
Chris Watts | A Deal With The Devil | In Search Of Justice


Chris Watts | A Deal With The Devil | In Search Of Justice

#Chris #Watts #Deal #Devil #Search #Justice

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0:00 – Introduction
3:53 – An Important Disclaimer
4:45 – Part 1: The Emperor’s Clothes
30:09 – Part 2: The People v John Sandoval
37:05 – Part 3: Not Just Another True Crime Podcast
48:40 – Part 4: Absolute Power
1:00:31 – Part 5: A Deal With The Devil
1:10:21 – Part 6: We’re Not Going To Hold Everybody Accountable
1:26:07 – Part 7: The Path Towards Justice
1:56:48 – Closing

Since the conviction of Chris Watts tens of thousands of people have contacted the Weld County District Attorney’s office and requested copies of law enforcement’s discovery file for his case. Those people have spent hundreds of thousands of hours seeing the evidence that law enforcement failed in their duty to properly investigate all viable leads in their own case file. The DA’s office has subsequently received thousands of requests from concerned citizens asking that they complete the investigation that their own records state was closed prematurely.

In this episode we evaluate a previously unreported side of this case, and how the trial, conviction and appeal impacted the outcome of the Watts plea deal.

@ScottBuckley “A Kind Of Hope”
– Every single one of my videos has always had music by @ScottBuckley and I simply cannot say this enough. This is one of the most prolific music creators of the last decade, and what’s even more incredible is that he offers this music to creators like myself to use in our content. PLEASE show him support by checking out his page, he is one of my favorite composers and I am so grateful for his talents on this platform.
@oakstudiosok “Eventide”
-This is a truly exceptional creator who provides the YouTube community with copyright free music!

The views and statements provided in this video are the opinions of the author. My opinions are my own and are not reflective of any person other than the author. All parties are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Any footage used is in direct compliance with the Fair Use Act and will be protected and enforced as such. No statements made in this video are direction allegations of anyone having committed a crime. All statements or information provided are within the guidelines of the TOS of YouTube & are a demonstration of Free Speech for educational and entertainment purposes only.

The sources used in this video are taken from discovery, news reports, and other available records available to the public.

Law Enforcement’s Discovery Records:

Interview Transcripts:

criminal law , Chris Watts | A Deal With The Devil | In Search Of Justice, chris watts,chris watts documentary,chris watts 2024,true crime,nichol kessinger,nichol kessinger guilty,nichol kessinger documentary,nichol kessinger interviews,nichol kessinger interrogation,chris watts interview,true crime documentary,true crime videos,behind criminal minds

24 thoughts on “Chris Watts | A Deal With The Devil | In Search Of Justice”

  1. There is no justice in this case
    Chris acted like a 14 year old child infatuation made him completely dumb
    And she manipulated the fact that making him feel heard and important he would do everything
    She was correct he did everything for her! She is disgusting

  2. If the Watts were murdered in the home how come the 2 different dogs didn't detect that? I believe it happened elsewhere.

  3. Years later and y'all still talking about it. Looks like your giving him the publicity he really wanted….by still covering the same thing over and over again lol Y'all mf "content creators" need lives lmfao. Its like you mfs get off on making hate videos on Chris Watts.

  4. Side note: as a former trauma nurse who’s seen more car crash victims than anyone should have to see, I am SO GLAD you’re ok!!! Congratulations on your first sponsor—I’m new to this channel but from what I see so far it’s well deserved!

  5. She should have been behind bars from the beginning. I've been following this case since it happened. She is not a good person and was VERY MUCH a part of who took theor lives. Absolutely crazy watching her walk.

  6. Gypsy Rose was incarcerated though she did not kill her mother, but put the seed in someone else's mind. That Kessinger got away with doing likewise is preposterous .

  7. I’m 22 minutes into this video and haven’t watched the rest of the series… but has it been noted how rehearsed her little breakdown was?? “They’re so liiiiiittle…. And she’s preeeeeeegnant” came out of her mouth on a phone interview before her filmed in-person interview which was available on YouTube from early on.

  8. I’m so very happy that the video is back up. Fantastic work! I’m also glad that you’re not giving up on NK. I pray that one day complete justice will be achieved for those 4 precious souls that were taken out of their lives by the very one whom should of loved them most. He wasn’t alone though, and I don’t think for one moment that he came up with that ridiculous plan by himself. He’s too much of a follower for that and has little backbone unless prodded by another who is a stronger personality, imo.

  9. Men (and women) better watch out for her…. Oh, and her "elusive griend Jim"…. Hands down, I know him too. Many of us do. Jim. Jim Beam.

  10. No one remembers how watts was worried about nk when the investigators interviewed him in prison. I can't remember the exact verbiage but it was along the lines of just leave her out of it. Let her be happy.

  11. Big issue is….just because u have good study habits….and u have passed the bar does not necessarily mean you are of any considerable intelligence…and it's even more relevant when it comes to those who manage to become police officers…I can attest to a guy I was in school with.. who became an officer in my town….was on the short bus……and had a curriculum of applied math woodshed and basket weaving…yet he was put in charge of our freedom ? In my neck of the woods?….doesn't compute

  12. You need to try and get Megyn Kelly’s attention. She’s obsessed with this case and has a huge audience.

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