
Civil rights attorney reacts to released video of deadly deputy involved shooting in Rusk County


#Civil #rights #attorney #reacts #released #video #deadly #deputy #involved #shooting #Rusk #County

The video was given to CBS19 by the attorney for Randall’s family after a federal judge denied Deputy Iverson and Rusk County’s motion for a protective order.
lawyers near me , Civil rights attorney reacts to released video of deadly deputy involved shooting in Rusk County


28 thoughts on “Civil rights attorney reacts to released video of deadly deputy involved shooting in Rusk County”

  1. Retired Sheriffs K9 Sgt. I’m gonna have to go against the Officer on this one. The driver did not ever have a weapon in his hands, he was running AWAY, the Officer was in no danger whatsoever. Even if the Officer felt a gun in the guys pants that did not give him the lawful right to shoot the guy. The only was the Officer could lawfully shoot someone running away empty handed is if the escaping person would be a danger of harming innocent citizens if he escaped. Just because the guy had a gun, if he did, in his pants is not enough of a reason to shoot him. Nothing I’ve read says the guy was a wanted murderer that had a history of harming innocent civilians. I’m at a total loss as to why the Officer shot him!!!!!!

  2. I'm for the blue, but that's was so wrong in many ways ,praying for the mother that lost her son

  3. The judge should be fired who blocked the video coming out!! That proves guilt to me.

  4. American law enforcement public image is the most brutal in the world in my view. No different than war torn country's where people get killed on the law enforcements spot judgement, which is always a power trip than an actual public service. A friend of mine was so shocked when I spoke to Police when he visited me in South Africa, he said he expected our police to be more dangerous than their 1st world Police. Obviously its not all American police but it definitely is a common behaviour now experienced by citizens of all backgrounds

  5. Shooting someone who is running away from you. Anyone else would be in prison right now.

  6. Wow! I hope it doesn’t get to the Supreme Court because they will get off for sure. Sad.

  7. This LEO's created his own crime escalating tactic as a Domestic Terrorist . Pretty evident from the video . I would hate to be on a jury for this one. It would be 12 angry men .

  8. Well, they are trained to lie, deceive, and hurt people, so he is just acting as expected.

  9. Don’t resist the police. Stay alive. Argue with the court not the police. Clearly he was resisting this officers which makes it his fault. But that doesn’t matter anymore he got himself deleted.

  10. You don’t give the whole story! He was hiding something in his pants, and can clearly see him going for it when the cop pulled him out of the car! When the cop checked it he said it felt like a gun! It wasn’t, it was a sun glass case, but the way he was acting and reaching for it gave the cop every reason to shoot him. Don’t do drugs kids. If you get busted fight the case in court, not on the side of the street with the cop just trying to do his job and go home to his family!

  11. How is he supposed put his hands behind his back when the cop put all his weight up against the guy pushing him into the car?

  12. bro american policing is so fucking bad. these donut joes dont even need a college degree to become police they literally only take a few weeks course and they are good to go.

    this clown tries to suplex someone he’s trying to detain on the ground head first into the concrete TWICE. fails BOTH times, busts his own ass and literally shoots him because of what?

    WTF is “don’t move” after you try to suplex someone else who’s momentum is still traveling based on your actions. THEN you draw your firearm in the same breath and his FLINCHING is justification to be executed?

    america is the no go zone of the west literally. no europeans or wealthy people come here only poor migrants because everyone here from top to bottom is a sociopath.

  13. All he wanted was an explanation for why he was being cuffed and tried to get away when the cop refused to explain. He'd already been frisked and clearly was unarmed and trying to run. The cop could've chased, he could've called for back up, but instead shot him down in cold blood.

    If the deceased had been black this cop would've been in prison by now and I'm saying this as a black man myself.

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