
BREAKING: Judges destroy Trump in court with one devastating question


BREAKING: Judges destroy Trump in court with one devastating question

#BREAKING #Judges #destroy #Trump #court #devastating #question

BREAKING: Judges destroy Trump in court with one devastating question

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criminal lawyer , BREAKING: Judges destroy Trump in court with one devastating question, Brian Tyler Cohen,Trump,Republicans,Democrats,brian cohen,politics,news,trump trial,trump immunity,presidential immunity

33 thoughts on “BREAKING: Judges destroy Trump in court with one devastating question”

  1. The D Party destroyed America’s democracy! 👹👹👹🤡🤡🤡👿👿👿 a disgrace to D Party! 👎👎👎👎👎

  2. So basically Biden could get trump killed and he can't be charged? That's basically what trump's lawyer is saying as long as Biden isn't impeached

  3. It’s crazy the stuff these folks can get away with or get by so long without consequences, meanwhile I’m scared to death to leave the house with an expired tag

  4. But .. does Trump – and his lawyers – understand that, from Biden point of view, HE is the most important threat to U.S. democracy operating in our time?

    Various magnitudes above Osama Bin Laden, and at least a couple above even the Xi-Putin combo.

    So, if Trump's immunity arguments were to be accepted…

  5. Besides shooting a polical rival he could shoot senators or congress or Supreme court judges that simlpy disagrees with him. This complete immunity is absolutely absurd. That is completely how Russia runs there counrty. DANGEROUS THIS IS BEING EVEN ARGUED

  6. If you concede that desperate democrats with their sham indictments, are steam rolling due process, then doesn’t that make them obviously, Trump derange.

  7. Ohhhhhh, so that’s why Trump is leading in every single poll!!!!!!!! Got it!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


  9. This is how I talk to my children's mothers and for some reason they all stfu once the truth comes out. Just like my driving instructor said, 'the world is full of idiots, always watch out!' 😂

  10. Impeachment and conviction by political entities makes that political. Not criminal. Not even a precursor to criminal.

  11. 1 – Congress, is the Legislative Body, It Is NOT a Court of LAW.
    Congress is NOT Authorized or Entitled to Enforce the Laws.
    2 – Congressional action, is NOT Judicial Action.
    3 – Double Jeopardy would only be Effective, because of Judicial Actions.
    4 – the Supreme Court is the Senior Court, that All Lower Courts Respond to.

  12. Even our king would be held to legal standards in the UK. I think the shock factor here is that you’ve gone this far without having to think about it. All of a sudden you are realising that the constitution isn’t as water tight as it should be.

  13. How dare any lawyer argue these points. He sounds So stupid, it's insane to think that a president is untouchable.

  14. The president does not have to be impeached to be prosecuted for criminal actions as presidents or thereafter

  15. So, if Trump wins this appeal, I guess Biden can immediately have Trump killed. Fair's fair, after all!

  16. Trying to dance around answering the question that is a simple "Yes" or "No" question just further proves you've fallen further down the rabbit hole with tRump than you realize.

  17. Donald Jenius Drumpf is not a lame mortal king like George III. Donald Jenius Drumpf is the greatest god-king ever seen in the world. Donald Jenius Drumpf is above all laws, man-made or otherwise.

  18. Not sure how a president can have someone assassinated, violating the Executive Order on assassination imposed by Gerald Ford. That single limitation, while the most extreme, is enough to prove presidents are under the law. Plus, all preceding history under the Constitution said no one, including presidents, is above the law in the United States, the Constitution is supreme. That is the wellspring of our freedoms, not God, because citizens of other countries are born under God, and endowed with life, but not necessarily rights as are guaranteed under our Constitution. (Just to pre-empt those who argue our rights flow from God, because if we became a dictatorship, as Trump promises to do, we lose our rights, because our Constitution is the source of our freedom and strengths as a nation, not any president who is a mere transient office holder.)

  19. Let’s face it, he is immune as a consequence of the money he can throw around. He will never go to jail. The guns money men are behind him. Many of the other rapists and paedos who he has info on are in high places and also moneyed. Yup, immune. 😢

  20. He answered the Question , The Judge doesn't understand the answer 😮. All these's Judges are working under Obama !!! Obama is behind the Green Curtain !!!.

  21. A president is a 24/7 job and people vote to put a person in that office 🤔 pesident is not the above the law, the people put the president in office and intrust them with that position. Compotent or not, majority rules. Due to the level of stewardship, that position should have all immunity associated with it. And it may be that that elected official may act like a monarch or dictator , never they less the are not allowed to be that, due to term limits. Presidents are put there by a Majority rules System. A president dose not make him self, People make a President. Laws dont make them selves, people make laws. That is why the position President is Law, and with a Term Limit. Thats why they can do executive orders. Dont blame a village idiot for what the village idiot dose, Blame the Majority of the group in whole who put the villige idiot in a high seat of leadership that comes with a term limit. A president is not above the law. People make a law. People make a president. President is a Law and not above it but a Law its self. That is where the immunity comes in. Thats important to be understood for that Exsclusive one seat position that is given by a Majority rules system "Democracy". People want to down play the position of acting president and convince others they are no diffrent than anyone els. Village idiots select a leader, then the selected makes the leader decisions for the all village idiots to the best of his person/abilities/charecter ect ect ect and that is what is President. Not understanding that will push for a system run by AI to unravel that much faster. Might be a good thing since the majority rules system is mostly comprised by idiots 🤔😅

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