
Chad Doerman Wants Murder Confession Suppressed


Chad Doerman Wants Murder Confession Suppressed

#Chad #Doerman #Murder #Confession #Suppressed

Chad Doerman is back in court as his lawyers try to take back the murder confession that he killed his three young sons execution-style.

00:00 Chad Doerman Background
00:24 Hearing: Motion to Surpress Confession
06:46 Expert Analysis
11:48 More Direct-Examination on the Investigator
15:14 Cross-Examination of Investigator
21:54 Expert Analysis

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41 thoughts on “Chad Doerman Wants Murder Confession Suppressed”

  1. Just seeing that sob's face makes me sick! He is a coward!! He's scared of prison. Those poor little boys. 😭😭😭💔💔💔

  2. But but but…guns! Why didn't she have a gun to protect her family???
    I thought that's the case in US of A.

  3. What makes my head hurt is , what’s up with the CIA ?? Our they not covert ?? Did this individual think the CIA was going to save him ?? Very confused

  4. Why do criminals have more rights than the innocent people? 😤😤 This detective blew the case by not reading him his rights 🙄🙄

  5. What about those children's rights. He took theirs away. So his should be taken away as well

  6. Ah naw doesnt matter he killed three babies why are we even talking about this……….he is done.

  7. At the end of the day whats it matter if his rights where read wrong he still did it or was it the murdaugh defense i just turned up at the house and went to get my g*n to protect my self

  8. I just got back from a ban for my last comment my feelings about this havent changed i am just not going to say it anymore on here

  9. This man shouldn't have any rights after killing 3 innocent children in front of everyone in that neighborhood. There are dozens of of witness!

  10. Yeah let's protect the precious rights of a guy that clearly executed 3 babies and confessed to it.

  11. So because they didn't stop when he asked for a lawyer, does that mean that this piece of crap will go free??? I wouldn't doubt it the way justice goes in this country.

  12. I believe he wants it suppressed because they can't make it deal with him since he confessed to murder. But you know what he murdered three babies and he needs to get the death penalty himself for those three babies I don't know if Ohio has the death penalty

  13. Really like you need a confession… your there with the murder weapon and the bodies and a 911 call identifying you as the killer. If i was the prosecutor id allow them to throw the confession out…he will still be found guilty. He is thinking on hill-billy terms!

  14. The only reason to have the card is to cover your ass by reading it verbatim. Defence attorney can’t really do anything if you read every single word directly from the card

  15. Im usually not for the death penalty but listening to how he got in his truck and hunted down his LAST son n brought him back to kill him with his siblings are shot feet away from him. I cant even imagine how those boys suffered. He shouldnt be able to breathe the same air we do! He shouldnt be able to drink the same water that we do! He shouldn't be able to walk on the ground that we walk on! I look at my own children n think HOW?!? They are 6-8 years old.. the same ages as those beautiful boys.. sorry for the to stop hearing from this monster. End it n lets remember these beautiful boys and celebrate their beautiful short life! 😢

  16. Just my humble opinion – he made that play on words of "Laura" and "lawyer" ON PURPOSE for the very reason this is in discussion and they fell for it!!

    However, there us no excuse for not reading the full Miranda which makes this even worse.

    He's the genius!

    However, I hope they WAKE UP and do the right thing here. He knows he confessed.

    God rest the souls of those beautiful boys. 😢

  17. It sounds as though they may have allowed their passion surrounding the horror of the crime to get the better of them and may not have been as meticulous as they should have been in securing the confession. They can probably prove his guilt without the confession. Let’s hope so.

  18. How bout… NO! You know what you did was WRONG sir!!! There is NO defense for this!!!

  19. Wasting time & money on this sick demented evil guy who knowingly slaughtered his beautiful little boy's!!!!! And going to plead not guilty!! This makes me sick!!!!!

  20. This is not looking good. The whole right to remain silent is also an important part, doesn't the investigator think? "I'm not a robot." He sounds arrogant.

  21. This WASN'T a tragedy! It was a vile, evil, despicable act perpetrated on three totally innocent, tender aged children!!

  22. It amazes me that this guy murdered his sons in broad daylight in the front yard and witnesses were there. Why are they discussing this like he might not be the killer…???!!!! I cannot believe murderers have more rights than the victims…

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