
Black Twins Take DNA Test, Doctor Immediately SCREAMS “Get A Lawyer Now!’


#Black #Twins #DNA #Test #Doctor #Immediately #SCREAMS #Lawyer

When black twins Mia and Zoe decide to take a DNA test just for fun, they never expect to find out that they aren’t related! Their whole world is simply turned upside down when their doctor tells them to get a lawyer right this minute. They have grown up thinking they are twins their whole lives. The idea of not just not being twins, but not related at all simply rocks them, leaving them unsure of who they were as people. That is of course until they call a lawyer and set into motion a major court case, unraveling something they never thought they would!
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35 thoughts on “Black Twins Take DNA Test, Doctor Immediately SCREAMS “Get A Lawyer Now!’”

  1. This happens more in black families because when black women cheat, like most women, they don't use condoms.

  2. Wow fraternal twins on each side! What a shocker! That means the non related girls are doppelgangers to one another!


  4. I am twin we were born at home. I am glad that all the family was able to find each other because of the DNA test some people's are evils they should have got a black nurse to looked after the black children They should used a white nurse to take care of white children ,s Maybe that way thing like this won,t happened. again to family she is a old woman putting her in prison is not going to make it better yes she must be punished what she done was pure evils.

  5. Rubbish smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ stop using people’s pictures for fake stories or news. Terrible smh

  6. This is horrible. I am glad the truth was found out. My heart goes out to all those families.

  7. This is so sad and deeply disturbing. I can only hope this is a fictional story and based on real events. It is just so troubling.

  8. That why I do what God says in The Scrip of life… they are trying to trick them and confuse the people.

  9. My son was in a tight ball when he was brought to me. This is what babies do when they are hurt. He was circumcised and I tried to ease my mind by saying that may have caused him to ball up so tight. They only brought him to me once and she let me keep him just 10".
    When I was going to the doctor the Black doctor was never there. He had a White assistant. She told me "Why don't you have an abortion?" Just like that. I had no complications. My baby was fine. Why would she say that? She said, "At 35 your baby could have problems." I told the Black girl working there what happened. She said she's 35 and pregnant." I said, "Then why doesn't she have an abortion?" The next time I went she said the girl had told her what I said. I didn't see the Black doctor until my baby was coming out! The girl wanted to stick her black fingers with toxic fingernail polish inside me. I said no. Then when my baby was born she carried him naked upside down like a leg of ham to a table. The next day the Black doctor came in sitting on the side of my bed he asked, "Send your friends to me?" "I WILL NEVER SEND ANYONE TO YOU! He looked surprised and got his butt on out of there.

    When my daughter in the hospital I walked to where the babies were and saw this doctor passing by a line of Black babies. He did something to each baby as he passed by. Each baby cried as he touched pinched or whatever he did to make them cry. Then he gave me a sinister smile. And closed the blinds.
    Such an evil race of people.

  10. ❤Thank you all dear ones for you being the wonderful you 💕Healings of Love and Light to you all 🙏.

  11. Double pregnancy having mom egg fertilized by 2 men within hours it happens but rare. Women that have sex with multiple men need to be aware of the possibility.

  12. This is hogwash!!! Each set of twins are identical to each other and Do Not resemble the others…

  13. It brings 2 families together , but it was negligence on the part of the staff on duty that day, were they whyte nurses who created this situation for the families, the hospital should be held a accountable.

  14. Proverb 4:16-19 For they sleep not except they have done mischief: and their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall.

    17For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.

    18But the path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more into the perfect day.

    19The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.

  15. That is crazy but things like this do happen it is very sad that she hated the babies because of a freaking color who does no GOD did not make us all the same color but you hate someone because of the color of there skin really like there is not enough craziness going on in the world already this lady needs JESUS real bad

  16. It is insane for anyone to be so hateful but to be so incredibly evil to people you don’t even know is sadistic. That nurse’s mental just goes to show why racism and bigotry is demonic at its core. The best thing is it appears that not only Mia and Zoe and Tasha and Kayla but all of the twins were brought up in caring and loving homes by parents who adored and cherished them and that’s what’s most important.

  17. If these photos are the photos of the real twins in the story, you don't need dna tests to see who matches with who!

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