
Christina Bobb: Trump’s Lawyer On Conviction, 2024 Election & Pending Cases | PBD Podcast | Ep. 420


#Christina #Bobb #Trumps #Lawyer #Conviction #Election #Pending #Cases #PBD #Podcast

Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana are joined by Christina Bobb!

Christina Bobb is an American lawyer, television personality and Republican Party official. She gained prominence for her television promotion of president Donald Trump and involvement in attempts to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election, and promotion of the allegation that the election had been stolen from Trump by fraud.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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50 thoughts on “Christina Bobb: Trump’s Lawyer On Conviction, 2024 Election & Pending Cases | PBD Podcast | Ep. 420”

  1. What if they tell Trump: we will clear you from all charges if you step down from running

  2. There needs to be accountability and justice, these people need to pay for what they have done to innocent people and the country. Stop talking about it and start investigating, gather the evidence now.

  3. Haven't heard Adam…41 min in and loving it😂 a far more intelligent conversation

  4. Rob's getting quicker better faster and pulling things up for pbd good one Rob 😊
    We seen the fraud footage in 2020 on tape here on Australian News trump has massive support here from the ppl I can see the bull there trying to get him on to so he's not elected in 2024 I would not be surprised by anything Biden DOJ does or something to stop him from being elected they've taken it this far why wouldn't they jail him take his secret service away from him it's literally Infront of everyone faces there telling us what they're doing

  5. There's a bill in congress right now to take Trump's security service detail away from him if he's put in prison so they are definitely putting him in prison.

  6. Some democrats realize that if they don't pardon Trump their going to end up with a republican super majority in the House and Senate

  7. Boo hoo hoo. Fauci gets death threats. Wa wa wa. Maybe that liar needs to lose a family member like so many Americans are because of his “gain of Function” funding.

    I really don’t give a shit about him, or the dickhead in New York that sent elderly people back to the group homes to die.

  8. Every step of the way people with common sense have been saying, "They wouldn't go so far as to do ________" and every time the corrupt DOJ and these activist judges and DAs have gone that far. They are going to sentence him to jail time. I would bet on it.

  9. It isn't hard to reach the conclusion that the Democrats are registering non citizens to vote unconstitutionally simply because the deep state shows ZERO concern with the fact that Biden is performing horribly in polls that Trump usually outperforms anyway, there hasn't been more outrage over Biden not being on the ballot in Ohio, and they have not wavered in their lawfare against Trump despite it only helping Trump's popularity while damaging the reputation of the Democrats and DOJ.

  10. So if Trump wins the election in 24 will it be a secure election? Is it only secure when Republicans win but if Biden wins it has to be rigged or a fraudulent election?

  11. You would figure that the underlying crime, that turned a misdemeanor into a felony, he should have been found guilty in a separate trial. Not sure what the underlying crime was, but he should have been innocent until proven guilty of that said underlying crime. I have really tried to understand this. It really makes me sad for my country, for America

  12. Suppressing Hunter Biden’s laptop, was a lever for the democrat theft of 2020. So was the first impeachment attempt. So was COVID and the disgraceful way it was handled. Drop boxes. 11th hour election rule changes that violated state constitutions. Ballot harvesting. Cluttered up, inaccurate voter roles. Universal mail-in ballots. Unlimited timelines for dropping off ballots and counting ballots. All of that, without even mentioning “fraud.” Which WAS a factor as well. The election was stolen. Plain and simple

  13. Had never thought of Biden pardoning Trump. That would probably be the one thing that could earn Biden votes in this messy political year. I'd hate to see that, it'd be like they set it all up to make Biden win some of the middle-ground voters.

  14. This is bigger than just “settling a score” this is Good verse Evil and My God always wins. Praise Jesus!

  15. They asked what has the RNC done to fix voting, she says we need to get involved, basically they’ve done nothing in the last 4 years and more. The republican party is a joke! The dems are going to win 2024 by likely abusing the system and the reps will do nothing about it

  16. Discussion and I really hope that this time Trump does choose the correct people to be surrounded by instead of the snakes that unfortunately, he did not know really against him

  17. Wow finally talking about most important topic ! Election fraud !!!
    Keep it up PBD ,your the best …

  18. Where was Fauci when we were getting harassed because of his lies on a global scale😅😅😅

  19. As sharp as these two legalese are.. how can they be soooo NIEVE in thinking so remote there's ANY following "normal" process .. the rule book has been shredded on this case & laying DANGEROUS precedents of corrupt justice & political persecution ..

  20. PBD one of these strong conservatives is Marjorie Taylor Greene who you should have on your PodCast.

  21. I still don’t trust Trump. He violated the Johnson Amendment. Uniting church and state will bring prosecution!

  22. The only thing that I could find was New York charged him 34 times of falsifying buisness records which seems pretty underwhelming. Lol Can we see what Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hiliary Clinton, Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Anthony Fauci have done the past 4 plus years? Highly doubt it because our DOJ is corrupt and has double standards. Just make it fair because its not. If nobody is above the law then all of these elites should be put in jail, not just Trump. But it does seem pretty odd that I have yet to actually see someone say what it was that Trump was charged with. Everyone is just spamming TRUMP CONVICTED 34 TIMES like a parrot.

  23. So her answer is that the RNC hasn’t done shit to improve the process. Such failures. Too busy persuing investigations, raising money, and being on Fox. No time to make sensible, single topic laws and improve the election process. Ugh.

  24. Kennedy as modern day Warren Commission for COVID..! That would be straight fire. I could totally see that happening. What a way to unify.

  25. I do not believe that a Trump administration would do anything to Fauci and friends. I don’t even think Trump will ever admit how bad the vaccines were/are. He always diverts those questions to be about the lockdowns/mandates and away from the pharmaceutical and government corruption

  26. My daughter died in a hospital alone from Covid . We were not allowed to see her. We had to say goodbye over the phone shortly before they sedated her prior to ventilation.
    I hope the rest of Fauci’s life is hell.

  27. Watch some blue states and swing states change their election laws to exclude "convicted felons" on the ballot as a way to keep Trump out of office.

  28. If Trump wins the election Joe Biden will pardon Trump before he leaves office so that Trump won’t go after him lol

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