
Cops HAVE to Think You’re Armed and Dangerous For This to Happen… #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights


Cops HAVE to Think You’re Armed and Dangerous For This to Happen… #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

#Cops #Youre #Armed #Dangerous #Happen.. #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

The Terry v. Ohio case (see my other videos if you aren’t familiar with it) set a standard with police interactions. Unfortunately, the standard allows police to detain people if they seem suspicious to an officer, without evidence they are actively committing a crime. But, it does require police to have a reasonable suspicion that the citizen is armed and dangerous if there is no probable cause of a crime taking place. They MUST believe that the person is BOTH armed AND dangerous, not just one or the other.

This is very important to be aware of as a citizen. If a cop pulls you over and just decides to search you, you can say, “Officer, I do not consent to a search of my person or property.” If they say they are going to search you anyways, ask why they think you are armed and dangerous. This puts them in a position to explain themselves, which you could take to court later if they give a bogus answer.

criminal law , Cops HAVE to Think You’re Armed and Dangerous For This to Happen… #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights, attorney reacts,civil rights,constitution,constitutional rights,know the law,know your rights,lawyer knows best,lawyer reacts,terry v ohio,terry vs ohio,we the people

36 thoughts on “Cops HAVE to Think You’re Armed and Dangerous For This to Happen… #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights”

  1. I challenge anyone, including this lawyer, to show me a video or news article where an officer suffered ANY from real accountability for not providing SAF (a single articulable fact) that lead them to believe that one is CURRENTLY armed. And no, the ubiquitous "how do I know that you're NOT armed" doesn't count.

    A "rule" without enforcement/consequences, is as effective as a non-existent rule.

  2. Yes, and the more you try to explain this to them, the more likely you are to get the George Floyd treatment.

  3. Didn't the NYPD get in trouble because of something like this. "Stop and Frisk" I think it was called.

  4. Cops can’t articulate much these days. They just make it up as they go and aren’t required to know any laws and very likely to never be held accountable.

  5. Well, let’s not forget you also have PP which is police paranoia, which is everybody’s trying to kill them or the Firearms in the trunk and you’re sitting in the driver seat and that’s too much risk for them. You know when you’re too stupid to do any other job in life you can always become a cop.

  6. Cops are going to do what ever they want they don't care about what this man says they should do

  7. All they do is lie anyway! Why isn’t there a website yet for bad cops ? You should be able to view their history, look up badge numbers, and other info on them!!!

  8. Theyre going to do it anyway. That's the sad part. Few of us have the means to take it high enough in the courts to fight it. State and local governments are absolutely fascist. I trust the feds more than the state.

  9. I really hate the idea that somehow, magically – even though we pay their salaries – it couldve ended up the other way – where somehow, theyre allowed to… be corrupt, and attack us for no reason – Oh wait – that happens everyday with tyrant officers who think theyre above the law

  10. But , if you get pulled over anymore , they can , for " officer safety " , have you exit the vehicle and do a pat down. I'm not sure what you're saying is really correct. I'm not a lawyer and don't pretend to be , on or off tv. But , that is what I'm seeing happen.

  11. Yeah, all those laws are great on the books, but in the real world when you get stop playing police officer, can you play games with you just so they can get into your car search it search you search everything you have, and take you off to jail for no good reason!

  12. Sure. You're outlining how it's supposed to work on paper. But how it actually works in practice is a different matter. You say "they can't", yet often they do. And, worst case scenario for them, you get a tax payer funded payout (and maybe a target on your back) while they maybe get a paid vacation and then are allowed to continue on with little to no actual consequence.

  13. they can do EVERYTHING you said they cant, and they do, try and fight it in court, good luck with that, public dump trucks get paid no matter what happens.

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