
Cops Searching Your Property Without a Warrant or Consent? Here’s What to Do… 👮‍♂️


Cops Searching Your Property Without a Warrant or Consent? Here’s What to Do… 👮‍♂️

#Cops #Searching #Property #Warrant #Consent #Heres #Do..

Police come knocking down your door without a warrant? It happens more than you think… Here’s what to do.

First and foremost, DON’T fight the cops. The cops are in attack mode and they have dozens of weapons. Plus, they will be more than happy to tack on charges if you’re violent or resisting arrest. Comply with the officers and call your attorney. If you have any home security footage, save it to a hard drive for your attorney to see.

If you don’t have any attorney, add my office’s number to your contacts so you have someone to call: 817-839-3965
criminal lawyer , Cops Searching Your Property Without a Warrant or Consent? Here’s What to Do… 👮‍♂️, DFW lawyer,attorney life,attorney reacts,attorney secrets,fort worth lawyer,illegal search,lawyer life,lawyer reacts,lawyer secrets,search warrant,search warrants

32 thoughts on “Cops Searching Your Property Without a Warrant or Consent? Here’s What to Do… 👮‍♂️”

  1. A repo man told me that on an indian reservation you can't reposes a car without permission from the chief. If you get shot without permission to take the car it is a just shooting. This rule needs to be the rule for all law enforcement.

  2. They are gonna throw you to the ground and out cuffs on everyone ……the abuse you anyway. That’s what cops do

  3. Allowing them to break laws and trample on your rights to survive the encounter lets us know “there’s something wrong here!”🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  4. This guy pisses me off to the nth degree. I swear he is a shill for the pigs. Probably a beta cuck. It's as though he gets off on the cops fucking you up. Of course he will be right there to "represent " you….for a very large sum of money of course. He never talks about how to make Said pigs suffer for what they did.

  5. So how are you going to arrest me for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest when you are at the wrong place?✌🏾☪️😏

  6. You mean things they will charge you with whether it's justified or not? Whether you do anything other than cooperate or not?

  7. If the police break down my door or force their way in without a warrant or probable cause, rest assured I will comply. I will happily comply. I will do this because I know the city is going to make me very wealthy when I sue.

  8. In the USA it’s definitely the most dangerous time of the arrest here in the uk it’s probably not so, For 1 thing British police don’t carry guns per se, though we do have armed police which can be called on 24 hrs a day, 7 da a week, 52 weeks of the year but unlike ur police ours are very reluctant to fire them.

  9. The fact that in school they tell you to trust and go to police for help then when you grow up they become the enemy and the ones most likely to kill you

  10. Police violate your Rights and when you defend yourself and your home they make you the criminal.

    We do not live in a free country

  11. I think if a whole group of people banned together and really stood behind one another we could show them what they REALLY need. The sMe as anyone else that comes through the door uninvited 😂

  12. They are going to do all of those things but you have the absolute unbridled right to defend yourself from unlawful intrusion. Do with that as you will. These days with a very likely possibility that you've got multiple camera angles to defend your position after the incident you have to decide whether those people who may or may not be police coming through that door or are not going to allow you to survive this illegal intrusion

  13. Believe kt or not all those notorious oitlaws back a hundred years ago thwy were actually heros. The whole Judicial system is a bunch of tyrants and they knew it back then too. Yeah back when a man was a man and didn't mind dying.

  14. There needs to be a law that allows people to defend their property and themselves against the police illegal actions against them.. Yes… even with pew pews.

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