
Cheating Ex-GF Found Out Am A High Profile Lawyer So She Called To Ask “If Am Ready To Apologize”


#Cheating #ExGF #High #Profile #Lawyer #Called #Ready #Apologize

Summary :-
Ezra’s ex-girlfriend, Hannah, whom he had been dating since high school, cheated on him while he was in law school. So, he breaks up with her and calls the cops when she won’t leave. She was angry at him because he treated her like trash while throwing her out of his apartment. Six years later, she hears from him that he is a hotshot lawyer now, working at one of the biggest firms in the city, and wants to reconnect. However, Ezra is married now, and he hands the phone to his wife, Maura, when she doesn’t stop calling him. Hannah gets jealous and claims that it took Ezra no time at all to move on from her. She gets unhinged and starts stalking him. She also begins stalking Maura, which leads Ezra and Maura to get scared because his ex has been acting a bit threateningly. So they get a restraining order against her. When Hannah gets notice of the hearing, she gets mad and immediately comes to their home. She threatens Maura there. However, they soon get a restraining order against Hannah and think that they are safe. However, Ezra feels like he is still being stalked. When he brings it up to Maura, she agrees as well. They think that maybe it’s the result of being on high alert for the past few weeks that got them on their toes. However, they are right, and the restraining order didn’t deter his ex from overstepping the restraining order. He thinks Maura stole the life she should have had. She tries to physically attack her one night while she is returning from her job in the parking lot of her work. Unknown to Hannah, Maura is a boxing coach, and she physically hurts Hannah brutally. She ends up in the hospital, and she calls the cops on her.

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22 thoughts on “Cheating Ex-GF Found Out Am A High Profile Lawyer So She Called To Ask “If Am Ready To Apologize””

  1. Really enjoyed this story . And love the background .👍🏽 Harpee -47 sounds very unstable 😮 .

  2. That comment about not wanting to help a mentally sick person is the most ridiculous comment i have ever heard. You must be mentally sick as well to have that opinion. You should seek help .

  3. It’s not his job to get help for her and he didn’t know how bad she was also you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help’!

  4. I thought his wife was an ex boxer? Because if someone is threatening me stalking me you best believe I'm going to be pulling out the punches. That makes no sense because she is trespassing in their property so all they have to do is say she pushed past their house and my wife beat her ass, that's it.

  5. There is no way this was written by a lawyer. Using phrases like "Oh my gosh"…and a million other giveaways

  6. As to the comment at the end of the video, they DID help her. They helped her find out after she f—-ed around.
    OP has to be the dumbest lawyer ever if he thought that a restraining order would stop someone who is unhinged. He obviously deals in corporate law and has never spent time in criminal court.

  7. Man who are these idiots that keep commenting on these stories defending the dummies in the wrong?

  8. That last comment is straight up bull. Just because your stalker /attempted murderer is having a possible manic episode, it won't make you any less dead, hurt or traumatized. The lady caused her own breakdown. She cheated and lost that opportunity and needs to place the blame on herself.

  9. Hannah appears after 6 yrs, conveniently forgetting her major role in her and OP's breakup. Then somehow finding out where he lives, with his wife, and says she'll forgive him if HE apologizes and will take him back. OMG, crazy as all hell. Then claims Maura stole what was suppose to be HER life. That's dangerous talk, showing that Hannah was no longer in this realm of reality. Hopefully prison time will bring her back to this reality. As for the commentor, it was probably a family member, or friend, of Hannah's trying to blame everyone but who was actually at fault, Hannah.

  10. No one gives a damn about the last comment in the video because if someone is so obsessed with you to the point they tried stabbing your wife I don't give a damn if your family or you have a manic episode or a mentally ill perspective at the moment. I don't care if you need medical attention because if you try stabbing someone I care about because you think you deserve me after cheating on me. Terrible your choosing the terrible comments at the end of your videos and it's showing your perspective. Sure she's a mentally ill person but nobody has to help her just because she's mentally ill. And she wasn't even mentally ill she just obsessive person who notices that her ex has a ton of wealth now and that she thinks that she deserves it even though she cheated on him which caused the relationship to break which was ultimately her fault

  11. This story sounds extremely fake. Dude keeps referring to himself as a "hotshot lawyer", but didn't think about getting a restraining order or gathering evidence that someone is stalking him for weeks…?

  12. That commenter at the end is clearly stupid, hence the stupid vomit. I think they're friends of the ex hence the nonsense that came out their mouth.

  13. Commenter 2- Harpee, well apparently, she's a real harpy, screeching about op & wife. Did she not read the article? or maybe she's unstable too & emphasizes with Hannah? WEIRD!!

  14. The comments at the end always throw me off. How do you hear a story where one person is very much in the wrong, but pretty much side with them? The victim blaming is absolutely ridiculous.

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