
Chad Daybell’s Defense Attorney Owns the Doomsday Prophet’s Home


Chad Daybell’s Defense Attorney Owns the Doomsday Prophet’s Home

#Chad #Daybells #Defense #Attorney #Owns #Doomsday #Prophets #Home

A witness revealed that John Prior, #ChadDaybell’s defense attorney, owns the property where the bodies of #JJVallow and #TyleeRyan were discovered. The #DoomsdayProphetMurderTrial jury was instructed by the judge to ignore this part of the testimony.

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32 thoughts on “Chad Daybell’s Defense Attorney Owns the Doomsday Prophet’s Home”


  2. I thought the prosecution handled that very well. JP did not object because he wanted this witness out of there quickly and without other questions. 😮

  3. Realtor was not being a comic. Facts don’t make it a mistrial… Wanting to put another structure on the property speaks volumes. 😔Watching a Netflix documentary 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 shouldn’t distract from what the real facts that are being presented are.

  4. Defense counsel was not fully prepped for that witness 😂 stepped right in that one but, did get a valuable chunk of land.

  5. I don't think the witness was saying he questioned the relevance of prior's question in context of the investigation; I think he was feeling rightfully offended that Prior was trying to make it seem like the witness wasn't doing his job appropriately by not financially vetting the people interested in purchasing the property before showing the property to them. It seems like the witness was giving the prospective buyer the benefit of the doubt based on Chad's referral and showed the property prior to financially vetting the prospect because, in the process of selling a property, it didn'tt seem relevant to financially vet the prospect before the prospect was able to see the property and show actual interest. Seems like a bad way to make business if you tell someone they have to prove they can afford a piece of property before even showing it to them, but then again, I'm not a realtor. In summary, I think the witness was trying to say that in that initial property showing, it didn't seem relevant to vet the prospect's financials at that stage in the process, especially since Chad gave the referral and seemed to offer some credibility to the prospect…

  6. He not going to need it boys Tyrone Andre Rollo Lamont and few More brothers will dress him in women clothes

  7. WHAT??? Prior? Is that even allowed?? I mean he is so biased, that he actually should not be allowed to be the defence attorney anymore!! 👈👈 i have thought Prior looked very friendly and close with Chad, even similar, as in, he could be his brother… So.. I was right, that there was a close connection between Chad and Prior!! Disgusting!! So he has no problem with owning a plot of land, where the bodies of those innocent children have been burried! Literal advocate of the devil!!

  8. Joe Ryan's sister has a YT channel called annielytics. In her video discussing how Chad and Lori justified murder, she posts pictures of the home Charles and Lori lived in in Chandler, Arizona. When I saw those pictures, there's no way Lori's gonna be satisfied living h a modular home. Chad saw the home Lori and the children lived in after she and Charles separated. To me, this bolstered the idea that Chad never intended to live in the house with Lori, but had an entirely more nefarious reason for wanting to put another home on his land.

  9. I hate that when someone gets asked a yes or no question,
    And they answer with not really..😮

  10. I thought it was comical when the realtor said, "You own the property, you tell me!" I think John Prior's attitude is highly unprofessional.

  11. The lds church needs reputation manager. They should be coming out strong against this. The fact that nobody thought him marrying lori days after Tammy died is weird. Nobody saying anything is weirder.

  12. Damn Chad is so unattractive in the wedding photos. What a huge forehead with that weak nobby chin and frog lips. I hope his 2 sons didn't get his looks. I mean Tammy was no beauty either but at least she was as homly as Chad. Emma has that crazy eye look when ive seen her….especially when she stuck her tongue out at the news crews reporting in front of the home as the kids lay buried behind her. So immature. And to think she is a 3rd grade teacher at the same school Tammy was a librarian at. I bet poor Tammy will roll over in her grave when her own children come to her murderer's defense. I just can not believe Chad didn't take a plea bc this is not going well. Apparently Chad has no shame listening to texts, witnesses. His lack of shame matches his lack of concern for devastating his own children, intelligence to not cover his tracks better. Dumb and evil.

  13. Why would Lori say that she had 7 kids? Her 3 and his 5 would be 8. Did she leave out Colby? I realise it was weird, they had killed Tammy, abrupt wedding and all… But that hit me

  14. This news anchor speaks in a hilarious manner- like he’s making fun of people or taunting them the whole time lol😂. Is always like this?

  15. So the term “Mormon” was put upon members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by…NON MEMBERS. Members do not call themselves “Mormon” and in fact may find it offensive. Mormon, was a prophet from The Book of Mormon. Your “Mormon realtor” is a realtor like any other who happens to belong to Jesus Christ’s church. Please be accurate in your reporting if you deem yourself a “reporter”.

  16. I am confused though, if Chad had a contractor put up a manufactured home, wouldn’t he risk having the bodies discovered as they did the grading and foundation work?

  17. Prior loves to laugh and try to make the jurors feel as if they are all there to have a good time and not send Chad to prison for these horrofic crimes. He's like the wizard of OZ, "Pay no attention to the murderer behind the curtain." It sickens me every time someone plays along and laughs in this courtroom. Prior's fake laugh reeks of desperation.

  18. While I understand what the defense is doing, I cannot stand their condescending tone. I would DEFINITELY be held in contempt 😅

  19. Mr. Arnold did a fantastic job. He moved the ball indeed. He knew exactly why he was in court, he was assertive in his relationship with Chad, and spoke his factually relevant mind.

  20. The realtor is snapping back because Pryor is trying to gaslight and potentially implicate him. Anything to shed doubt for his client.

  21. Context: the children were buried on the property. Quickly build a module (not mobile) home on the property and prevent any searches for bodies!

  22. Horrifically so
    How is it possible that Garth didn’t hear Tammy having a coughing fit in the middle of the night, they lived in a very small house with bedrooms very close to each other.
    The coughing fit would have been loud enough to wake Garth or anyone else who was in the house the night of Tammy’s death.

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