
City Goes “Light On Crime” Then Congressmen Gets Robbed and Stores Flee Crime..


City Goes “Light On Crime” Then Congressmen Gets Robbed and Stores Flee Crime..

#City #Light #Crime #Congressmen #Robbed #Stores #Flee #Crime.

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39 thoughts on “City Goes “Light On Crime” Then Congressmen Gets Robbed and Stores Flee Crime..”

  1. 1. "No one benefits from that building sitting vacant." Safeway benefits.
    2. "We just know the police alone is not getting it done"
    You are at fault for that. You pushed out and refunded police and voted rats in. You wanted DEI to rule your state, to be accepting to all. Now you gotta learn to be accepting to crime, drugs, garbage, human fecal matter, coupled with the loss of goods in public spaces and lives over lawlessness.

  2. Y’all brought the anarchy and lawlessness on yourself. If you don’t want lawlessness, then you can’t support defend the police.

  3. It takes a special kind of stupidity to support the liberal policies enacted there.

  4. These fools will not have anywhere to get food, clothes or anything else and they will be the one complaining

  5. No way that the city of San Francisco, would rather punish companies for leaving than fixing their crime problems.

  6. It’s planned, so people will beg for authoritarian/totalitarianism. Then checkmate.

  7. so they elected the guy because of his policies, then got rid of him because of those policies. 80's fantastical crime cities actually exist in 2024.

  8. They all said defund because they thought it was other ppls small businesses that would be hurt and not them.

  9. You caused yourself and others when you defund police, you don't want to pay for the pice to do their job.

    Now you have to suffdr the consequences without pice existence and help !

  10. Demanding a law that forces companies to stay open when losing money is Marxist insanity. If your neighborhood robs the business blind, you lose the business.

  11. Lite on crime seems to have a negative effect because people who may not normally think it’s ok to shoplift are doing it because hey everyone else is .

  12. You forgot to mention that the bill the guy wanted to pass was the customer's right to sue grocery stores for leaving. The stores have to give 6 months' notice to the city and customers. 🤪

  13. What is funnier is that the stores are fleeing to white areas and have the blacks following………

  14. What’s strange to the outsider (of US), you see police arresting people for minor traffic infringements but don’t arrest shoplifters for theft. It’s bizarre.

  15. I think trying to force a retailer to stay open would be illegal. And it figures a democrat jumps to military enforcement. Rather than fixing the problem that they caused by reversing policies.

  16. I don't really understand how you can FORCE a private business to stay in business and not close…these people aren't living in the same reality as the rest of us. They're a private business, not a communist potato vendor in the USSR.

  17. can someone please explain to me how these so called cities haven't been sued into the ground for not allowing a business to close up. Sound absolutely insane.

  18. That man schiff is evil to the core… He does not care about anybody or anything other than persecuting Trump and looking after him and his family and friends..And fk everybody else…and them eyes don't lie, he has the most snakey sneaky sly eyes involved in politics…Him and chuck shumer and aoc, they have the most evil looking eyes and as you know the eyes tell everything in a person…

  19. blame yourself for voting for these radical progressive politicians, you made and enable them, accept that and now, you start changing that narrative. make things right again, do not vote for radical left progressives.

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