
Can Cops ENTER & SEARCH Your Private Property!? #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights


Can Cops ENTER & SEARCH Your Private Property!? #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

#Cops #ENTER #SEARCH #Private #Property #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights

Can the cops just enter your property whenever they want? The short answer is no, but it’s complicated.

Most stand alone homes and townhomes in the United States have an area around their home, whether it be a patch of grass or a front yard. This concept is called curtilage. The U.S. Supreme Court defined this as “the area to which extends extends the intimate activity associated with the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of life.” Police are NOT allowed to go rummaging through your property close to your home.

However, if there is an open field on your property that’s not locked by a gate or enclosed by a large fence, they may be allowed to enter it. If the owner of the property asks the police to leave the property and they refuse, this is where it becomes illegal.

Police CAN come knock on your door, but you are NOT required to answer it unless they have a search or arrest warrant. They cannot linger and start searching your property when you do not answer.

criminal lawyer , Can Cops ENTER & SEARCH Your Private Property!? #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights, attorney reacts,civil rights,community justice,constitutional rights,cops on camera,criminal defense,criminal justice,lawyer reacts,legal rights,we the people

24 thoughts on “Can Cops ENTER & SEARCH Your Private Property!? #LawyerReacts #KnowYourRights”

  1. Nut jobs will prevail. Why? Because the World has lost respect and trust within society. Black people want white people gone. That way the last vestages of justice will be gone. Look at what they do to each other in Africa and Indian Sub Continent to each other soon as the NATIONALISTS took over. Nationalists like Hitler and Mugabe did that.

  2. There has to be a loop hole in his logic because search warrant or not to talk to you they have to knock on your door then from there you can tell them to leave. The police are not going to yell from the sidewalk to see if your home or not

  3. Also allowed to enter your property with probable cause or in the execution of their duties (ie pursuit, blocking exits out the backdoor of your neighbors). I'll give you a B+.

  4. But just like a normal person can ealk up to your front door and knock, so van the police.

    So the police dont need a search warrent just to enter your property unless they plan on searching it, if they are just knocking on your front door

  5. Wooooooooow. I was told by a individual that anyone can unlock a vehicle and or enter your vehicle without the owners permission, consent, and or authority. I'm which is a violation of the 4th Amendment. And they have direct and indirect knowledge of the incident without justification and or probable cause. Individuals who uphold the law should lead by example. Great Video. Very Informative. Keep Giving Us This Great Knowledge I Appreciate It. Thank You. Love This Video Man.

  6. Does this include police searching your property and entering your home on a welfare check. Is one required to allow police to enter for a child welfare check?

  7. Failure to leave after being told makes them armed trespassers. Sheriff's should arrest them.

  8. Cal the police on him then call your neighbors, then surround him take him down. "I thought he was a prowler and I didn't think he was a cop, I though he was a creepy cop inpersonator." He resisted and refused to show ID.

  9. There is an exception you failed to mention. If you have a footpath from the curb to your front door or a driveway doing the same, they have every right as a citizen like anyone else to come up and knock on your door, wait a brief period, then depart. They don't have a right to stay, and you don't have to answer because you wouldn't have to answer for any other person either.

  10. The Nazi Gestapo Miscreants will ignore all of that because they adamantly believe their righteous law enforcement agenda supersedes all else in importance.🙈😖🙈😖
    Meantime, if you have a lawn sprinkler system…then the right time turn on the water is when the police are within your front lawn area..😅😃

  11. 100% wrong…."knock and talk" everyone has the right to walk up to your house and ask to speak. Yes, you can walk right past that "no trespassing" sign to do it.

  12. Question we are not allowed to lie. The cops I get that why are cops allowed to lie to citizens and then they go into court and the judge believes them a liar is a liar is a liar. The difference between a criminal and a bad cop is nothing.

  13. “Do you have a warrant? Then you have thirty seconds to remove yourself before I open fire.”

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