
Can Cops LIE to You to Get in Your HOUSE!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment


Can Cops LIE to You to Get in Your HOUSE!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment

#Cops #LIE #HOUSE #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment

When the cops knock on your door and demand you come outside, can you ignore them? ABSOLUTELY. Unless they have a valid search warrant, the police cannot demand you go outside and talk to them or let them in.

In fact, I suggest ignoring them so you don’t fall to their police tactics. Police CAN and WILL lie to you so they can gain your consent to search your property. They can say they’re at your home for a completely different reason other than searching for evidence against you, and you could end up going to jail if you let them in.

criminal law , Can Cops LIE to You to Get in Your HOUSE!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment, 4th amendment,attorney reacts,constitution,constitutional rights,cops,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,police,police tactics,we the people

29 thoughts on “Can Cops LIE to You to Get in Your HOUSE!? #KnowYourRights #FourthAmendment #4thAmendment”

  1. When you say they’re allowed to use deception, what were really experiencing is two cops committing a crime when they conspire to arrest you that’s called conspiracy thanks a lot Supreme Court once again. UF failed the American people.

  2. If it's against the law to lie to the cops why is it not against the law for the cops to lie to you they need to be accountable also

  3. Sadly I see cases pop up where the cops walk onto a property with no warrant. The home owner is there. Cops demand you step outside or off the porch. The home owner properly refuses. Then the cops lunge and bodily force them out. Took an old man off his steps threw him several feet onto the ground. Tore his rotator cuff and put him in cuffs. During the illegal arrest his arm touches the officer.
    Now they add a new charge to reaisting and obstructing . That no crime was happpening other then their violationod 4A. That the DA can go along with this is worrying.

  4. Never trust the cops. Never talk to the cops. Never call the cops. Always film the cops.

  5. If they have a warrant, they'll just come inside. They won't bother knocking. Tell them to get off your property, do not open the door. Can also call Sheriff and tell them there are armed individuals purporting to be police at your door demanding you answer, that they do not have a warrant.

  6. cops are not taught law, they are taught to use the threat of law against you. and now that we the people are learning the laws and our rights, they are becoming more butt hurt and aggressive, IMHO.

  7. Thank you for this educational speech. Americans need more education like this to stay safe in America today. To many thugs that want to take your life and cops being the biggest of them all.

  8. Cops today are the same types of men our Forefathers shot in their day in our history.
    Cops show up at the wrong house with a warrant all the time.
    Kicking in someones door without them examining a warrant, to correct any mistakes such as the wrong house, is Unconstitutional. It's an uncivil act by the cops and the courts that citizens do not have a duty to act civilly in response when defending thier homes.
    "Anyone" kicking in my door in the dead of night will be met with deadly force like a common criminal.
    We have criminals running our government, which is widely known and you would be a fool to believe that the men they hire to protect their criminal endevors are "good men"!
    Hitler, Mao, Lennon, Stalin, Pole Pots all didn't murder millions of people themselves…the men willing to follow them and do their bidding did…
    Behind every tyrant in history, there were "lawyers" telling them they could do their dirty deeds and filthy men who carried out those dirty deeds throughout history.
    Lawyers advised governor's that they could lock you in your homes and arrest you for not wearing a mask during covid-19 knowing full well it violated your Rights!
    They did that here in America and got away with it. Don't ever say it can't happen here in the U.S.A. because it has at every turn and is still happening now through the government, courts, and cops…
    All this bullshit this lawyer says on his channel is not what our forefathers envisioned. It's what filthy lawyers, courts, and our government have made it!
    "Case law" is not law, nor is it the law outlined or listed anywhere in the Constitution…

  9. Hi there.. If.
    A police come and don't have a warrant.. Can you physically protect your home.. Arm and Disarm ..

  10. Yes you can. And if stupid if you play that game. In a situation like this u are stupid if u don't comply.

  11. Cops are evil they can lie to you but it’s against the law if you lie to them. That’s so dirty . Never trust a cops.

  12. what if you're a renter? could they just talk to the landlord, and have them let the police in, even if you're home?

  13. Can cops lie to you and claim they have exigent circumstances (when they do not)
    obviously you will open the door to prevent them breaking down the door
    as they are not going to pay for the door if they have exigent circumstances…

  14. So what I learned today is if you don't get a copy of the warrant under the front doorof your house then no entry for cops…period. Got it….😊😊😊

  15. The best way to tell when a cop is lying to you is that you can see their lips moving.

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