
Chad Daybell’s Family Testifies: Doomsday Prophet Murder Trial, Day 15 Recap


Chad Daybell’s Family Testifies: Doomsday Prophet Murder Trial, Day 15 Recap

#Chad #Daybells #Family #Testifies #Doomsday #Prophet #Murder #Trial #Day #Recap

Chad Daybell’s mother and sister-in-law testified to Chad’s visions and stated that “Chad’s description of Tammy Daybell’s death sounded scripted.”

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47 thoughts on “Chad Daybell’s Family Testifies: Doomsday Prophet Murder Trial, Day 15 Recap”

  1. This thing called JUSTICE moves slowly it has been quite a journey not a pleasant one at all. My heart breaks for Charles Tylee JJ & Tammy the memorial was so sad beautiful but soooooooo sad

  2. I love your videos. Boise is pronounced Boy-see
    😂 spread the word! I know it's irrational to be bugged by Boy-zee

  3. I no longer believe religion played a role in Chad's evil doings; he is like so many other men who have killed their wives in order to be with another woman they are obsessed with…..I think Lori was a kook who got tied up in the deviant branch of the LDS faith and Chad baited her with those teachings because he wanted her and the money she could make off of dead family members…..he killed Tammy to be with Lori…..he is just a disgusting man who is having his lawyer tell people his wife died "because she was 40 pounds overweight"……Tammy did not look overweight to me…..I think Lori is a hag but Chad saw blonde hair, flirty personality and petite frame and he went goo goo ga ga …..his face looks like kermit the frog and his arms and hands look like t-rex arms……but he is trash talking his sweet wife's looks…..he is disgusting …….I think he, Lori, Melanie the niece and Melanie the friend all deserve the same fate.

  4. I can't stomach Chad or his bride Lori. This case is so disgusting and demonic. Those two deserve a hotter corner in hell.

  5. The defense trying to make it seem that everything was Lori’s fault. Chad was certainly gregarious enough to go on book tours, and he was quite passionate about his alleged beliefs.

  6. Bravo Kay Woodcock. She also discovered Lori's residence address on the Amazon order. Prior is very skillful. I'm concerned he will plan enough doubt in at least one juror's mind. Hope I'm wrong.

  7. Did they kill the kids AFTER Lori found out that Kay got the 1 million insurance money or before?

    I don't remember that timeliness


  8. I think prior isnt doing chad any favors with his line of questioning. I personally think he makes them look desperate to have any kind of a defense, maybe thats because what chad has done is indefensible

  9. John Pryor yes, I believe, not like by the jewelry, or maybe everyone else. Many of us see him as an arrogant bully.

  10. Chad had to script it to keep up with the lie 🤥's him and Lori practiced on.
    This is beyond inhumane what the murderers did. Alex is definitely burning in the ring of fire for eternity. Alex Cox could've stop this evil from taking place. Alex could have taken the children and ran with them before even Charles Vallows was to be murdered. And called the cops.

  11. I highly suspect Chad adult kids will finish Chad's plan of a Jim jones part 2 ..
    Cult mind control is definitely being held ransom lets go say thru chad to his adult children

  12. PRYOR is grasping for straws … Jurors know exactly what chad is guilty of an no attorney can fool this jury … Chads toast and PRYOR one step closer to getting that land sold ..

  13. CHAD DEFINITELY Wanted a tent city of cult followers like Jim jones did .. BLANTLY OBVIOUS

  14. PRYOR is sawing legs off chads ladder .. more Pryor tries to convince juror .. worse it's getting for chad

  15. There is a VERY high probability that Chad murdered his wife, Tammy – yet his children are standing behind him! This man killed their MOTHER for the insurance money to spend on his mistress! Talk about denial (or participation?).
    As for his mother, grinning and being supercilious on the stand…. She seems to have a personality problem as well.

  16. They need to drag Julie Rowe into this and force her to testify about her ‘spiritual gifts’ and how her teachings influenced Chad.

  17. I read that Larry passed out… mints. When i read passed out, i was too upset to see "mints" This has been excrutiating for Larry and Kay who had baby J.J. until Lori and Charles asked to adopt him. Larry and Kay being older and without support systems for the autistic child. Hearing Larry's story about finally "potty" training J.J. was heart warming. Now, years later, J.J. is murdered and Larry and Kay are dealing with the prolonged stress of two separate murder trials. Tammy was also murdered, but his children arent present.

  18. When Chad started telling people that Tammy would die early, that’s when he started planning to kill Tammy, not when Chad met Lori.

  19. I love that video where JJ is happy singing with his Papa 🥹💔 I trust God justice will be served 🙏🏼

  20. Vinnie is not on his game. His responses, leaving the reporter a little on suspense. I think he’s spreading himself too thin between courttv and his own YouTube channel

  21. They went out for dinner & Lori said her daughter has died !!! Larry & Kay ❤the steam roller is here 😂👍🏻👏🏼that’s all the jury will remember 💪🏼👏🏼❤️

  22. He could of said NO THANKS AM MARRIED & live by the church rules Lori …… his choice he’s a grown man with children!! THERES NO EXCUSE!

  23. I loathe the way in which Prior questions witnesses. Before he actually asks a question, he testifies; such as, “Chad wasn’t very gregarious (testimony), was he?” “She had a more powerful personality, didn’t she?” It sounds as if he’s telling the witness what he wants them to reply. I think it is very unprofessional, and I’m surprised the prosecution hasn’t objected more often. I wasn’t following the pre-trial time, but I heard that Prior requested to be taken off the case and his request was denied by the judge. Can anyone tell me why it was that Prior made this request in the first place?

  24. But hey. Mother Daybell- your son is gregarious at AVOW speeches & adept at destroying/burying bodies🤨

  25. Dang Mama Daybell got a fat ass. Lol. But seriously I'd hate to be living that religious, unworldly niave life. It sounds boring and they all sound dumb af.

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