
Controversy over new Tennessee law could lead to criminal charges for primary voters


Controversy over new Tennessee law could lead to criminal charges for primary voters

#Controversy #Tennessee #law #lead #criminal #charges #primary #voters

Several groups are pursuing a federal lawsuit against the state for a new law targeting crossover voters. They claim the law is unconstitutional, confusion and can have a chilling effect on voters.
criminal lawyer , Controversy over new Tennessee law could lead to criminal charges for primary voters, confusion,lawsuit,new law,tennessee,unconstitutional,voting

16 thoughts on “Controversy over new Tennessee law could lead to criminal charges for primary voters”

  1. Plenty of old school democrats in Tennessee that are Christians who can’t support the New Democrat/ Globalist agenda.

  2. Bona Fide,lol. Well,,what is the time line Cut Off? 1 minute before I vote? "Badges,,,,I dont need No Stinking BADGES!"😅

  3. What a stupid law, how did it get through TN. courts when it contradicts current law. Another round of voter disenfranchisement from yet another taker State. Disgusting

  4. Voter intimidation ?
    Independents not allowed to vote anymore ???
    How is this considered  constitutional?

  5. and what if you are libertarian and you want to vote libertarian but its not on the docket in your county?
    well butter me britches, because i ain't gonna vote if you gotta be a member of either democrat or republician.

  6. I intend to vote as I choose, and should the moronic powers that be take umbrage, they can kiss my caboose! This is still America, even if the morons controlling the State of Tennessee think otherwise.

  7. What if you're not a due-paying member of either party, and you want to vote in a primary election? Are you still allowed? Is someone going to go through the vote tallies, cross-reference it against party membership roles, and go after anyone not on the list? Sometimes I really hate living in this state because all of the political buffoonery that goes on.

  8. News Channel 5 wants liberals to be able to cross primaries and artificially skew candidates' tallies.
    I hope this law remains in effect and I hope anyone caught breaking the law are fully prosecuted.
    You will not subvert our choice. You will not destroy America.

  9. If you want to continue to lose your freedoms. Vote for maga Republican party. This just shows how desperate maga Republicans are to win elections by rigging the system to their advantage.

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