
British lawyer rejects “outrageous” Israel genocide claims at The Hague


British lawyer rejects “outrageous” Israel genocide claims at The Hague

#British #lawyer #rejects #outrageous #Israel #genocide #claims #Hague

Professor Malcolm Shaw is one of the lawyer’s representing Israel in their defence against accusations of genocide taken by South Africa at the International Court of Justice.

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47 thoughts on “British lawyer rejects “outrageous” Israel genocide claims at The Hague”

  1. Had israel stayed within the borders of the land given them in 1949, there wouldn't be Palestinian terrorist. But retaliating for the abduction and killing of, yes, several hundred Israelis by bombing several thousands Palestinian children is exactly the kind of actions the Nazis did during WW2. And yes, they too claimed to only trying to get rid of the resistance, forgetting who the invader was

  2. I've been saying it for so long, the Israeli government has been systematically oppressing the Palestinians for at least 50 years. Terrorist groups should never exist, but that oppression is 100% the cause that fertilized the soil that created Hamas and Hezbollah. If the Israeli government treated the Palestinians with love, compassion, and justice, we wouldn't be in this situation. The only thing the Israeli government's actions speak to me as being a "final solution to the Palestinians problem," it's beyond disgusting especially when you add the fact that the Israeli abuses and weaponizes the events of the Holocaust whenever anyone criticizes their atrocities, literally to the point that they're pissing off every Holocaust Memorial organization. You know the real reason politicians aren't acting is because the Palestinian people are brown skinned and Muslim. The Israeli government needs to be held to the same account as the Nazis, just like ANY government that commits genocide. The best way to end this slaughter is for Palestine to have independence in which Israel is NEVER allowed to hold Palestinian land again. Free Palestine

  3. I fell asleep 😴 asleep 💤 halfway through 🥱🥱full of blah blah with no real evidence to disprove SA

  4. Shame on the UK Government. They're always in support of Genocide. Don't think you'll be forgotten, all the faces will remain in our eyes as evil. You all are worse than Hitler

  5. If SA does not winn this trial, there is no international justice. and it is all a farce. May justice prevail

  6. Fool! Who holds his purse strings? If Israeli, US and the UK say there is no genocide in Gaza and there so confident there isn’t, prove it by sending in UN peace keepers without restrictions to witness what’s going on and report back, prove to the world your telling us the truth.

  7. Peace be with you all ❤️

    This is the Word of the LORD ALMIGHTY:
    11 Ephraim is oppressed and oppressed by judgment, because he loves to follow the orders of men.
    12 Therefore I am like a moth to Ephraim, and rotten to the house of Judah.
    15 I will return to my place until they repent of their sins and seek my face; they will seek me earnestly in their troubles.

    No one is left out!
    A person "must" repent from his heart and be born again as a child of God ('new life of the Holy Spirit') to enter to heaven.

    John 3:5-6
    Luke 3:8-14

    Lord Jesus said:
    Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned , but has passed from death to life. Amen. John 5:24.

    Doomsday is very near!
    I hope that we can realize the truth of the Word and avoid GOD's Fierce Wrath ('Great Tribulation') that will Come in the future. Save your Soul by faith!

    May the mercy and grace of our Lord Christ be upon all 🙏❤️

  8. sad reading comments.
    facts are technicalities, because it is boring.

    but, even i dont beleive in fair process in that i have a bet for you
    i will listen you much deeply, with all my presence, when i will see so determined voice for judging hamas as you do now.
    Because i am sure, that most of jews will cherish and embrace this conslusion, …. but that is just another reason for you not to do so.
    (btw just because Israel is here and in full names and Hamas is not and cannot be call for same responsibility, you must provide an idea how to do solve this problem

  9. Disgraceful and pathetic man.Shame on him for representing a Zionist regime charged with genocide.

  10. Hamas is guilty of starting a war, using their own people as shields and now they are playing victims…all this applies to Hamas not Israel. They are not considering what Hamas is doing in Israel, how many people are displaced from their homes and killed by Hamas. Gaza started a war these are the consequences, the killing of their own people.

  11. We all know the British and Genocide go hand in hand…Not surprised that they will defend Genocide after all its the History of Britain 🇬🇧

  12. I expected this from Murica, the hillbillies of the galaxy, but I thought the Brits were supposed to be smarter than this.
    Not even Canada is going along completely with the madness, and we're attached to the belligerent fools that are funding this.
    Grow a pair and stand up for what is right, an immediate ceasefire.

  13. Shame on this blind man whose eyes are closed to see the brutalities of Israeli soldiers. Israel has right to self defence but it has no rights to target the women, children, sick, hospitals, schools and other civil facilities. This blind man has no sense of humanity and empathy for Palestinian innocent people. Israel is violating international laws openly but this biased British lawyer has no an iota sense of conscience as human being.

  14. Israel is defending itself by deploying army on foreign soil, strictly KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN GAZA INSTEAD OF THE HAMAS THEY CREATED ?😯

  15. Israel is currently under attack from Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Gaza, with help from Iran
    That is, it is attacked from at least 4 fronts at the same time
    Israel is a country that you can hardly see on the map. The only country for the Jewish people that was established after 6 million Jews were murdered and now it is defending itself against being destroyed because that is the goal of its enemies in the management of Iran. Israel is accused of genocide… is there any greater absurdity and hypocrisy than that?

  16. So I have to assume we're genuinely serious here, Malcolm Shaw is actually a legal professor?🤷‍♂
    I honestly think my 6th form debating group would have utterly destroyed him on every issue, and most of them would have had their papers in the right order. I also assume he has absolutely no idea of international law, regardless of how often he says "prima facie"

    So, that's 54 minutes of my life that I can never get back!

  17. Having quoted so many instances of Netanyahu spouting meaningless nonsense. Can the "honourable" gentleman point to the speech in which Pol Pot said "I'm a psychopathic lunatic – let's just kill everyone"?

  18. on the numerous statements by the Israeli president, to quote Mandy Rice-Davies – "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he"

  19. So, this man has apparently not seen any footage from Gaza?
    Regardless of what public officials state, apprenty he just refuses to trust his eyes – So, ok then.

  20. did he actually just say "Israel possesses a clear and defective structure of authority…"?
    Is he secretly on the right side of history after all?
    Also, I can't believe I'm still listening either, but let's continue….

  21. I’m startled that this lawyer brought up the Exodus when there is literally no corroborating evidence for this event apart from stories in the Torah, written a thousand years after the events it claims to describe.

    Can we look at the State of Israel’s actions before October 7th without delving into bizarre myth thousands of years old?

  22. He doesn't speak for the English people. Clearly just for the oligarchs that stand to benefit from the slaughter

  23. Well, what a contrast to Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh. I'm so proud that he is British.
    I wonder how history will judge this man? I can only hope that his family is as proud of him as I am.

  24. Very interesting and revealing that the barrister refers to his papers as “a pack of cards”. Implies to me that he is playing games.

  25. This coward of an attourney will drive the criminal government of Israel directly into jail. If Hamas' attacks were genocidal, what's than what Israel is doing? Super genocidal?

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