
City Council, Monroe County Legislature calls for investigation of District Attorney Sandra Doorley


City Council, Monroe County Legislature calls for investigation of District Attorney Sandra Doorley

#City #Council #Monroe #County #Legislature #calls #investigation #District #Attorney #Sandra #Doorley

Members of Rochester City Council have written a letter to New York State Attorney General Letitia James calling for an investigation into the conduct of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley.
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40 thoughts on “City Council, Monroe County Legislature calls for investigation of District Attorney Sandra Doorley”

  1. Calls Police Chief – tell your boys to leave me alone. When law enforcement lights come on behind you, carry on elude, NO CHARGE IN MONROE COUNTY. Her actions are screaming, "intoxicated". 1:58 Council member vast different outcome for someone else, YES, coming from a State that fined a citizen 400 million dollars with no victims, what was the fine for Sandra Doorley council member? 🤔 We all know Judges treat "essential citizens" government employees at a different judicial standard than us little people, FOOLS, now pay our taxes and if you pull this stunt, you'll be detained, tased, arrested, incarcerated, vehicle towed and face outrageous fines

  2. Why did you have to race it up about if this had been a common citizen, so tired of this race crap

  3. THE COP SHOULD ALSO BE LET GO…..this cop didnt do his job because he didnt want to LOSE HIS JOB for doing his job???


  4. The fact that she said charges would have to go through her should be enough to get her removed from office.

  5. I AM ABOVE THE LAW….she should be fired!!! She has screwed 1000s of citizens….SHE IS A PHONY

  6. State AG James will have no qualms about firing this Karen. Glad to see the multiple videos of Doorley have gained traction. I hope all is well for Officer Coene, the guy shouldn't have to stress because he's good at his job.

  7. She needs to go. I voted for her. She should have taken a test to see if she was drinking before this happened.

  8. If this had happened to anyone else the officers behavior and response would be very different. All walks of life can agree to that. Even the badge bunnies “my daddy is a cop, my boyfriend is a cop ….. blue line supporter MUST agree.

  9. She needs disbarred and charged with felony fleeing with no bond of since shes a flight risk! With her over privilege attitude and lack of respect for Law and Order she pledged to uphold. All cases that have been presented in her court need to be re opened and re tried.

  10. The council woman needs to go also. This had nothing to do with race and yet to try and score some cheap political points she tried to make it a racial thing. This town has more than one problem.

  11. This woman is so maddening!!!
    The privilege is sickening!!!!
    “I’m the one who prosecutes these”
    What a B!!!!!!

  12. She's so stuck up and entitled, she didn't even apologize. A black person would never get away with such an "I'm a princess" privileged type of attitude and get to stay home and cook dinner. White privilege at it's finest.

  13. If she isnt held accountable for her actions…. she has no right to force the community to be held accountable for their actions. PERIOD. She needs to be removed from office. Otherwise your entire government in Monroe County will be viewed as corrupt.

  14. I think that what's so disgusting is her "ATTITUDE" as if she's above the law. She didn't hold back and I feel that drugs and or alcohol could have been involved. She was so angry! This lady has no business being in that position at all. Totally different outcome if it were some of the other people and or races that that council member mentioned! Also that cop should be disciplined for not following procedures. He basically let her run the show. Go into the house, (who knows if she slipped something inside the house off of her person), carry that bag that she claimed was her lunch, go inside the car and look for credentials/ a badge??? That could have gotten his head blown off!

  15. This us how they ALL act. Criminals telling law abiding how to live. Judges too. Just us system.

  16. I agree she has to be held accountable, but I don’t think her race is an issue here. She wasn’t treated differently because she was white, she was treated differently because she is in a position of power. I think it was a silly thing for that lady to bring race into this because that’s playing right into the bigots’ hands. It makes us look like we overreact and bring race into everything. It’s a boy who cried wolf situation.

    Hold her accountable because of what she did and don’t make up nonsense as to why people support her actions. I wouldn’t put too much stock into a few loud mouths on the internet who claim they support her anyway.

  17. Please don't make this a color issue. 😢 It has nothing to do with the color it was her attitude. I hope she has the sense to resign. 🫤

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