



#COP #SPANKED #CHIEF #shorts #short

criminal law , COP GETS SPANKED BY HIS CHIEF! #shorts #short, 1st amendment audit,first amendment audit,1st amendment audit fail,first amendment audit fail,id refusal,id refused,cop,cops,police,james freeman,lackluster

29 thoughts on “COP GETS SPANKED BY HIS CHIEF! #shorts #short”

  1. Why is this dude recognizing this cop as a military soldier ? Referring to himself as a civilian. They are civilians too.

  2. PACE relates to KNOWN, SPECIFIC, AND DESCRIBABLE EVIDENCE. The caveat of PACE Section 1 is that the officer who instigates the search should be able to describe the evidence being searched for with a 'degree of legal specificity' i.e. if a judge were to ask what the evidence was it could be described without any need for further clarification. 'Stuff for committing thefts' is not good enough. 'Stuff' covers everything in the known Universe, and anything could potentially be used for theft; An interesting pebble picked up off the ground 'could' be used to smash a window. A credit card 'could' be used to jimmy open a lock. A set of car keys 'could' be used to pop out the cylinder of a lock.

    It's called 'The Police and Criminal Evidence Act', not 'The Police Can Just Riffle Through Citizens' Pockets For 'Stuff' Until They Find Something Potentially Incriminating Act'.

  3. I wonder why they forced the police chief to resign but the whole thing is with the new police chief is he going to violate people's rights it will cost the taxpayers a lot of money when you have police officers that don't know the law that violate the constitution and a violate the Amendments it will put a dent in the people's money when cops violate these laws people that know their rights will take them to court and I will lose almost every time for the violations they commit

  4. It’s not so much as a disconnect between cops and the public, it’s just that the cops aren’t trained in the constitution or how the law works. They’re just as equal as we are.

  5. Your not putting my name in the system because you want to see if I have a warrant. I'm sick of hearing cops ask why can't you just comply well I have a question for them, why cant they just comply and stop with the cop splaining and rights violations. Declining to give up our rights is not a "suspicious" behavior.

  6. How many firings and lawsuits before cops and the citizens WAKE UP to the fact that uneducated ego cop gangs are worthless taxpayer liabilities

  7. It's freaking ridiculous how just because citizens know their civil rights. Automatically, they start crying about why you are being difficult. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  8. What a bizarre question that young officer asked. Why on earth would we willingly surrender our rights and enthusiastically want Big Brother to run us for warrants? That's just bad & lazy policing.

  9. Allowing police to check something doesn’t benefit you in anyway? They can only serve to be detrimental… Why would they think people would want that?

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