
Charges Dropped?! Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Bodega Owner who Killed Attacker


Charges Dropped?! Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Bodega Owner who Killed Attacker

#Charges #Dropped #Criminal #Lawyer #Breaks #Bodega #Owner #Killed #Attacker

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Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Breaks Down the Bodega Owner who Killed Attacker

Stop Self Snitchin’ Hat:


Producer: Michael Rivers
Instagram: @Michaelhrivers

Instagram: @CLRBruceRivers
Twitter: @BruceRiversCLR

Intro Song by Jaylap from CRAM
CRAM Soundcloud:
Instagram: @jaylapp

You can find Bruce Rivers on Facebook here:

Business Inquiries: [email protected]
Rivers Law Firm, P.A.,
criminal lawyer , Charges Dropped?! Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Bodega Owner who Killed Attacker, [vid_tags]

38 thoughts on “Charges Dropped?! Criminal Lawyer Breaks Down the Bodega Owner who Killed Attacker”

  1. I think disparity of force is a good basis for a defense in this case. The shop owner was older and less physically capable of fighting the attacker who could easily have killed him with his bare hands. So yeah, I agree this is justified.
    The fact that the cops still tried to lock up the owner is just one more reason to not trust nor talk to them. They don't care if you're innocent, they just care if they can figure out a way to get cuffs on you.

  2. if anyone is responsible of his death it’s the girlfriend she really let her own ego ruin EVERYONES life including that kid

  3. Why in the world would this lawyer defend a guy like this???? Lawyers like Rivers only help perpetuate behavior like this , because they keep them out of prison.

  4. Business owners aren't obligated to be nice to you if you can't afford to pay for goods. I've had my card declined before because I was broke and frivolous with my money. It's embarrassing. Never once did I consider sending someone to confront the store clerk, and I wouldn't do that for a loved one if they were being unreasonable.

  5. God this is so stupid. This is just class warfare. Keep poor people fighting with each other. Make sure essential resources are artificially scarce to keep prices/profits are high. Wish we lived in a more compassionate society. Those of us in the 99% need to be better about not killing each other while living under economic stress.

  6. I'm a bit of a Karen. I can be hot headed when I think I've been wronged, but I have to keep it in check, because I have a husband who I know will defend me if someone assaults me, or calls me a derogatory word. He's not an aggressive man, but he's protective of his family, and he may not know I over reacted first. He may not know I got the guy heated and emotional. There was a time where I've had to back down and apologize because I didn't want it to escalate and have my husband end up in prison. And that's how men should be. If you're with a guy who you know will protect you and stand up for you, you have a responsibility to not use him as a weapon and to control yourself.

  7. Mr Simon will NOT be missed.

    Well maybe by his family but everyone else on the planet is better off. You know im right

  8. If this took place in Texas, there would be no argument or charges. But, liberal New York refuses to acknowledge the 2nd ammendment so the bodega guy is limited to what he can use for self defense. The guy man handled the owner and this is enough, to logical thinking folks, to make the SOB die.

  9. We are all grownups here. Why show the video if you do not show it all. We missed the 3 time stabbing which would be ok in court but why not show all the video you have access to? We ARE NOT CHILDREN I am so sick of the media and all those showing videos to think they cannot show a little gore. I am not saying to show all the gore, but what is important to a video which you yourself are watching, who do you think you are?

  10. "Let's say a silent prayer for Mr Simon. He didn't deserve to die."

    No thanks, I strongly disagree. If one person physically attacks another, the attacker deserves to die. Don't assault people… especially defenseless old men. If Mr Simon kept his hands to himself his baby would have a father.

  11. The worst thing about this case: the local NYC prosecutor and mayor used it as a political bargaining chip.

  12. I know you had to exclude the original video for youtube purposes but could you provide a link to the original so that we can see what youre talking about for ourselves? I know this is a bit late in the game to be talking about this as the video is a year old.

  13. In hindsight Mr Alba should have locked down the bodega after this woman left and phoned the police. I also don't believe her version of Mr Alba grabbing the snack back in a mean or derogatory way. I'm sure he's probably had her in his store before and is well aware of the danger she poses so I doubt he would aggravate the situation.

  14. So let's all admit the odds are against you in the first place. Innocent or not he is paying for the crime committed against him the law isn't decent

  15. I am fuming watching this man be pushed over…
    They didn’t pay for the snack and it was taken back how is that not obvious to the
    And to subject their kid to go through their chaos, that definitely will upset a kid more than a snack being taken back!!!

  16. Silence girlfriend she's been prosecuted Simon is gone and it's no great loss anybody who thinks like that it's not a very good man Mister Alba is an amazing man and a hard worker and he did a great job eliminating the threat funniest you made a good decision

  17. CAN'T let va dude skip in line….. THAT'S disrespect…… EVERYONE will KNOW you're a chump…… Now screw ya im gnna skip ya…. You won't do anything

  18. God Bless You and your family! I’m so amazed to come across such a loving Christian lawyer! Thank u! Ur amazing!😮😊

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