
Community REACTION 1×5 Advanced Criminal Law


Community REACTION 1×5 Advanced Criminal Law

#Community #REACTION #1×5 #Advanced #Criminal #Law

Review and Reaction to Season 1 Episode 5 of Community

Full Reactions available on Patreon:
criminal law , Community REACTION 1×5 Advanced Criminal Law, Kung Fu Night,KungFu Night,Community,Reaction,Season 1,Abed,Social Psychology,episode 5,Advanced Criminal Law,1×5

36 thoughts on “Community REACTION 1×5 Advanced Criminal Law”

  1. So like I had watched most of the IASIP vids before I started going back and making sure to like and comment on each and every vid I watch to ensure full engagement points are given. And it won't let me copy paste because it thinks I'm spamming since I was just liking and commenting because I had already watched the vid. Now I gotta write something new to post a comment so the error doesn't appear

  2. Luis Guzman played the guy who owned the disco where all the porn stars hung out in Boogie Nights. And “Just the Way It Is” was by Steve Winwood.

  3. "I may be a genius, but I'm not a lesbian" –> So random. Ten years later, it's still my favorite line of this episode with Ken Jeong's "TURN ON HER !". 😀
    Pierce's obsession with Britta and lesbians is hilarious.

  4. If the Dean was the Dean at the local community college here, I'd enroll at 31, get a random degree and find a new line of work just to endure this schools shenanigans!

  5. Luis Guzmán was in "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds… One of the best comedies if you've ever worked in a restaurant.

  6. You don't need to know a lot about pop culture to enjoy the show but it really rewards you if you do. Like when a kid watches a funny movie but doesn't get the subtle adult jokes. Funny enough on its own but extra funny if you're in the know

  7. This is one of my favourite shows next to Metalocalypse. The way the characters are written and the constant punchlines made me fall in love with it. Love your reactions to it, keep them coming buddy. Like and subscribe mother fuckers

  8. For me Luis Guzman will always be Raoul 'El Cid' Hernandez from HBO's Oz. (I really recommend it for you to watch it) 😊

  9. I just watched Narcos for the second time and it pains me that you forgot that it was LA DEA caching them, not FBI 🙁
    I just love, love, love DEA in that show.

  10. This show is very much about pop culture and how it affects us, how it affects our expectations of other media, and how the effects of that ultimately effect our lives. It's also very much about finding a way to become content and find happiness with the mediocrity of our lives.

    It starts out quirky and funny and becomes just fucking off-the-walls brilliant.

  11. You like Troy and Abed's friendship now ? This episode is the start of something incredible. You're going to have so much fun.

  12. Yeah this show will defiantly teach you about pop culture. It's the reason I've seen Firefly, Pulp Fiction, and a lot more.

    The way they parody different things kind of woke me up to analyzing the way that things are directed. Before Community I couldn't tell my ass from the ground, now I can recognize actors, voice actors, directing styles, and pop culture references.

  13. Can we stop a moment to appreciate that he both recognized Luis Guzman and the song? This man is on his game.

  14. "What are you writing in"
    ""Just a notepad"
    "Yeah… what language?"
    "Probably Arabic"

    This makes me laugh every time 😂
    Edit: and "British dentistry is not on trial!"

  15. 5:33 "A throbbing cosmic womb of creativity. And when this baby starts kicking, I cannot be responsible for your sanity!" 😆😆😆 thats actually pretty good.

  16. I wouldn't call it "pop"-culture, more like TV-culture or nerd-culture. Luiz Guzman is not THAT popular but that's the joke. He's a great actor, but def. not A-list and at the time of this show, he was probably best known for small roles in movies like Boogie Nights. Also, the beginning of the episode is the best example for the show's "culture" with the joke between Jeff, Professor Duncan and Abed when Jeff uses the word "Cheers," to thank Duncan (since he's British), just as Abed is passing by and overhears this, so he responds with, "Mash," and finally Duncan finishes it off with, "Faulty Towers."
    CHEERS, MASH and FAWLTY TOWERS are all television shows from the 70's and 80's. Certainly not current pop-culture but when you have Dan Harmon at the wheel, it makes sense that he would use this kind of world-play, b/c he was raised on those kinds of shows. Clever little exchanges like that really highlight this Show's brilliance, in my opinion, but also why it probably wasn't so successful when it first aired.

  17. It took me a minute to 'get into' this show. I absolutely adore it now, and consider it one of my top sitcoms of all time at this point, but it took me a little bit to really commit to it, and really like it…

    The next episode was my hook episode. After that I was all in.

  18. Most people born in the 90s or later don't recognize the song as being from Bruce Hornsby — most just know it because the hook was one of the more iconic samples by Tupac for his song Changes.

  19. The main thing I got from this is that you still need to finish Harry Potter. Please do a reaction on the movies ASAP!!

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