
Bodycam: Oklahoma Teacher Allegedly Shows Up Drunk on First Day of Elementary School


Bodycam: Oklahoma Teacher Allegedly Shows Up Drunk on First Day of Elementary School

#Bodycam #Oklahoma #Teacher #Allegedly #Shows #Drunk #Day #Elementary #School

Bodycam footage shows a third-grade teacher being questioned by Oklahoma police after allegedly showing up heavily intoxicated on the first day of school on August 17. The video shows Kimberly Coates awkwardly denying being drunk before blowing a 0.24 BAC during a breathalyzer test. Coates would later admit to drinking late the night before and the next morning on the way to work, but denied having any alcohol on school property. The school resource officer pressed her, referencing her cup of “juice.” “Want to try again? That there is wine,” the officer said. Perkins police took Coates into custody and later released her. It’s unclear whether formal charges will be filed against her. Read more on this story:

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30 thoughts on “Bodycam: Oklahoma Teacher Allegedly Shows Up Drunk on First Day of Elementary School”

  1. This was truly hard to watch. You could tell that she is a kind and warm person that loves her job and that she once was someone, who you could trust your child with, until alcohol changed that. Hope that this was a wakeup call for her and that she gets all the help she needs to overcome her problem. I understand the decision to fire her. She can't be allowed arround kids in such a state. However, i would argue that suspending her for a longer time would've been a better choice because now that she completely lost her job she just gained one more reason to drink. If she would've been just suspended, she would still have an incentive to work on herself and stop drinking.

    I'm just saying, that if i were in her situation, already fighting an alcohol problem, and than receive the news that I've lost my job, i for sure would've looked for the next bottle to "comfort" me.

  2. 10:31 Presley Johnson, please come to the office…Presley Johnson, please come to the office (But just don’t go into the principal’s office unless you want to see a teacher hammered in there)

  3. She needs major help. She’s got excellent co workers and they truly care about her well being. They could have just hauled her out and embarrassed the crap out of her. She needs more than a weekly counseling session. I’m a former opiate and coke addict(6-7 year addiction) been sober 3 years now. She needs treatment and lots of it, at least a year away from her environment to heal and get healthy.

  4. When she said she didn’t want to put her hands behind her back… she talked, sounded and acted like a spoiled, petulant little toddler having a tantrum because they didn’t want to be put in time out.. she is acting exactly like a little child or a spoiled brat.

  5. If she was drunk last night/early hours of morning and seemed sober THEN drank water chances are she is showing the same effects as being drunk. It happened to me before.

  6. She seems to be able to turn the tears on and off, she wasn’t crying when the superintendent confronted her with the wine cup, but was boohooing seconds before.

  7. If I were the superintendent of schools, I would have Kimberly fired, and possibly arrested. She is a grave danger to herself and others.

  8. This is honestly sad. I am not defending her actions but I wish they woulda let her call someone and then bring her into court.

  9. There are times when you just handle something to get a resolution. The Principal could have given her a ride. Problem solved. Uber, Lyft, Yellow f'n Cab. Just my opinion.

  10. Frankly from the looks of her, I'm surprised they haven't seen this before with her. Addicts and alcoholics lie and don't remember half of their lives.


    And yes, the woman was in the wrong. However, it’s not cool to post a serious issue like this online for 7.2 MILLION people to see!!!! Do better. Offer the woman some freaking help instead of looking for some views. If this was your mom, would you be posting it for the world to see??? I bet not! Everyone struggles with things. We don’t deserve it to be posted all over the place. Police officers, the people on this comment thread, the school administrator, EVERYONE STRUGGLES. We need to stop normalizing HUMILIATING people online — this could and probably will follow her now for the rest of her life! Even IF she gets sober. How awful is that??? Wtf is wrong with people these days. Social media has been the worst thing to happen to people.

  12. I kind of felt bad for her she has a problem and needs help he could of been a little nicer to her they didn't treat her with respect I do understand she works Whit children so she should not be drinking around the children they come frist she should of talk to her husband and they would of left her alone I pray she gets the help and someone could of got hurt drinking and driving I hope and pray she gets the help she needs cops were only doing there job she should of call someone and they would of left her alone

  13. the police couldn’t drop her off? that’s what the police are for right? orrrr just to criminalize poverty, don’t do anything for DV and protect buildings? 🤨 maam know your rights you didn’t have to consent to a breathalyzer or answer any questions just let them take you to the station. since we know she’s under the influence the sovereign citizen doesn’t need to ask anymore questions regarding the type of alcohol now it’s just intimidation. SHOCKER. 😒

  14. I don’t feel sorry for her. I get the impression she does a lot of manipulating and pleading and acting helpless. And as for the people slamming the principal and police…they gave her options and she failed to take any accountability.

  15. She was not read her rights at the time of her arrest. Big risk getting the charges thrown out on a simple technicality

  16. 30:42 She did it to herself
    Her attitude is what is the worst.
    Her addiction isn't her fault but she is playing games, lies and is a bad actress..
    They gave her a chance and she blew it..
    Her attitude is despicable.
    Addiction doesn't make ppl lie.

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