
Cops Claim They Have Exigent Circumstances… What Do You Do!? #FourthAmendment #KnowYourRights


Cops Claim They Have Exigent Circumstances… What Do You Do!? #FourthAmendment #KnowYourRights

#Cops #Claim #Exigent #Circumstances.. #FourthAmendment #KnowYourRights

If the cops show up to your home and refuse to leave because they claim they have exigent circumstances, what should you do?

Exigent circumstances mean there is probable cause a crime is taking place on a property and prompt action is necessary to prevent harm to others, an escape of a suspect, or destruction of evidence. If this isn’t happening on your property, chances are you have a good case against the police.

I always suggest remaining calm and listening to what the officers tell you to do, even if you know they’re wrong. There have been too many instances of citizens getting hurt by the police, even though they were in the right. The safest and most effective thing to do is to hire an attorney and fight the situation in court. You could end up winning a ton of money if the police violated your fourth amendment right.

Need an attorney in DFW to fight an illegal police search? Call my office: 817-839-3965

criminal lawyer , Cops Claim They Have Exigent Circumstances… What Do You Do!? #FourthAmendment #KnowYourRights, 4th amendment,constitutional law,constitutional rights,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police encounters,police on camera,protect your rights,search and seizure

41 thoughts on “Cops Claim They Have Exigent Circumstances… What Do You Do!? #FourthAmendment #KnowYourRights”

  1. Exigent circumstances, officer safety, qualified immunity.

    Just say it like it is, a license to murder rape, steal, and not take responsibility for their own actions. It’s only the biggest terrorist organization in history, funded by the American citizens.

    The organization has unlimited resources to make sure even innocent people are guilty.

  2. Ok except that cops are unreasonable demons that are at war with the people they swore an oath to protect.

  3. They wont leave yet they still stay outside. If these circumstances were so special they'd already be in the house.

  4. Don't want answer the door. When you open the door they put their foot in the door so if try to shut the door and touch them you just got a felony charge.

  5. How would ANY cop know how an "objective, reasonable person" would think? The cops are trained to be neither.

  6. Generic police action they know they can get a crooked judge to back them up on. Keep the door closed.

  7. Legislatures need to work overtime to repeal laws instead of creating more and more. Problem is, the people keep electing lawyers to represent them and after they get elected, they go to those legislative bodies and pass laws that further muddy the water and create more need for their " services ".

  8. Cops are the biggest criminals in America..they really serve no purpose.. I have never seen a cop do ANYTHING TO FIX A SITUATION FOR A CITIZEN,, THEY ARE JUST TRYING TO ESCALATE AND EXERT FALSE ATHOURITY UPON THE INNOCENT CITIZENS..NARCISSIST WITH BADGES

  9. Cops are not responsible. They are liars and are corrupted to their core. So this will give them full permission to skip the warrant process.
    If the person is found not guilty it is too late. You have been booked into a jail and your dogs are dead your house is in shambles. You have lost everything over nothing. Do you get it back, no. You’re in the system now, you have to bury your dogs and cleanup your house.
    Now just another excuse for the law to use. Get ready people.

  10. This is why you should reinforce your door so it takes more than one whack with the battering ram unless they use a vehicle battering ram in which case you should already be in the safe room

  11. In the real world, police don't care about some silly rights. They are hired for not being intelligent, as evidenced in Robert Jordan vs. City of New London (2000). Cops are all about brute force.

  12. Whats the difference between a communist country that abuse their citizens at any time of the day versus the USA😂😅

  13. You get a bad cop wont leave you alone you can find where he lives and they wont be able to pin you because thered be too many suspects because eveyone hates him anyways

  14. Man fuck officer safety as a reason for anything. You singed up to be a cop danger is inherently assumed by the cop.

  15. Please state , the person at the home will not know nor this the decider if it is the case . That’s later for the courts

  16. Basically never let them on your property and never talk to them. Keep gates locked if you have them if you don't. Then don't answer the door. Simple enough.

  17. If this happens, leave the O'Lady to argue with them through the closed door while you destroy the evidence or slip out the back!

  18. What about your right to defend your property. Say that police arrive at night
    and enter your home supposedly due to exigent circumstances and
    you shoot what you genuinely believe to be home invaders…

    And in the investigation that follows after they gun you down for shooting an officer,
    it emerges that they were not at the correct address…

  19. Not at my place! As long as I follow gods laws and commit no crimes I will not follow the corrupted law of the land has no meaning to me at this point

  20. We all know cops don't follow the law. If you need a cop look in the fire lane or any where no parking is allowed.😂😂

  21. Maybe they to really worry about their f…… Safty from what I see thats coming faster rhan they think

  22. Call dispatch NEVER trust a thug in a costume. Never assume any officer you meet is legit. A lot of criminal fales exist.

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