
Cops Find Ruby Franke’s Young Daughter Scared, Hiding in Jodi Hildebrandt’s Bathroom Closet


Cops Find Ruby Franke’s Young Daughter Scared, Hiding in Jodi Hildebrandt’s Bathroom Closet

#Cops #Find #Ruby #Frankes #Young #Daughter #Scared #Hiding #Jodi #Hildebrandts #Bathroom #Closet

Bodycam footage shows police searching Jodi Hildebrandt’s Utah home after Ruby Franke’s 12-year-old son escaped and rushed to a neighbor’s home for help on August 30, 2023. The video shows officers rushing into Hildebrandt’s home after detaining her and searching every room until they find Franke’s daughter, who was scared and hiding in a bathroom closet. Law&Crime’s Elizabeth Millner breaks down how officers found the young girl and what happened next.

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43 thoughts on “Cops Find Ruby Franke’s Young Daughter Scared, Hiding in Jodi Hildebrandt’s Bathroom Closet”

  1. The male police officer must be the nicest guy ever. He was so sweet. Praise all the care takers who had to deal with this horrific situation for being so calm and kind.

  2. Inching the food toward that poor girl got me so angry and emotional. I think this woman saw a "weakness" and vulnerability in those two youngest kids and took out her issues on them. Just a loser.

  3. Must be awful for the kids they will grow up without parents due to being abused for so long both kids are severely traumatized they will probably be adopted by a kind family maybe

  4. Poor Eve. She’s 9 at this time. Her mother and Jodi had her living in torror. Her mother shaved her head. 😢

  5. She's a psychologist? Wow. So she knew exactly the psychological impact on these children due to the abuse, and did it anyway. Cold

  6. I wish that police officer didnt tell her JOdi was outside, or told her JOdi was in trouble. Of course that little girl was scared :'(

  7. Bless that first man who called 911. He handled that little boy so well. Kept him calm and was assertive with the LE that this boy was a victim. Anyone not so attuned to his community may have jsut sent the boy away, or sent him home.

  8. My theory is that Jodi and Ruby were partners in business and love. Maybe Jodi brainwashed Ruby to be able to access Ruby’s youtube fame and money. Then she got rid of the husband to have control over the kids. Such much trauma and cruel pain inflicted on kids all in the name of religion! Bloody hypocrites!!!!

  9. The way that she eats, it made me cry. She took that pizza with so much caution. Like she was waiting for someone to do something to her for eating 😢

  10. Shout out to the cops who very gently, attentively, and carefully worked with these kids on that scary day.

  11. I’m disgusted that Ruby Franke had that arrogance, blaming it all on Jody. I felt that a Prosecution should have pushed this more. Up to the end, she seems less shocked and more arrogant than Jody

  12. I’m so proud of this kid!! I grew up being abused one time it was so bad I had bruises around my neck. I later ran to my neighbors and he did nothing

  13. Poor little guy.
    He sounds so weak.
    His leg wounds were infected. Who knows how many days he had left… 😢

  14. I had no idea how bad it was. I thought she locked them up. This is horrific. She should have gotten life. I hope they seize her assets and put them in a trust for the kids. Listening to her jailhouse call with her husband and they could only talk about themselves and their money and reputation. Calling their own children evil. He’s a danger to those poor kids.

  15. Why would she have 6 kids and then treat them awful. Makes no sense. I believe her husband left her bc of how she treated the kids but he should have took them with him. Awful awful story.

  16. I quite like how Ruby sat there silent. Builds up the tension. And is a change from the "no comment" every time the cop asks a question – which only encourages them to ask more questions to which the reply is "no comment" YAWN.

  17. This has been going on since before Jodie, things only got worse with Jodie. Her plea blaming it all on Jodie is a damn lie

  18. Let’s not forget that both of these women didn’t commit these atrocities in a vacuum. They have been influential in so so so many lives. Jodi has received $$$$$$$$ from the LDS, has abused more kids with them and their church members present (allegedly), and there is a whole depraved business full of people that she has trained to be as evil and brutal as them. The government there in Utah has extremely lax laws & punishments towards child abuse. I’m not going after the entire faith, at all, but even practicing Mormons want this stuff changed. The church makes more money than Wal Mart and yet they donate less than Wal Mart, by a substantial margin. But they dang sure had no problem paying Jodi’s insane prices of more than $1000 a month to get therapy endorsed by their church on tons of people. Complaints were made, reports were done, and there was a lot of people who knew and did nothing. The neighbor even states that they have had problems with Jodi and others have reported the same. And still nothing was done. Still the church kept sending people to her, paying her prices, and ignoring all the complaints. The system is broken. We can’t fix anything if we don’t acknowledge this and fix it and put safeguards in place so this kind of behavior can’t happen, much less thrive, again.

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