
Bipartisan proposal aims to reign in retail crimes


Bipartisan proposal aims to reign in retail crimes

#Bipartisan #proposal #aims #reign #retail #crimes

Lawmakers are pledging that the newest package of bills will address the types of crime that have tormented retailers of all sizes. KTVU Crime Reporter Henry Lee shares details live from Walnut Creek.

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44 thoughts on “Bipartisan proposal aims to reign in retail crimes”

  1. Damage Damage Damage after damage then they act like what they are gathered here Today is help & give a sense of security??? After they let so much merchandise go out of the store & what about other businesses that had to close because they reacted a few years too Late!? Corrupt politicians “oh well, we doing something about it now”

  2. Only way is DA and Judge is graded and thrown out the door fired if they fail on not controlling crime.

  3. Its too late…the animals already found the trash cans and are teaching their litters to be the same.

  4. instead of figuring out how to help people out of poverty. they would rather punish them with life in prison for a 1000 dollars of junk. from a corporation. not a person. just cruel cold people. interviewing the old segregationish in walnut creek. same old institutional racism of america.

  5. Any enforcement depends on who the perpetrators are just like Bart, only certain people have to pay their fare

  6. they want to just lock people up forever. over cheap property crimes for corporations. their products are not worth peoples lives. smash and grabs are not under prop 47. dont believe their blue lies. dont vote for it.

  7. I think far left progressive residents, DAs and Judges often look at criminals as victims who need a break. Progressives and especially democratic socialist scare me more than a bunch of idiotic Trumpers.

  8. Oh Please!!!! The dims have a supermajority, they don’t need any of the republicans to do anything, That is why we have this issue to begin with. The dims voted for the no bail and no jail. Of course they are selling the stuff. Did you see the heifers that were stealing those tights? They would be lucky to get the tights over their arm.

  9. So many of these thieves appear on camera. What about facial recognition? Surely some of them have prior as well as driver's licenses.

  10. People of California in the very near future will have to drive into near by states to go shopping because all the stores in California will be closed down .

  11. I love watching San Francisco/CA 😂 it's like a comedy skit 😂 they're so progressive and not wanting to hurt feelings that it's biting them in the rear end.

  12. Don’t blame those Potatoes heads lawmakers but blame it on yourself. You got what you voted for.

  13. …Because we're not holding folks accountable…
    Thanks for the genius explanation for your genius legislative and policy decisions.

  14. It took over a minute before they even started discussing the proposal details rather than general comments about it. Then then went back to general comments shortly afterwards. 85% fluff, 15% actual info. This is why no one likes MSM news.

  15. blame Prop 47 co-author – George Gascón DA & Nancy Skinner – SB82 Petty theft & gov newsom early release jail bird & Alameda County DA-Pamela Price 👩🏿‍🦱

  16. Step 1: Since they claim prop 47 can't be repealed, change things so that any group of people doing it are charged collectively as an individual, similar to RICO?, so sure 10 people each only steal $100 worth of stuff, that's $1000 worth of stuff that was collectively stolen, no longer a misdemeanor. Also include ANY damage to the store while the crime is being committed as part of the total cost of goods stolen and every theft where a case is broken, or things damaged is no longer a misdemeanor.
    Step 2: Prop 47 is only for non-violent crime, if a tool is used to break something open, it no longer is non-violent, if workers stand in the way and are pushed aside while criminals escape it is no longer non-violent, everything is off the table and they should be treated as felony crimes.
    Step 3: The minute any "violence" happens whether busting up cases, or pushing workers out of the way, treat it as a life and death situation and then actions taken by the store owners are then excusable, no more allowing criminals to sue stores if they get tackled to the ground, no more suing stores by the family of criminals if a security guard shoots your "misunderstood idiot" because they were a violent person.

  17. Say who are the criminal group are or you'll never fix it. I'm glad you guys won't admit it so we can see the fun over and over again.

  18. This is too little too late, and it’s not going to fill the jails or help those truly affected by the poor original legislation that started it all.

  19. With election coming up, they are putting up another useless show. See if they even care after the election.

  20. It is not going to happen. If that were to happen, the number of arrests of representatives of certain demographics would go up. At least judges or DAs wouldn't allow that to happen. Criminals would just relocate to areas with extremely woke DAs, like Pamela Price in Alameda County. Nothing would change.

  21. We only made things worse with what we thought were humane and socially responsible measures. We just need to shed all of it and go back to treating crime as crime, replenishing the resources of the police, and enforcing meaningful jail sentences. Thugs have been having their way for the past few years. It really needs to stop. Don't forget the particular community that seems to be silent about these crimes, but can muster resources, make media appearances, and organize protests whenever a criminal gets his face on a t-shirt while in custody.

  22. They only do this lip service since this is election year. After November these people will become deaf and blind again.

  23. But what are young scholars are going to do if they can’t collect reparations from the stores 😂😂😂

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