
Can I Speak To Your Supervisor…Said The Defense Attorney


Can I Speak To Your Supervisor…Said The Defense Attorney

#Speak #Supervisor…Said #Defense #Attorney

A fun collection of court cases including an attorney asking to speak to the prosecutors supervisor, which may have been the right call. A few other good court hearing with a bonus sovcit. Two sovcits in one day, enjoy!

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criminal lawyer , Can I Speak To Your Supervisor…Said The Defense Attorney, #court,#courts,#lawtube,#karen,#sovcit,#contempt

24 thoughts on “Can I Speak To Your Supervisor…Said The Defense Attorney”

  1. I can't believe his supervisor isn't already there. I looked him up, he is a student intern working as a student attorney and is still in law school and is not a licensed attorney. He's in over his head here.

  2. yeah…you can't just hold someone without charge… I can't believe the pros even tried that. Defense attorney was protecting his client's rights, not bullying anyone.

  3. That attorney bluffed hard, lost, and threw in his cards instantly when he knew it was over. Kind of hilarious.

    It's not nice to say, but one of the things defense attorneys do is intentionally try to lead the courts into making mistakes. There's a good, long clip of Lorne Brown doing this in front of Judge Simpson. It's common.

  4. Definitely talk far more than 1/4th of the time. Easily 1/3rd before even getting to individual shootouts. Used to be able to listen on my walks. Now takes so much ffwding, barely ever play your videos.

  5. Weak prosecutor…does know the law, can’t cite the applicable law, stumbling over himself and creating a disruption to the flow of arraignment. Geez

  6. Case 1, he can't be held without being arraigned. That's just plain LAW.
    72 hours from arrest or suspect must go free.
    That's why they do warrant apps or indictments.

  7. "– and therefore I am denying … whatever that might be, in way of a motion."

    That's some prime Tennessee judicial snark right there. 😂

  8. It looked like the Judge asked for the supervisor, not the defense attorney, but if I missed it and it was the defense attorney, dumb move. He lost his whole argument in less than 2 minutes once the supervisor came on lol

  9. Im sorry, I'm 6 minutes in, and all I can say is this defendant is a creep. At what point does the electric chair become an option?

  10. Why am I not surprised that the arraignment squabble happened in Thurston County WA. Lakewood is a rural area in Thurston.

  11. I stopped in on your stream earlier today for the first time, I’ve watched your videos before but this was the first time I caught one live and within a few minutes of introducing myself and saying hi to everyone, a member named Fozzie TX (hopefully I got that right) gifted me a membership. That’s never happened to me before, I don’t follow that many people and only have one other membership I’ve signed up for myself. I’m on a tight budget so those kind of things, though small amounts, are just not on my list of financial priorities. I just want that person to know, and really the whole membership family how grateful I am, and how that made my entire day. Watching these videos tends to leave one feeling a little disheartened sometimes at the state of the world but I try and stay grateful for everything I do have and that simple kind gesture and those like it remind me that there are truly wonderful people out there that help to make up for the deficit we tend to witness. Thank you so much, keep up the good work Colin, I enjoy your videos and I can tell you really enjoy what you do! Lots of love from Canada 🇨🇦 ❤

  12. Colin please enable closed captions. I have Marine Engineer ears so it would be helpful. Your subs would still have to click on the cc to get captions and it won't effect anyone who doesn't click on that.
    Thanks M8.

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