  18. Correction is the branch of the administration of Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.

    The difference between the three school of penology is that The Classical School maintains the "doctrine of psychological hedonism" or "free will". On the other hand The Neo-classical School it maintained that while the classical doctrine is correct in general, children and lunatics cannot calculate the differences of pleasures from pain, they should not be regarded as criminals, hence they should be free from punishment. While The Positivist/Italian School adheres that crimes, as any other act, is a natural phenomenon. Criminals are considered as sick individuals who need to be treated by treatments programs rather than punitive actions against them.

    Jails are intended for short sentences and temporary confinement while prisons are for felony sentencing longer than a year.

  19. Municipal prisoners those who can find in municipal jails to serve and imprisonment from one day to 6 months .

    City prisoners the sentence to suffer a term of imprisonment from one day 23 years those who detained there in whose cases are filed with the MTC.

    Provincial prisoners those person sentence to suffer a term of imprisonment from six months and 1 day to 3 years.

    Insular or national prisoners those sentence to software a term of sentence of three years and one day to life imprisonment .

  20. Retribution the punishment should be provided by the state whose function is violated , to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforced . Offenders should be punished because they deserved it .

    Expiation or atonement it is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group .

    Deterrence punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they violate the law . Punishment is imposed to one potential offenders that they cannot afford to do what the offender has done .

    Incapacitation and protection the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he cannot harm others especially the public . Is affected by placing offenders in prison so that society will be ensured from further criminal depredations of criminals .

    Reformation or rehabilitation it is the establishment of the usefulness and responsibilities of the offender . Society's interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison .

  21. Correction is the branch of administration of cgs charged with the responsibility for the custody ,supervision and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.

    The classical school is referred as having rationality or having free will it has all the assumption that human can calculate pain and pleasure.

    The Neo-classical school it is opposite from classical school because they cannot calculate pain and pleasure.

    The positivist/italian school is criminals are sick individuals who needs to be hospitalized .

    jails are intended for short sentences and temporary confinement while prisons are for felony sentencing longer than a year

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