




criminal law , COP REGRETS TURNING ON HIS BODYCAM #shorts #shorts, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,id refusal,id refused,cop,cops,police,cop owned,owned,destroyed,lackluster,james freeman

37 thoughts on “COP REGRETS TURNING ON HIS BODYCAM #shorts #shorts”

  1. According to national research and investigation……
    No less than 27% of Police Officers; 34% of Sheriff Deputies, and even more concerning, over 68% of Private Security personel are psychologically unfit to wear a Badge much less carry a Firearm. Federal Agents (FBI, ATF, IRS, NSA, CIA), apparently operate as they chose with little or no oversight whatsoever.
    THIS NEW INFORMATION is a classic example of why citizens have lost respect for and trust in Law Enforcement organizations in our nation; so much so, that many now consider the United States to be a "Police State" .

  2. "I ask you for your name and ID and I'm a policeman and you will obey my authority." Maybe when elephants fly but not today. Today we are still free and we will remain so.

  3. If yoy can't sayca crime why the fuck aren't you walking away? Don't you have better things to do? Go park behind an abandoned building and watch YouTube. You are serving your community better doing it lol

  4. You know WE have the authority to arrest cops like these. A citizen actually has more rights that public servants. Good luck achieving that goal tho.

  5. Keep up the great work 💪🏽🇺🇲👍🏽🚔🎥🧐🤘🏽😎✌🏽

  6. You have to invoke your constitutional right number five or number six although they won’t know what number six is. Because you cannot assume that they know that that’s what you’re doing when you remain silent. And now is a good time to remain silent. The sixth amendment also allows for Remaining silent, but it also asks for an attorney to be present during questioning and provides for a speedy trial. So I actually like the sixth amendment better than the fifth, but they are trying to violate your fourth amendment, without having a crime to articulate, they cannot demand your ID. They can ask, but they cannot demand it. And that’s why everyone gets them to say that they’re going to arrest you if you don’t hand it over, because then they could file a complaint against deprivation of rights.

  7. I appreciate what the auditors do! If not for them, can you imagine how many people's Rights would be violated? I've learned and applied it already!

  8. Another example of a pig trying to intimate and violate his civil rights to film in public 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  9. Asking a man for his idea is not telling him why he’s being talked to. I love the snowflake ass crusty ass cops.

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