
Championing Justice: Adrienna Kisvarda, Defender in Criminal Law


Championing Justice: Adrienna Kisvarda, Defender in Criminal Law

#Championing #Justice #Adrienna #Kisvarda #Defender #Criminal #Law

Meet Adrienna Kisvarda, an esteemed Criminal Defence Lawyer at James Dowsley & Associates! With her unwavering dedication to justice and a wealth of experience, Adrienna specializes in navigating complex legal landscapes, providing expert representation to her clients facing criminal charges. Adrienna Kisvarda brings a unique blend of legal prowess and compassionate advocacy to each case she handles. Her commitment to defending the rights of individuals and ensuring a fair trial is unparalleled.
criminal law , Championing Justice: Adrienna Kisvarda, Defender in Criminal Law, Adrienna Kisvarda,nun ya biz,nun ya bizness,nun ya business,nunya bizness,nunya bizness police,nunya business,nunya business police,nunya,accountability and transparency,accountability transparency,audit police,cop watch australia,copwatch australia,exposing tyrants,nun ya b,pinac,police audit,police tyrants,public photography,public photography audit,transparency,victoria police,Victoria police tyrants,james Dowsley & Associates

30 thoughts on “Championing Justice: Adrienna Kisvarda, Defender in Criminal Law”

  1. I have never seen you disrespectful to police I love your videos our local Nunya U have thought me so much about the law and fairness for all! your forvever in our hearts we love you Nunya!🥰🏖🌞💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺💗💗💗💗💗

  2. Well there you go… white fellas paper caught emselves out again… johnyb land of Oz… tell it as it is Nunya… well done my bruz still to yarn…

  3. I've missed your videos, Nunya. Keep up the great work mate, you have a mountain of support out here.

  4. The Vic police have earned the hate all by them selves (No outside influence bar a camera or 2 to prove it) . If they are worried about their perceived reputation . For 1 raise the IQ of your recruits 2 , Dont hire thugs Tyrants and bully's and dictators 3. act as a independent not a puppet of the government .

  5. The police do a good job on their own convincing people to be anti police they don't need any help

  6. Does anyone have the balls to say the police are good? Look at the videos of police stomping on the head of a mentally challenged man and putting him in an induced coma for 6 weeks. The judge ruled the police did nothing wrong.

  7. Well done pal, gotta give you so much respect for knowing the iaw in your interactions with. the police.
    Great result in court for you to, keep it up, watching from the UK

  8. Anti Police ?

    I think most Australians are now anti Police after their conduct during Covid and the fact that they are now Politicians Private Armies.

    It's a disgrace.

  9. 👏👏👏👏👏U got me bro…I was already writing a comment to shame them for being sore losers 😂🤣🤣🤣this court case would explain why that cocky cop unlawfully stole your bike lights and intimidated you….because he has weapons and a licence to use them…even if U were to try and stop his crime of theft in progress.
    Honourable magistrate with the yt case…that's where the tyranny ends…when the courts don't support Rogue cops👍👍👍good work all round bro…your a champion and Legend…keeping them honest and cleaning their conscience 🤟🤟and that's"all our business"🤜🤛

  10. What should be done now,is to promote the reduction of the numbers of stupid and ego driven officers. If that is a problem the police will get more exposure on the Internet revealing their failures and ineptitude.

  11. If you want the public to respect the police,you might want to start with knocking off the nazi bullshit,like taking down a person’s u tube Chanel ,keep going nunya much respect from west palm beach,florida

  12. What on earth possessed VICPOL to pursue such a frivolous complaint? Nothing like squandering other peoples money. The prosecutor needs prosecuting, he/she/it must be a RIGHT snowflake little tart, eh!

  13. Great video. KEEP it up. They can't stop the truth. Until they make the truth illegal. Which seems to be what they are trying to do

  14. The Victorian police have been taken from the position of their original posting which is the guardian of the community and the job that comes hand in hand is the top position as overseer of the community and that position is paid by the community to make sure we are inn a safe living and harmony,es inviorment as the majority of the people's of the state of Victoria, Inturn as the majority the Victorian people's also decide to place in position a governing body to handle state business and the running of our state affairs ! . As the Victorian people's and the majority we are the head of the state of Victoria ! Let me make this to everyone here on Mr. Nunyas channel quite clear. You ,myself ,and every persons who is a Victorian inn this state needs to review their position of their priorities and positions of our current standing as individuals first! and then reflect on our standings as a whole and being part of the head of this state each of us. For myself I am to blame for what is occurring right now as an individual I didn't educate myself to understand that I have the power to override the police,the political system and also the power to engage inn the decision makings of our armed forces if need be in the state of Victoria,I also with the majority can overule the laws of this state!. When you all come to these understandings as a Victorian representative and part of the head of this state ,then we will all see a blossoming wildflower which will be the centre stone on the crown of ( AUSTRALIAS COAT OF ARMS ) We must take full responsibility for the events that we have created that surround us with ( OUR ) police force, with ( OUR ) choice making in installing a circus for our government ! Which we all watch every night as we clench our teeth into that poor sausage that cops our disdain as it goes into you're mouth as dinner at 6.00Pm on a serve of channel 9 news. We must protect our people in our police force they need us so they can come home to us , the political scenario has to be exterminated asap all of it ,and to be totally re designed a first for Australia's history if this lady is too grace the waters again. ITS MY FAULT ITS LIKE THIS TODAY ! like all of them I as well didn't give a fuck, now I realise ,it hurts and all around me everywhere everyone is hurting too . Get real get suited up ,get together, talk,talk,talk with everyone on the street everyday make it big, bigger,bigggeerrrr, be a head of you're Victorian state and tell everyone else WTF their entitlement is inn their state of Victoria! . Good work Nunya 🖐️ Gold that's what Nunya is FUKN Victorian gold, the welcome stranger ,the hand of faith , 2022 the Nunya nugget ! ( GOLD )🇦🇺👍🌹❤️👃🇦🇺❤️👁️👀🤌👮👷👰🧑‍🔧🧕👲🧑‍🎓🧑‍🦲🧑‍🦱👱🧑‍🦰 there's no blackfellas Nunya Fukn racist cartoon people's shit😂🤣 yeehah ! Pico the tiger 🐅🐅🐅👍🖐️

  15. Nunya I would like to catch-up with you regarding an issue I think you would be interested in… I'm in Clyde vic

  16. every job i worked at i had a supervisor and quality control ? i think thats whats missing hear … if i was boss man at nsw police i would drag em through the coals .? you waste the budget on that rubbish . beat MR Nunya Bizness at his own game DO YOUR JOB ? give him nothing

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