
Can You Refuse to Let the COPS Enter Your Home!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment


Can You Refuse to Let the COPS Enter Your Home!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment

#Refuse #COPS #Enter #Home #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment

What should you do if a cop comes knocking on your door? These are commonly referred to as a “stop and talk.” In these situations, cops usually ask people questions pertaining to an investigation, or they ask to search someone’s property.

As an attorney, I suggest not answering the door to the cops at all, especially if you do have anything illegal in your home. If the cops had a search warrant or probable cause, they would already be demanding you open the door because of it. Remember, it’s your fourth amendment right to not allow the cops to search your home, don’t let them trample your rights!

criminal law , Can You Refuse to Let the COPS Enter Your Home!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment, 4th amendment,constitution,constitutional rights,cops,cops on camera,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police,we the people

44 thoughts on “Can You Refuse to Let the COPS Enter Your Home!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment”

  1. Never open the door. If you open the door and then try to close it (or slam it shut like the video says) they will put their foot in the door and then arrest you for assault on a cop.

  2. BECAREFUL don't slam door they can put hand or foot close to the line of the doors closer. Then claim you have assaulted them with your door. Best not open door!

  3. Since when did cops need legal authorization to enter your home 😂 prosecutors won't prosecute them.

  4. These days don’t answer the door who needs the nonsense.. from black booted bullies..

  5. In my advice to all citizens of America choose the second one do not open the door at all because cops are allowed to lie to you mislead you

  6. He said literary nothing they can do like assault, kicking in the door illegaly and false imprisonment dont happen daily. There is plenty they can do. Not legally but plenty

  7. If the cops come knocking on my door they better have some news about my stolen laptop or I ain't talking to them. And seeing as they not only refused to take a report but also threatened me with arrest for trying to report it, there's no way in this world I'm talking to that gang of thugs.

  8. You guys…unbelievable. Real "man of the house" all of you.
    Answer the damn door like a man.
    You: But they might try to frame me..SLAP! Hush up and be a man and see wtf they want.

  9. Never answer the door!!! They don't have a search warrant and they will arrest you for assaulting a police officer because they stuck their foot in the door. DO NOT TRUST THE POLICE EVER !!!!! Paid Gestapo for the government.

  10. Even if they have a search warrant still don't open the door they will kick ut in if they really have one

  11. You can answer the door and it might not even be a bad idea. Seriously you don’t know what’s going on it could be an emergency someone you know is in trouble. Just don’t open the door. Don’t unlock the door talk to them from a crack in the window or the second story if you got it, just don’t unlock the door.

  12. when you think about it cops are like modern vampires

    they require consent before they can invade your home
    they are incredibly dangerous to interact with
    they grow more active at night
    and everything they do will bleed you dry

  13. I was very sick one day when a sheriff's deputy started banging on my door screaming Sheriff's Department. I called the non-emergency number and said I am naked sitting on the toilet having diarrhea there's some man banging on my door yelling Sheriff's Department would you please find out what he wants? After a little while she came back and said he decided he doesn't need to talk to you

  14. When you answer the door for cops, everything that happens to you from then on is your own fault.

  15. Don't open at all, make sure your security cameras are on and tracking the police… Have a lawyer on retainer and call them.

  16. They may see me walk up to my front door and look through the glass, but thats about it. If its important enough my family will call me or they will already have a warrant

  17. I have dogs. Ya'all can't come in. Do you have a friend with you officer? You do? Good, talk to them.

  18. The problem is people only hear 'search warrant' from tips like this and a lot of times people get hurt. Then lawyers like this got rich from them. 😊 The real solution is don't do stupid and illegal sheyt to avoid problems with the police.

  19. They banged on my door at 3:00 AM because my house was going to be flooded just to move my car. It was annoying.

  20. In Australia we must provide police with full name and address and that's the law. When I was 30 years younger I had reasons to keep clear of them. But I've never seen any trouble come from providing name and address. They can find out other ways ?. I never understand why there is so much on you tube about not providing name etc

  21. No valid search warrant no entry in florida we have the castle doctrin and they are not allowed beyong the curdlage

  22. If you open the door, don't "slam it in their face." Taking the risk of antagonizing people has no benefit for you. Don't do anything that does not benefit you somehow.

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