
Can Cops Search You For NO Reason? What Do You Do!? 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts


Can Cops Search You For NO Reason? What Do You Do!? 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

#Cops #Search #Reason #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts

The cops are unfortunately allowed to do a stop and search if they have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. This opens the door to citizens being taken advantage of because of biases on the officer’s end. But, it’s always best to remain calm and don’t be aggressive towards the cops.

If you’re ever in this situation, I suggest asking “Officer, is there a reason you suspect me of criminal activity?” While they may not tell you the reason right then and there, having their lack of response on camera could help your defense attorney get something they find in the search thrown out. Also ask, “Officer, am I free to go?” after the search because they have to keep the length of detainment at a reasonable amount of time.

criminal law , Can Cops Search You For NO Reason? What Do You Do!? 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts, attorney reacts,civil rights,constitutional rights,criminal justice,defense lawyer,know the law,know your rights,lawyer reacts,terry frisk,we the people

36 thoughts on “Can Cops Search You For NO Reason? What Do You Do!? 👮‍♂️ #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts”

  1. The Police can Articulate anything they want, and being brief can be a wide spectrum of time…they can do what they want!!

  2. If an officer ever pulls you aside with the claim of suspicious behavior or activity without articulating the specific activity, make sure the first words you utter are, "I do not consent to any searches and seizures." That makes it clear that any search is unlawful. He may do a pat down/Terry frisk without violating your civil rights.

  3. PP police paranoia that’s what it is they just can’t help themselves when you’re this stupid what else can you do cops or train to just enough to get themselves into trouble that’s it

  4. Do I have to grant law enforcement access to my property for a health and welfare check without a warrant?

  5. It's Suspicious when your kids are giggling and want you to go into the bathroom for no reason. That might mean they are about to prank you, not commit a crime.
    There has to be Suspicion of a Specific Crime.

  6. Suspicious of some action, but now that I see this, I'm suspicious of this. Looking some more, I'm suspicious of that. Now I'm suspicious of the other charge.

  7. That’s how the Leo’s do it all the time. They take a law and misconstrue it to fit their needs.

  8. They don't have to articulate it to you at the scene though, right? Only in their report or to the judge, correct?

  9. Great ! Double checking or even triple checking suspicious ANYTHING would help decrease the crime rates. A person shouldn't get their panties in a wad for officers doing their duty no matter what race a suspect might be !

  10. They don't hafta articulate that suspicion on scene, just in court. They should be required to articulate the facts for the search so that we can get them on the record and catch them committing perjury

  11. They like to shake people down to have reports to file to justify their time in the car…for 8 hours

  12. Have you ever heard the fact that cops, lie and plant evidence
    Once you’re in handcuffs, they could say anything They want they have the badge. The gun. Then may beat the crap out of you plant evidence. And you become a convict because they have qualified immunity to hide behind. And an ego ….Do you know what I mean Vern

  13. The cops will make stuff up. When the Exclusionary Rule came into being (Mapp v. Ohio 1961) suddenly citizens mysteriously became enormously more clumsy and were just spontaneously dropping drugs on the ground whenever a cop was around.

    In these attorney videos, there is not enough mention that the cops straight up lie to justify stops and arrests, pursue convictions, and cover up wrongdoing and violence, and the fact that almost never does anything bad happen to a cop whose blatant lies are exposed. It happened to me: the police lied on the stand, claiming that I failed the field sobriety tests when I didn't. Video showed I did the tests correctly, which the cop was forced to admit on cross examination. (I was rightfully acquitted of DUI.)

  14. Whatever. While you're only getting involved if there's a lawsuit to be made, 99% of Americans who ask "suspicion of what?" are getting pulled thru a broken window and arrested for resisting arrest. Sure, majority of those cases get dismissed, but the broken window, tossed and towed car, 3 days in jail, assault, legal fees, booking fees, pain and shame are NOT refunded. The policeman suffers NO repercussion whatsoever, the jails get enough fees to make it worthwhile to them, you lawyers encourage us into situations where you can get a higher settlement instead a solution, and the courts don't care bc its all our own tax dollars anyway. All of YOU get something out of the deal, but we citizens get nothing but screwed.
    You REALLY wanna help? Get together a crack legal team and assemble an air tight second amendment defense, and we'll start loading up and carrying. Then the next time we hear "Step out of the car, I feel like unconstitutionally harassing and molesting you without good reason" we can respond with "I have a second amendment right to bear arms against anyone who threatens my freedom.
    BANG! BANG! BangBangBangBang!
    ……..Hello 911? Yes, I just had to exercise my second amendment right against a local officer, so you need to send a meat truck and shop vac to this location to clean it up. I'm heading to my lawyer's office to get together the paperwork for this, I'll make sure he sends you a copy. Goodbye"

  15. Yet there is no cost to these officers for their pretext searches and seizures under qualified immunity.

  16. Imagine you tell a cop you don't consent to a search and to get a warrant.

    If a cop wants a warrant, they can't put on the affidavit, "I have a suspicion of illegal activity but nothing to back it up", no reasonable judge would sign off on a warrant.

    Cop might get a better result if they write in the affidavit, "I want to search their home/car and the person invoked their fourth amendment right. This caused me great butthurt because I want to search! Whaa!"

    They still wouldn't get a warrant, but it would be worth a laugh

  17. Yea, the majority of them are arrogant, and they speak like we are children. They are all knowing and think they can raise there voice and we’re supposed to jump and salute them. The loudest of them have little penis!!!

  18. Im white and I got lost in West Baltimore before GPS was a thing, I took a wrong turn and was trying to get back on rt 40. I got pulled over for being "suspicious." The cop made me get out of my car and thought I was trying to buy drugs. Was that racially profiled? Or is it only racially motivated when it's a black person? Or maybe the cops have a hard job and are trying to do the best they can.

  19. Your wisely worded statement is right and wrong. If it’s a traffic stop, Penn v Mimms says they can get you out of the vehicle. If they are searching for weapons, Terry v Ohio says they can. Nowhere in these examples of case law does it say that they need to have probable cause (other than the initial encounter) or justify the level of search or detention.

  20. And in most red states, the only thing that supports articulable suspicion is a felony level crime being committed in the immediate vicinity of the stop. Or a credible witness calling The police who can then. Articulate, the suspect matches the description.

  21. Why do people have fear, and feel nervous of the presents of officer's!!! As opposed to feeling safe !!!! ??????

  22. Hmmm. I smell Marijuana!!!!!! Isn't that convenient!!!! Kinda like politician's PARDON ME !!

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