
Can AI Improve the Criminal Justice System?


Can AI Improve the Criminal Justice System?

#Improve #Criminal #Justice #System

While artificial intelligence lacks empathy, reason, and even basic common sense, we already rely on it to make major decisions that affect human lives. Who gets hired? Who gets fired? Who goes to college? Who goes to jail? Whose life is saved by an organ transplant? Whose life is ended in a military strike? Machine algorithms guide us in all these decisions and, as our group of leading researchers will demonstrate, they often do a better job than we do. Good or bad, this train has left the station, so jump aboard for an eye-opening look at the brave new world of today… and tomorrow.


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criminal law , Can AI Improve the Criminal Justice System?, Can AI Improve the Criminal Justice System?,artificial intelligence,Criminal Justice,crime science,What’s an algorithm?,Intro to Algorithms,Algorithmic Thinking,Logarithms,A.I.,A.I. in medicine,mathematics,computer science,data processing,automated reasoning,randomized algorithms,Algoritmi,effective calculability,Turing machines,Meredith Broussard,Ronald Arkin,Connie Lehman,Jens Ludwig,Shannon Vallor,Machine algorithms,World,Science,New York City,2020

22 thoughts on “Can AI Improve the Criminal Justice System?”

  1. Why can't we send signals to people to do the right thing by other's like say my ex getting away with using and abusing me and taking my dog and money after having has 13 operation's one being open surgery and that was all caused my another ex by sleeping with a prostitute can they be justice for cheating stealing lying etc like an ai that forces the ten commandments on us and one that will make us avoid the seven deadly sin's so we don't go to hell from unforgiveness we need justice here and intervention mediation confession of sin's apologies and the chance to explain what we have learnt by our mistakes in life together life lesson's that everyone has learnt how can I wake my ex uo he seems to be sleeping and running off ego I need justice for the torture he put me through….and the ignorance of others towards my pain they have caused me…

  2. "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17

    "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:38-39▪︎

  3. It may not be right by the book but even judges let cases slide as there is freaking common sense. Tell me how you give AI common sense? And if you can who's common sense are you going to give it O.o

  4. asking about improving the criminal justice system, is like asking if we can improve a virus.
    we need to ERADICATE the prison system entirely. Its literally terrorism and slavery. Punishment only doubles the suffering, it dosnt solve problems.

  5. In fact,
    1. , human is vulnerable to bias, emotion, political interest.
    2. Human will be combined to AI due to Neurallink.

  6. I've always disagreed with the term 'AI' for 'Artificial Intelligence'. The only intelligence involved is human. Humans create the dedicated databases, the specialised algorhythms, and the software. Do you know of any machine that KNOWS what it is, and what it's doing?

  7. Hear, Hear this NeuroLinguisticProgramming in the title:
    "Improve. Criminal. Justice. System."… Right, make it more "criminal". Make it "Smart", " Inteligent" more "Sophisticated" "Criminal", why not? 😐

    No brain cel that has its input in how to get rid of such a system, all together?
    How to build up societies with no need of such?
    Why? 🤔
    Why areN't we, as society & A.I. help, having these kind of disscussions /prepositions?

    (Hint: Jacque Fresco's long time set question, as well)

  8. Guess what ?…. when we dig deeper in the data …. our biases are going to be seen. And its not what the public political correctness thinks is best

  9. It can speed up the oppression for sure, its not a question if we want it or not law enforcement are already using facial recognition and software that peels our photos off social media to match suspects that aren't in govt databases, also you don't need a warrant bc this is all in the "public" sphere. Any technological advance with the potential of abuse will be abused if we let it, we're just currently letting it, these facial recognition algorithms have been caught being racist. There's no impartiality to machines made by people, it'll always have our markings and our sins all over them, you can't create a god. "Justice" was always subjective to begin with, there's no mathematical solution to philosophical problems. This guy forgets that crime has been declining while new prisons are being built, its not about crime prevention its about control and free labor, 95% of inmates in america have never seen a trial because of the dominance of plea bargains and the mysterious lack of public defender funding.

    Next they'll be promoting robot juries hahaha

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