
Breaking! Atlanta City Attorney Shelitha Robertson was sentenced to seven years in prison for fraud!


#Breaking #Atlanta #City #Attorney #Shelitha #Robertson #sentenced #years #prison #fraud

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35 thoughts on “Breaking! Atlanta City Attorney Shelitha Robertson was sentenced to seven years in prison for fraud!”

  1. From the beginning of time, human beings have been falling for lies. I have no idea what color Adam and Eve were, I don't even know, if they were the same color. What I do know, is one was male, and the other was female. The Bible doesn't tell us more than that, because we don't need to know more than that. Here's the facts. People from every race, have been fooled by liars over the years. It may have started in the Garden Of Eden, but it has continued on throughout the ages. Skin color has nothing to do with these flaws, character comes into play. How about we come to an agreement, You go hard on the black folks, and I'll go hard on the white folks, and between the two of us, we'll get the truth out to all who will listen. We are a people, we have one creator, we are equal in the eyes of God.

  2. Ty, perhaps people should be taking a good long look at HOW these people are getting elected.

    They have a "Black woman" Sheild too. We ALL know it.
    And that's embedded. Sheila Jackson Lee TRIED TO GET A LAW PASSED in CONGRESS THAT if any WHITE people ever criticizes a BLACK about ANYTHING it would be a "HATE CRIME".
    Thats how ARROGANT these women are.

  4. Another queen! Gotta have the bling! Don't help the brothers and sisters! Don't teach your kids honesty! She will be a heroine to some young people bc she got the money! That's all that matters!

  5. Antlanta needs to clean house & stop putting crooks into office, maybe the city would be i better shape uf the stealing stopped.

  6. Shelitha Robertson paid back the 7 million she stole plus interest according to court records but her best friend and attorney Chandra Norton who snitched on her has yet to pay back any of the 8 million she stole in 2020 or serve a day in jail. Fascinating case

  7. Calling Good money, look at the Black New York Mayer, Black Chicago Mayor, supporting migrate 's over their own.!!!!!

  8. Calling Good money, look at the Black New York Mayer, Black Chicago Mayor, supporting migrate 's over their own.!!!!!

  9. That’s not even that bad.
    We had a defense contractor defrauded almost $20 Mil. Exact same scenario. In order to corner the market on contract acquisition, he had 6 fake companies he’d use to bid projects. He got caught. But he only got 10 years, and had to pay back the money.

  10. George Floyd, BLM( Build Large Mansion) Kamala AKA Harris, Fani Willis AKA. The foot soldiers to keep you deaf, dumb and blind. My brother and sister blame black peoples condition on slavery, Jim Crow. Black people better start paying attention because when those entitlement programs dry up because Biden opened the border. The the Democrats campaign to kill babies, then promote single parent households.

  11. Your the only video creator that I watch to the last word because you always end with a prayer for us (me) TYVM

  12. Black folks only pay attention to information that pertains to their view of the environment they are conditioned to. The white man is racist. The killing of each other, the amount of criminal activity taking place with their elected officials. Believing the white fiminst/ liberal ideology. To tell the truth black people by population don't even live around white folks. Case in point, go to the MVA, Health and Human Services, schools and churches in the black community. I live in a black County in PGC Maryland a sea of blue. It's so dangerous in this community around 15 black people killed by black people no white people in sight. Then you try to talk to them and the first thing that comes out their mouth is Trumps a racist. Since they voted for Biden the new hussel snatch ATMs out of 7 Eleven the economy is so terrible, smash and grab. Then on top of that the majority of black people work for white people. So I guess people like All Sharpton, Joy Reed, and basically all black people who are on them News platforms and TV, Cable networks work for white people. What tickles me the most is these individuals tell the masses of black people they know who the good white folks are. What Byron Donalds said was 100% correct. Hakeem Jefferies and Al Sharpton are foot stools for the Democratic party. They get Caked off, we're left with SNAP babies terrorizing the black community.

  13. It's never really brought to light at how much high positioned "black" people HURT, & STEAL from the black communities, & the hurt they put on black people from their actions. It really seems that most of these black high position people doing this, are stealing as soon as they get into those positions, more than a person of a different ethnicity are.

  14. I Watch your videos i love how you talk about your wife and family also you love for god 🙏 enjoy the prayers thank you

  15. They want nothing more than the people of color to fight with each other cuz if we're all looking at each other we're not watching them! We the people need to band together ❤

  16. My son has a legitimate business and he got zero dollars. They told him they were out of money twice!

  17. Right is right, wrong is wrong. Doesn't matter who it is. I have defended people I don't like because they were being done wrong.

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