
Boyfriend Beater Discovers She’s Not Above the Law #2


Boyfriend Beater Discovers She’s Not Above the Law #2

#Boyfriend #Beater #Discovers #Shes #Law

On December 27, 2023, officers were dispatched to a residence where a domestic battery incident took place.

The footage displayed on Crime on Bodycam is for educational purposes only. All of the police bodycam footage serves to inform the public, ensuring transparency in local law enforcement agencies. It is not intended to endorse violence or criminal acts. All information is provided by law enforcement and is deemed public. Videos have been appropriately edited and shortened to comply with YouTube guidelines, prioritizing journalistic focus
criminal lawyer , Boyfriend Beater Discovers She’s Not Above the Law #2, police,cops,bodycam,arrest,arrested,law and crime,crime,crimeonbodycam,karen,au0026e,police activity,news,police officer,law

38 thoughts on “Boyfriend Beater Discovers She’s Not Above the Law #2”

  1. Her attitude is toxic and she doesn't listen to police orders. Right off the bat he seems more deserving of sympathy. Very demanding character. Even trying to provoke the police. Her real personality comes out. I'm gonna sh*t in this car? Who acts like that?

  2. It’s funny, I’ve heard numerous women make the claim “he’s bigger than me and I only weigh this much. He bigger and can defend himself”…It doesn’t matter how much someone weighs, and just because he’s bigger doesn’t mean a woman has a right to put him in a situation where he has to defend himself against a spouse. No one should have to defend themselves against a spouse…

  3. Republican yea the party of law and order. What a low life😂😂 a true conservative should be following the laws

  4. Got arrested just had to make video for you tube hope worth it. Don't listen to cops grab phone and start lying jail jail bye

  5. I love is when she shouts she's 500 pounds. Her ego sure weighs that much. Her head, though, is empty.

  6. I love how these cops are treating this Karen I wish all cops would treat all Karen’s this way

  7. Why do people state their height and weight like that makes a difference. More about how crazy you are, lady.

  8. THIS. This is refreshing to see officers not taking any of the BS that offenders are showing. This was one of the quickest arrests ever, and I didn't have to listen to her yap nonsense while officers just stand there. But the icing on the cake would be if she's actually charged, no charges dropped and she faces jail time and fine for what she did.

    As for the boyfriend, I really hope he does run away from this disgusting person.


  9. I think it's gross how she and the cops seem to agree that domestic abuse "isn't a real crime".

  10. The Constitution clearly states that you have a right to your phone. So much disrespect to the founding fathers right here.

  11. And ladies…..being "105lbs" isn't a defense. Stop it, it's embarassing.

    You're all 105, just like all men are 6'1"

  12. This is the same city that arrested that one drunk crazy ex wife/mom with the shaved-ish head. Shawn i think her name was. She tried to close her garage before they got to her and she refused to get out of the car. Hinsdale – super upscale area, it seems. Endless shortage of drunk and entitled women with daddy/husband's money.

  13. She really shouldnt proudly admit she decorated that house. Beautiful, gorgeous space – and THATS what she did with it? It is clearly someone who looked at a catalogue, but didnt know what worked. Its random and crazy bland, and the green was hospital green. Totally inept at decor.

    Not that it matters, just thought it was funny

  14. This officer is cracking me up! He's put her in her place many times, and she doesn't get it at all. Drunk and abusive twit, and sadly, the guy will take her back.

    I do hate when people claim there's more important crimes out there when DV is one of the top most dangerous crimes for all involved.

  15. Yeah I’m not gonna lie. I just moved to Illinois and almost every YouTube video like this, that involves some type of police involvement, is in Illinois. This girl is 30 minutes away from me 😅when I heard dupage I was like noo not another one. Needless to say I mind my business and follow the law 😅😂

  16. What an awful woman, I hope the man who called the police doesn't have anything to do with her again. She has a horrible personality and absolutely no class

  17. He asks her whether she’s drunk? Of course she’s drunk. She’s not drunk enough to slur her words, but she can’t remember anything and she’s dripping with mean. She’s clearly drunk.

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