
Can You KICK the COPS Off Your Property!? Answer: YES! #KnowYourRights #4thAmendment


Can You KICK the COPS Off Your Property!? Answer: YES! #KnowYourRights #4thAmendment

#KICK #COPS #Property #Answer #KnowYourRights #4thAmendment

So, a cop enters your property, trying to get information out of you or asks if they can look around. What do you say?

As an attorney, I suggest calmly telling them that you do not consent to a search of your property without a search warrant and request they head out. You are protected from unlawful searches under the Fourth Amendment, which means the officer is supposed to listen to you when you say you don’t consent.

Does this always happen? No. But, getting erratic and screaming at the officer is NOT the right move. Take it to court and hire an attorney to look at their body cam footage.

Need an attorney in the Fort Worth area? Give my office a call: 817-839-3965

criminal lawyer , Can You KICK the COPS Off Your Property!? Answer: YES! #KnowYourRights #4thAmendment, 4th amendment,attorney,attorney reacts,constitution,constitutional law,constitutional rights,cops on camera,fourth amendment,lawyer,lawyer reacts,we the people

37 thoughts on “Can You KICK the COPS Off Your Property!? Answer: YES! #KnowYourRights #4thAmendment”

  1. An Over-inflated sense or belief of self-importance: Public safety workers, police officers in particular, often experience exaggerated feelings of self-importance. Having the power to use deadly force, to arrest, intimidate and exert control over others can eventually lead to notions of superiority, entitlement & delusions of grandeur.
    Add a little psychopathy, a heaping dose of qualified immunity & you get an uncontrolled abusiv tyrannical overload.

  2. Smile and talk softly. Keep your hand in front folded together. Then tell k the pugs to fuck a duck. But politely

  3. You don’t identify, how does a police officer know you’re the owner of the property and not a burglar?

  4. @ZekeRivers cops have entirely too much power and politicians aren't going to clip their egos or behavior. Yes we need police but they must live in fear of breaking the law and facing consequences the same as the public

  5. Love it, cop comes into your yard, demanding identification and crys
    "" I'M SCARED "" 😱, you are under arrest…. 😅😂

  6. Hence, the reason why we need walls around our property to prevent this kind of intrusion.

  7. All that sounds nice until you consider that the US is no longer a free state. It is currently a police state and all those veterans in world war II died for nothing.

  8. Officers should not be able to use that for officer safety they use that like a shield and they should not have immunity either

  9. What about these police officers that have their foot in the door hoping to escalate? How do you get them off your property?

  10. What if the cop follows you to your door and then puts his foot in the doorway. Is that not illegal? I see it all the time. Cop puts foot in the doorway and then attacks you for closing your door.

  11. Why should listen to this you have the ability learn snd acess to any literature that any practitioner of law has available
    Your a fool if you inore this information

  12. A police officer can do whatever they want to you in the moment and MAY POSSIBLY be punished later.

    You will be punished NOW and for over a YEAR until the court decides to stop messing with you

  13. Screw their safety. Obey the lawful order of a citizen. If they escalate it becomes assault

  14. Ask the police officer to show you his drivers license for ID and when he refuses, tell that officer he is trespassing and if that officer does not leave, place that officer under citizens arrest and call 911. The founding Fathers wrote the second amendment for a reason. Stop hiring high school dropouts.

  15. The big question is, can you use the 2nd amendment if police refuse to leave the property? What can you do if the police refuse to leave your property?

  16. "You will Remain within the bounds of your delegated authority"

    This phrase has stopped alot of bs.


  17. Yes you can do all of this but the moment they decide to no listen to any of it, you have just allow it and then hope you have video evidence, if you don't it's he said she said. So no evidence and you get your rights violated for nothing 😒 rather than being constitutionally mandated to defend yourself against those tyrants 😒

  18. 2nd amendment. And armed assailant is on your property. Your life is in danger. You have the right to defend yourself and your property.

  19. Well that's okay let them attempt to do that shit with me I'll have to beat his ass for citizen safety

  20. Im in my yard. I told them to leave. Why do they get to "pat me down for weapons?"
    Im in my yard.if i have weapons, IM IN MY YARD and I TOLD THEM TO LEAVE!

  21. I have a two-year old niece. I recently taught her what to say to police. "I don't answer questions or consent to searches." She and I went to Target the other day and she said it to the off-duty police officer behind us in line. 😆 He was not amused.

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