
Cops CAN’T Do This During Searches 😱😅 #KnowYourRights #TerryFrisk #TerrySearch


Cops CAN’T Do This During Searches 😱😅 #KnowYourRights #TerryFrisk #TerrySearch

#Cops #Searches #KnowYourRights #TerryFrisk #TerrySearch

Did you know Terry frisks, also known as stop and searches, have to be limited to looking for weapons in the name of officer safety?

The courts have said very clearly, police cannot go digging go drugs in your pockets, they must stick to just looking for weapons in the name of officer safety. You will see some cops dig deeply and feel for things that are clearly not weapons, in hopes that they can pin it against the citizen. In this case, a good criminal defense attorney will ask for the body cam footage and try to get whatever they find dismissed.

criminal lawyer , Cops CAN’T Do This During Searches 😱😅 #KnowYourRights #TerryFrisk #TerrySearch, attorney reacts,body cam footage,cop cam,cop camera,fourth amendment,know the law,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police camera,terry frisk,terry search

33 thoughts on “Cops CAN’T Do This During Searches 😱😅 #KnowYourRights #TerryFrisk #TerrySearch”

  1. This is similar to a false alert by a k9 where officers search a vehicle after a k9 “alert” and no drugs are found but maybe a gun was under a seat. The k9 didn’t alert to a firearm and it may have been hidden so as not to be immediately accessible as a threat to officer safety.

  2. Never talk to these narcissists, nothing ever good will come from it FTP 👍✌️🇬🇧

  3. You left out plain feel doctrine. If the officer is patting fown fir weapons and he feels a bag of crack cocaine and articulates he immediately recognized this feeling as a bag of crack cocaine then the pat down immediately changes to pc to arrest and now the officer can search for fruits and instrumentalities of the crime. Not to mention, pc to arrest leads to inevitable discoveries. Yoyr leaving out a lot of valuable scenarios

  4. Mansfield pd pulled me over cause my paper tag was out by a month because the dealer disnt have my tags in. Was pulled out of the car. Searched multiple times by the old mexican cop. Each time he kept grabbing my balls more and more. Two other goons showed he called a dog in which they cant do in tx. Took like an hr. They found nothing and judge dropped it since my tags came in before court date

  5. "Office safety" is just a ruse for cops to justify searches and violence. Cops love to game the system and lie. Respect for the law and citizens' rights is not a priority.

  6. But how can the cop keep the item he finds, surely you must he given your property back?

  7. If the cop is just on a fishing expedition then would it be considered fruit of the poisonous tree?

  8. I'm pretty sure if they feel "contraband" as well then it's legal. Such as a baggie of powder.

  9. What can cops actually take from you during a Terry frisk?
    YOUR LIFE… for oCcIfEr SaFeTy, of course.

  10. We don't pay for officer safety.We pay for citizen safety.Sorry if an officer feels unsafe at times.Maybe go work at Home Depot or something.

  11. Terry HAS to go away! … a Terry frisk for "officer safety" (BS) is nothing more than a way for thugs in costumes to circumvent the 4th amendment…

  12. It still doesn't mean Jack Crap when there not Educated or when they do Exactly what they want!!!

  13. I mean… They're always on a fishing expedition.

    Thanks for making all these excellent videos!!

  14. Unless the subject is to be arrested. Then it's not a Terry search, but a search incidental to arrest, which can go much deeper. It may be Terry initially. I sure how you don't give impressionable you tube watchers the idea they are sophisticated enough to argue those issues at the scene. It is for arm chair quarterbacks to argue in court later.

  15. Can they remove your keys from your pocket and use them to open your locked vehicle after you told them you do not consent to a search of your vehicle?

  16. I was stoped while on foot because I stoped to watch a house getting raided (wealthy suburb I was 17)😮 "officer safety weapon check" went through my hair , yes my hair , my chapstick pulled the chapstick out and mushed it up..looking for something..weapons ? Lmao

  17. How about explaining this.

    Where does the undignified schizophrenia sit regarding the average pocket knife?

    Is it about condition? Recent sharpening of the edge? Brand names? Or even just the general expensiveness of the knife in question?

    I mean, really, who in their right mind as a cop has such horror over a perceived threat when they are the ones with full body armor, tasers and assault rifles?

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