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criminal law , COPS ATTACK AND lNJURE YOUNG COUPLE!, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,deletelawz,delete,lawz,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,back the blue,audit,transparency,ID Refusal,Cop Owned,Dirty Cops,Rights,Justice,Know Your Rights,America,Freedom,USA,American,Honor Your Oath,Rule Of Law,Facts,4th Amendment,5th Amendment,2nd Amendment,2A,6th Amendment,14th Amendment,8th Amendment,SCOTUS,Supreme Court,Case Precedent,Law Boy,Jurisprudence,Bill of Rights,Court,Jury,Liberty


  1. I can’t complain too much about this one.
    She threw hands at the cops and then he circles behind

    Gotta control that and work it out

    More to this story guaranteed

  2. That is the arm of the Government right there! They do whatever they want and Blame everybody else for their actions! And everything is even worse under Democrats Control!

  3. Look, why don't people just listen. Also this is why everyone needs to understand their constitutional rights.
    Many people are against the Constitution until they need it. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were talking about.

  4. U say it’s simple but not everyone can afford to buy ur trifold and now I realize why u aren’t getting back to me after so many msgs I can’t count…… so it shows that ur a JACKBOT GOLD DIGGER! U don’t care about us at all! If u did, u would send a trifold to anyone that asked….. YOURE JUST AS BAD AS THEM! I’m done with being nice & asking politely… when u keep saying “all u need is to show ur trifold”….. so send one! But u need money first, meaning…. u wanna profit just like everyone else….. I used to like u, now I don’t….. I laugh when I see the videos where u get stopped and annoyed…..

  5. This is the same shit that happened to my girl after she got pulled over for her license plate light being out. She was on the phone with me. 2 cops grabbed her and ripped her out of her car and hung up the call with me. Then they proceeded to search her car with no probable cause. They straight kidnapped her.

  6. TYPICAL LIBERAL BEHAVIOR. I've seen the whole video before.She was driving without a license and not cooperating.And that boon she was with made matters worse while in the car and out.He called his mama! :/ 😉

  7. Or, if they weren't entitled zoomers who are emboldened by twits like you, who should know better, then both of them would have been on they way.

  8. I swear to god I hate cops that act like only they can carry firearms umm hello carrying a firearm is not against the law

  9. thanks god i dont live in US, im so scared of these tyrants even in my country, but its way worse over there.. i cant imagine being paranoid in US, that must be worst nightmare..

  10. The kid was a teenager who had an unregistered hand gun in his waist band the entire time he is filming police until they arrest him to. Neither teenager listened to commands from the officers and endangered themselves as a result. The black one who had the handgun is lucky the cops didnt see it in his wasteband and shoot him.

  11. This dumb shine acting like a dick knowing he had a gun as well…how stupis is he really dumb.they all have a 2nd drade mentality. 😂

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