
Chicago Sues Glock in the Most Absurd Lawsuit You’ll Ever Read


Chicago Sues Glock in the Most Absurd Lawsuit You’ll Ever Read

#Chicago #Sues #Glock #Absurd #Lawsuit #Youll #Read

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Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses one of the most absurd lawsuits you will ever read, a new one filed by the City of Chicago against Glock. This suit alleges that Glock is reponsible for the use of Glock switches even though they do not manufacture them, sell them, market them or endorse them. But now Chicago is claiming that Glock has known these auto sears can be easily attached to their firearms and they have yet to do anything about it. What this really is, is Chicago’s weak attempt to scapegoat Glock for the City’s failed policies. So learn more today and arm yourself with education.

Read the Complaint here.
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criminal lawyer , Chicago Sues Glock in the Most Absurd Lawsuit You’ll Ever Read, Chicago,Illinois gun laws,Glock,Illinois assault weapon ban,Illinois gun registry,FFL,Glock switches,auto sears,lawsuits,gun lawsuits,Washington gun laws,assault weapons,high capacity magazines,DOJ,ATF,Pistol braces,80% lowers,concealed carry,self defense,Second Amendment,gun control,Supreme Court,Minnesota,Pennsylvania,New York,Oregon,California gun laws,New Mexico,Tennessee,Colorado,Texas,Florida,New Jersey,Massachusetts

34 thoughts on “Chicago Sues Glock in the Most Absurd Lawsuit You’ll Ever Read”

  1. I read this story the other day and any judge in their right mind should fine the city of Chicago for wasting everybody's time.

    "It can be illegally modified"

  2. It would make sense for Glock to release a Gen6 set of pistols where the switch doesn't work though, because I can see the ATF considering Glocks to be 'easily convertible' and therefore fully automatic the same way they did with open bolt guns.

  3. So…. what they're really doing is to try to prevent first party sales of Gen3 and Gen4 so that Police officers can sell theirs at a higher price.

  4. Chicago wants to stop Glock from selling guns inside the city… do they think anyone is actually getting glocks legally within city limits?

  5. Not accepting responsibility for your failed policies and blaming something / someone else is the Chicago way!

    Funny how the 2021-2023 rise in violence, lines up perfectly with the ‘post-Covid’ cuts to police funding and ‘neutered’ policies for policing.

    Too much ego and unwillingness to admit their policies are at fault…So let’s blame the corporations.

    Outside of the 2A impacts…This is just another red flag for any corporation looking to invest in the city. What company wants to invest in a city that is willing to go through this level of mental gymnastics, to weaponize consumer protection laws?

    – Former Chicago Resident

  6. Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge all manufacture vehicles which, with no hand tools and a simple desire to flaunt the local laws, can be driven at twice the legal speed limits. This behavior is immoral, unethical, unscrupulous, and unreasonable.

  7. Easy response:
    Glock does not sell to individuals, only dealers. Since Chicago has no dealers, Glock has no control over how Glock firearms have entered the city of Chicago.
    Second, Glock is not under any obligation to thwart any illegal action that would modify its firearms beyond its intended purpose. Just in the way that the addition of a vehicle to the use of alcohol is a prohibited offense beyond the scope of beverage manufacturers, Glock cannot be expected to accept responsibility for the choices and actions of criminals.
    Third, everything that guy said is bullshit.

  8. Just keep voting pritzner 😂. It will all be over soon enough. Illinois is already arming the illegals, just search it. Take yours and give to them😂😂😂😂😂

  9. So if someone stabs another person with a knife. some how its the companys fault for making the knife. Got it.

  10. Chicago sues all Grocery Stores for selling Fat Foods, along with Dairy Queen, MacDonald's, and Burger King. Chicago sues Dairy Farms for making milk used in fat Foods…makes as much sense. (satire) These guys go out of their way to step in stupid.

  11. Versus! A verse is a metrical writing distinguished from poetry especially by its lower level of intensity.

  12. I remember seeing advertisements for these on Facebook from Temu and AliExpress. They were advertised as “keychains” 😂

  13. We were warned years ago that gun manufacturers were going to be sued out of existence. It will take off soon and every shithole city will be suing every maker of firearms.

  14. I have one question, please don't think I support this ridiculous law suit, but is there anything Glock can do to prevent someone from installing a sear? Or can you do this with any brand of handguns? Excuse my ignorance on the topic. Thx

  15. The problem Chicago has is the damn people themselves. these lil thugs running around trying to make the hood into a warzone, the people who make excuses for them be it the parents or the politicians are the problem.

  16. "We can't/won't enforce our own laws and people are dying in record numbers as a result, so we're going to extort money from a company that has nothing to do with any of that because we're corrupt, greedy, and have a severe allergy to any form of accountability for our own (in)actions."

  17. Once a city destroys all legal businesses they regulate, that city still needs the tax revenue the businesses they destroyed provided. Someone is going to pay for their incompetence and it’s not them.

  18. I agree that this is a stupid lawsuit; but, you need to not over sell Chicago's craziness. You comments about Chicago defunding the police. That's false. CPD's budget is larger than ever. I agree with everything else you said, but no sane person is going to stand for fewer cops in this city.

  19. So if pepper spray was outlawed, but you can buy a claw hammer in any hardware store – would they sue Stanley??

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