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criminal lawyer , COPS DETAIN CONSTRUCTION WORKER FOR CURSING!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,deletelawz,delete,lawz,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,back the blue,audit,transparency,ID Refusal,Cop Owned,Dirty Cops,Rights,Justice,Know Your Rights,America,Freedom,USA,American,Honor Your Oath,Rule Of Law,Facts,4th Amendment,5th Amendment,2nd Amendment,2A,6th Amendment,14th Amendment,8th Amendment,SCOTUS,Supreme Court,Case Precedent,Law Boy,Jurisprudence,Bill of Rights,Court,Jury,Liberty


  1. How does the cop assume that he has the authority let alone the responsibility of who comes in and out of a jobsite!! Tf?!?!

  2. Community guidelines f off. I hope that dude sued that attack from behind cho, and was awarded BFT$$$$$$$.!

  3. Obstructing a police officer? No that doesn't fit.
    Try obstructing constitutional rights of an every day citizen

  4. I do not side with the officer in this case, but people need to realize that these negative interactions with law enforcement are not that common. It is a fraction of what actually happens. On average, there’s 20 million traffic stops per year. Which is 1.67 million per month. Police killed approximately 1200 people in 2023. In 2020, it was studied that 2400 people who were later found innocent, 54% of them were in due to misconduct by law enforcement or the prosecutor. I’m not saying police brutality isn’t a thing that doesn’t need to be addressed. It does. It needs to be understood that it is not as of a severe problem as we are lead to believe. The reason you only see videos of cops negatively impacting another’s life is because no one records the good. The police system has come a very long way since it was first established. Once again, I do not side with the officer in the video. He violated the victims rights and wrongfully detained him. Additionally he was charged with a crime that was not committed.

  5. God bless law enforcement. But if somebody doesn't start suing the individuals and holding them accountable, they will not do their job properly. They will be a tyrant like that federal government

  6. "Take your badge and belt off and lets fight bitch" i wasnt charged with anything. Dont listen to this shit.

  7. Ohhhh he hurt that piglets feelings.

    I bet the pig said in court. “It’s not what he said. It’s the tone he said it in” 😂

  8. I went to this college and graduated back in 1991 and the cops were like German gestapo’s at the time and it seems like they still are. University of Wisconsin LaCrosse is the location. I hope Deletelawz can help him sue those so called cops.

  9. When cops costs tax payers money from lawsuits they should be fired and forced to pay restitution or go to jail.

  10. Nothing more fragile than a cops ego and no situation that can’t be made worse by their presence. Hell they were too scared of a school shooter but had no problem preventing parents from entering and saving their own children. 99% are cowards that are dangerous bullies that will lie in a second.

  11. Long story short, the cops work obstructed that guys work,therefore that guy got charged with obstructing the cops work…. Hmmm

  12. You turn and walk away and then get attacked?!? That cop has lucky that guy wasn't ready to beat his ass into the dirt… Cops lose as many fights as they win!

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