
Carry Permit Found Unconstitutional


#Carry #Permit #Unconstitutional

In a big win for gun owners, a court has found that the requirement of a carry permit is unconstitutional. The Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Emily Taylor discuss the decision and the potential implication of carry permits being found unconstitutional nationwide.

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37 thoughts on “Carry Permit Found Unconstitutional”

  1. I don't feel sorry for you all with the legalize anything.Some one meaning gov.Telling me what or if God gave me a choice to conform to them or him.Answer never them dam snake in the tree.Try to make us feel ashamed without eating the fruit.Them be the forbidden fruit.You should have never conformed to anything they demand like their God. If you do it never stops.One lie after another . Manipulation to they can make you a criminals.

  2. I like your videos 👍 my name is Chris and I represent clients for 2nd Amendment Rights in Virginia.

  3. Fine, as long as they make training a requirement to buy a gun.
    Too many untrained idiots already, even with ccw permits…..
    Every single person knows someone they will not or would not be around if they knew they were carrying.
    Anyone that thinks training shouldn't be a requirement is retarded, and thusly should not be allowed to own a gun.

  4. I have a question:
    I’m 18 & new to history or newly found the love of history. I asked my grandfather about this but he gave me an explanation I don’t think I can repeat….
    Why do people throughout history give J€w$ a hard time?

    And do they deserve it?
    And what can Americans do to fight back?

  5. Seems like Senators, Judges and other government officials DO NOT UNDERSTAND what the US Constitution says or DO know and Violate it anyway.

  6. Did you guys know that Youtube is running a Democrat party add featuring Kamala Harris before your videos?

  7. there is no legislation related firearms that IS NOT unconstitutional. not one. The next one to the courts is the entire NFA.

  8. A court FOUND this? This has been known by every gun owner since they were told they needed to buy permission to exercise that right which they already had. We The People don't need to ask or buy permission to have rights, we just have rights. Period.

  9. I think the effect of Bruen will take many years and court cases to sort out. I realize that my statement is obvious. The liberal strongholds will not rest in trying to subvert it. It makes me happy to live in Texas where it isn't really an issue.

  10. The can deem all these ridiculous unconstitutional but it doesn't matter if you live in a liberal communist state like Maryland as i do.

  11. a CCW permit in any state should apply in all states. And localities should not be allowed to modify/restrict state firearm laws.

  12. It’s your right to open carry just like in the wild wild West nothing has changed our constitution remains the same

  13. Many states lack training programs for concealed carry permit holders on how to identify and interact with deaf individuals. Inquiries at my local gun shop revealed that, although the staff received comprehensive training, none included guidelines for recognizing or engaging with deaf persons, indicating a significant gap in the training curriculum. I wanted to share the insights I gained from the knowledgeable individuals at the local gun shop; none of it was surprising to me.

  14. The issue of open carrying is that some Karen can call the police on you and then they show up and harass you. Then they tell you to just pay the fine, I mean buy the permit, to exercise your right. That's being generous, actually, because most videos I've watched are pretty scary for the law abiding citizens simply exercising their right to open carry.

  15. Of course it is unconstitutional any and all laws are unconstitutional under Marbury vs Madison

  16. I've never quite understood the carveout for Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania Constitution. It makes it seem like some people have different (less) rights than others depending on where they live.

  17. The gov't CANNOT require a 'license' to exercise a GOD-given RIGHT. That right is given by GOD and existed BEFORE the government was created. That right existed before the Constitution was created, the Constitution only RECOGNIZED the preexisting God-given Right.

    We the People are the highest Authority, having established the Republic by winning our independence from the English monarchy.

    We the People created the Constitution.

    The Constitution authorized the creation of the government. The WHOLE purpose of the government, as created and authorized by the Constitution, which was created by We the People, is to defend the nation and to protect the Rights of We the People.

    That's IT.

    The government has NO right or authority to require a 'license' to exercise ANY God-given right. In fact, the government is by definition insubordinate, renegade and rogue IF it ever tries to do so.

    It is the equivalent of a servant (the people who work in government are civil SERVANTS) participating in a lawless INSURRECTION against the People who created it.

    And as anyone who has ever read God's Word knows, the 'created' (both the Constitution AND the government authorized by the Constitution) cannot be greater than the Creator, i.e., We the People.

  18. Outlawing personal firearms during a state of emergency, is like outlawing fire extinguishers during fire season.

  19. Evry 2 days I hear about 'supreme court rules' blah blah.
    never do I see any real positive effect in the real world.
    This all just seems like a perpetual profiteering fillibuster of litigation that only ever gives way to a tragedy in the form of, 'well i guess we should take away x'.

    And we should all start being honest about that rather than getting caught up in this b.s.

  20. Rights are rights and shouldn’t need permissions controlled by those disinterested in our exercise of said rights.

  21. I think the government takes the saying “just cause you’re ignorant of the law doesn’t mean you didn’t break the law” way too seriously.

    Because here’s the thing, if you live in one state and decide to travel to another state your for some reason are always required to know the law in that other state even though you don’t live there.

    I take that with a grain of salt because yea laws are a very important part of life that we as humans should know, but I as a human being wouldn’t expect someone to memorize every single law that differers between each state.

    I mean that’s why lawyers are in a constant state of studying because laws change all the time and every state has different laws. That being said the basic laws we all know by heart should be the only laws we live by in my opinion for each and every state because then there would be no confusion. 🤷‍♂️

    But I mean why would any politician suggest that every state should have the same speed limits on the freeway? Because it would be way to convenient for the people. 🤷‍♂️

    In other words They want us confused in the hopes that the law abiding slip up which is wrong.

  22. No! Bruen is not being faithfully applied. Requiring an 8 hour class and excessive fees every 2 years in CA is not "faithfully applied."

  23. In Nevada you used to be required to have a blue card showing proof that your weapon is registered. This was based on local jurisdiction Las Vegas proper and North Las Vegas but nowhere else in the state. The state stepped in claiming preemption which outlawed individual jurisdictions from contravening state law.

  24. Well, I guess you won with your click bait headline. I clicked on it and found that it didn't pertain to all carry permits, just specific ones that you conveniently left out of the headline! As usual, you can't trust a lawyer and you guys keep confirming that all the time!

  25. Oh for God's sake, the 2nd Amendment was to allow you to bear arms to protect you and your family from British Soldiers entering your home without your permission, stealing food and having there way with your wife or daughter. It was not written to allow every moron in America to walk down the street with a gun!

  26. Why not make it a law that you can fire a gun in public as long as you don’t injure someone.

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