
California DA Explains Which Policies Lead To Increased Crime | Morgan Gire #californiainsider


California DA Explains Which Policies Lead To Increased Crime | Morgan Gire #californiainsider

#California #Explains #Policies #Lead #Increased #Crime #Morgan #Gire #californiainsider

“As an elected District Attorney, I have people from my county being released from prison early and I don’t know why.”

Siyamak sits down with Morgan Gire, District Attorney of Placer County, who has over 24 years of experience working in the criminal justice system. He’ll discuss recent criminal justice reforms in California and share his opinion on how they’ve contributed to rising crime in California.

“There was probably a turning point in your mind when it didn’t feel as safe in California as it had before. We saw that with Prop. 47. Prosecutors said, ‘When you pass this, in about 10 years we’re gonna see businesses closing because people are going to be stealing right and left, and you’re gonna see addicts on the street.’ And people said, ‘Oh, you’re just these draconian prosecutors trying to scare everybody so that you can lock more people up in prison,’ and nothing could be further from the truth,” Mr. Gire said.

Join us as we dive into the impacts of voter-passed Propositions 47 and 57. Realignment shifted responsibility for lower-level felons from state prisons to county jails. While this was intended to reduce overcrowding, Mr. Gire notes county facilities were ill-equipped for long-term inmates. This exacerbated caseloads for probation officers, who are now supervising more serious, repeat offenders.

Prop. 47 reclassified certain drug and property crimes as misdemeanors. However, the Placer County DA argues this “one-size-fits-all” policy treats first-time and repeat thieves equally, reducing consequences. With fewer facing jail time, some business owners feel unsupported by law enforcement. Mr. Gire also links Prop. 47 to rising addiction and homelessness as fewer enter treatment programs.

In addition, Prop. 57 aimed to shorten sentences, but without proper assessment, some inmates deemed “non-violent” may be unfit for early release, said Mr. Gire.
#californiainsider #placercounty #criminaljustice
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Ep 431 California DA Explains Which Policies Lead To Increased Crime | Morgan Gire
criminal law , California DA Explains Which Policies Lead To Increased Crime | Morgan Gire #californiainsider, California Insider,California,California News,californiainsider,southern california,Los Angeles,San Francisco,leaving california,california policies,California issues,California exodus,Siyamak Khorrami,California Insider Siyamak,california insider with siyamak,Sacramento,ca insider,California challenge,california living,Morgan Gire,California District Attorney,Prop 47,Prop 57,Placer County,california crime wave,california criminal law

31 thoughts on “California DA Explains Which Policies Lead To Increased Crime | Morgan Gire #californiainsider”

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  2. Well, dear Californians, have you had enough yet? Are you now ready to stop voting for Marxist lunatics?

  3. Then why aren't the Sheriff's from each county talking among themselves to let others know when they have extra room for inmates? It would seem to me you could easily transfer these guys around and find room for them in some cases. Is it laziness, wokeness, or just general apathy?

  4. How do I recommend a guest on your channel? YT deleted my last 2 posts or attempts to do so. I don’t want to sign up for a newsletter. Is there a simple contact page for my recommendation? I tried DM on twitter but it didn’t go through either.

    My recommendation must be too β€œdangerous” for YT on election year.

  5. I'm actually surprised anyone would think crime increased in California. I mean, they basically legalized all but the most violent offenses, with the state and various 'progressive' DA and courts more likely to prosecute police than those who victimize others. Anyone who defends themselves is considered more a criminal than the one's they were protecting themselves from.
    So, with the majority of voters pushing for such activities being 'normalized', take out all those previously considered 'crime' and the number of crimes actually drops to nothing but the most violent offenses. The people should be celebrating how 'progressive' things have grown. It's as if they 'progressed' back to the days when you simply had a town sheriff and maybe a deputy or few. A single prosecutor and judge, and a couple cells in the sheriff's office for those to intoxicated to ride their horse.

  6. But, but, "CriMe iS dOWn". Record lows from the height of 2021-22, not from the pre covid era. Reported crime (from businesses and affected home owners) is down, and crime is not agsinst the law anymore. Quality of life crimes just arent illegal anymore. Urban camper can crap on your doorstep, at worst, they get a ticket AND stay in place to crap again! 47 and 57 were soiled garbage and sold to the unread masses, but add to that list AB 109.

  7. California Law System had been broken!
    Damages been done!
    It's no longer matter about LAW!

    When the Law System breaks down, you just can't go back to "same Law System" to try again with people who broke it!

    It's like broken love.

  8. I have so many Friends who are trying to escape crime riddled SF Bay area, LA Basin, San Diego and they often ask me what I think of Placer County … this DA gets it just like many of the conservatives living in Placer County … my answer is always the same "yes you won't be an outcast in Placer BUT you'll still be under the thumb of California Law & Taxes". Cali, as beautiful as it is, has been turned into "has been" that will never be again since the pendulum was stolen and won't ever swing right of center.

  9. As a resident of California and a life long Republican! The only thing worse than these POS criminals are all the people that will be in the comments section stating, β€œleft x amounts of years ago, and blah blah blah” thanks for telling everyone you don’t fight for what is yours and took the cowards way out!! I’ll never leave, this place is only blue near the coast and my family and I own way too much land here to just sell and leave with our tails between our legs! You carry your problem solver and if anyone tries to take anything from you! FIGHT LIKE HELL!! (I know it must be a foreign concept to many of you, to fight back!) had some people try to test me over the years and I’m still standing some of them are not! Too each their own but if you voted for this s$&t show you should stay and try to solve it! Instead of moving to another state to ruin their politics, beliefs, etc..

  10. Gavin Newsom, you don't seem able to connect the dots on the rising CA crime situation and how to solve it. Let me help you with an analogy.


    The crime in California is like a refinery fire caused by your PRO CRIME policies (prop 47, prop 57, Sanctuary Cities, No Bail, Gun Free Zones (except criminals), Sensitive Places (except criminals), Catch & Release Criminals, Demonizing Police, Defunding Police, Changing Police Liability, Open Border with NO vetting & no Deportation, etc). Each of your polices is a leak in a pressurized pipe filled with gasoline. Each additional policy is another leak in a different pipe that adds more fuel (gasoline) to the fire. After a while the fire (crime) is quite large. Some of your policies have also defunded the fire stations (Police) in CA so that firemen & firewomen have retired early and the departments are understaffed and the hoses you allow them to use are only 3" instead of the 6" they have had for years. You also make them wear a body camera and make them liable for any mistakes they make in the heat of the moment in fighting the raging fire.

    Now you finally after many years admit that there is a rather large fire and decide to call the fire station to put out the fire. They are not making much progress in puttin out the fire. Next, you call in other firemen/women (CHP) to help the local firemen/women (Oakland Police). Still the fire rages on. Remember, the leaking gasoline from your many PRO CRIME POLICIES are STILL FUELING THE FIRE. Do you see the problem here? The gasoline leaks from your many PRO CRIME POLICIES need to be stopped before the firemen/women and the other firemen/women (CHP) have a chance of putting out the fire. Now hopefully you understand the way to the solution.


    CA voters, please do the right thing here and vote these stupid PRO CRIME Democrats OUT. They are a Threat to our SAFETY.

    A great YT channel on the problems facing California is California Insider hosted by Siyamak Khorrami.

    Carl DeMaio ( has his Voter Guide that covers California and has recomendations on candidates for all the races. He also has a YT channel.

    Californians, please get out to vote with Carl's voter guide and give our grandchildren and future generations a SAFE state to live in and enjoy in the future.

  11. So, the state assembly is making these policies "above " existing laws. And, these elected officials are incentivized by privatized "donors." It's time to clean house voters! Don't you see that our beautiful state has turned into a criminal paradise? Heartbreaking and disgusting.

  12. Your channel is so informative. It’s just disgusting that California laws are with no consequences. Will this ever change? I think not.

  13. Who makes the policies regarding the department of corrections and rehabilitation? Laws are laws. Who gives them the right to release dangerous inmates and decrease sentences?

  14. THE BORDER THE BORDER THE BORDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CLOSE THE BORDER!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Since Prop 47 was enacted, we have educated people like this DA who in now experienced in what needs to be fixed with Prop 47, 57 and other laws AND how we can fix the issues that arose from their passage. Put them in conferences rooms to sort it out. Make it happen Sacramento. Protect our victims and make California business prosperous again as we care for thses offenders in a humane but just manner. Combined with causes of homelessness, I do believe we are exhibiting examples of the justice system being broken. I am retired from the system. The single party in charge of Sacramento is not helping.Thanks SM for lighting up such issues.

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