
Cops Really Think a First Amendment Auditor Can Be Removed from PUBLIC


Cops Really Think a First Amendment Auditor Can Be Removed from PUBLIC

#Cops #Amendment #Auditor #Removed #PUBLIC

#firstamendmentaudit #recognizingourrights #cops
criminal law , Cops Really Think a First Amendment Auditor Can Be Removed from PUBLIC, first amendment audit,1st amendment audit,audit,cops,police,karen,karens,walk of shame,police activity,crime,id refusal,news,police brutality,world news,fourth amendment,fifth amendment,amagansett press,bay area transparency,honor your oath,rogue nation,long island audit,tyrant,recognizing our rights,short,unlawful trespass,trespassed from public property,trespassed from post office,recording without consent,recording without permission,major lee awesome

38 thoughts on “Cops Really Think a First Amendment Auditor Can Be Removed from PUBLIC”

  1. Drunk, mentally challenged and wearing a badge and gun.
    This is a dangerous combination.


  3. And yes they really are just this stupid and corrupt as well as evil and wicked. Remember they are trained to lie to you….don’t trust them. Disgusting and terrible people.

  4. Every 'auditor' is a total crayon-eating, shit-stirring wanker. I guess their logic also means anyone else can film the man-child OP taking a shit or whilst having a wank over their hentai collection. Then post it online.

  5. These are not police, they come out of the academy as a qualified Oxymoron. This is entry level Biden's Malita.

  6. Please certify these public servants on the constitution and law and when they infringe on the constitution and law they will lose their qualified immunity and be fined personally. Every public government building needs to have a copy of the "Bill of Rights" so people who work there can read it. It is unbelievable that people who work for the government in public buildings don't know what their job is. Why is this still happening?

  7. If you've been trespassed from public does that mean cops can wait outside your home and the moment you leave and go out into the public they can arrest you? Accuse me officer what law is that? Or is it an anal ordinance? Just Sayin'.

  8. Do the Police get ANY kind of training besides on how to lie and how to take away OUR RIGHTS. Someone please maybe an honest cop could answer😅

  9. So why is it a law that the police can lie to you but you can't lie to the police without it being illegal?

  10. That is the private U.S. Postal Service. The PUBLIC U.S. Postal Service is across town.

  11. LEOs have abused the authority to lie. They lie so much, THEY start believing it as truth/law!

  12. So, does that officer have juridiction on Ferderal Property? And weapons are ilegal on Federal property, so he's committed two felonies in two minutes?…🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. The person filming ,,, YES you need the persons consent before you post the video on youtube , you agreed to youtube privacy policy , maybe try reading it …."public building"" , and ""public property"" are literally and legally property/buildings owned by the government/state/county/city/town, and they have the right to enforce their own regulations in/on their property in exactly the same manner as the owners of private property.,,,,,,,,,CASE LAW ……."The First Amendment does not give citizens the right to exercise free speech rights on any government property at any time. “The State, no less than a private owner of property, has power to preserve the property under its control for the use to which it is lawfully dedicated.”,,,, Adderley v. State of Florida, 385 US 39, 47 (1967)………….“[T]he FirstAmendment does not guarantee access to property simply because it is owned or controlled by the government.” ,,,,United States Postal Service v. Greenburgh Civic Association, 453 US 114, 129 (1981)…….That means that ""public buildings"" , and ""public property"" have the same rights as the owners of private property, they can enforce regulations without violating anyone's rights, ""no shirt, no shoes, no service"" , there does not have to be a law or statute which states that shoes and shirts are mandatory, the owners, building managers have every right to apply and enforce restrictions on their property, including "no filming".;;……….Anyone can be trespassed from any property by the owner or manager of the property/building , ""auditors"" often claim that they cannot be trespassed from a ""public building" or "public property"" without having committed a crime , this is total BS, they are trying to intimidate employees and police by lying and threatening retaliation by prosecuting ,,,, there does NOT have to be a crime to trespass someone , there does NOT have to be a sign saying private access, authorized personnel only etc , anyone can be verbally informed that an area is restricted, and that is legally binding and has the same value as a sign.,,,,,

  14. What the hell is the police academy? Is it just an extended nap time? That is the logical explanation for why hardly any cops know their job.

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