
Biker speeds off during police stop #police #trafficstop #cops #motorcycle #biker #getaway #felony


Biker speeds off during police stop #police #trafficstop #cops #motorcycle #biker #getaway #felony

#Biker #speeds #police #stop #police #trafficstop #cops #motorcycle #biker #getaway #felony

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criminal law , Biker speeds off during police stop #police #trafficstop #cops #motorcycle #biker #getaway #felony, Law,Legal Advice,Legal System,Criminal Law,Legal Rights,Legal Terminology,Attorney,Lawyer,Legal Analysis,Legal Commentary,Joshua Stramiello,motorcycle,police,chase,escape,danger,felony,resist arrest,dashcam,traffic,accident,close call,adrenaline,action,police brutality,motorcycle safety,motorcycle laws,legal,legal issues,crime,crime news,news,current events

26 thoughts on “Biker speeds off during police stop #police #trafficstop #cops #motorcycle #biker #getaway #felony”

  1. BUT DID HE GET AWAY? most peope run because they have drugs on them,drug charges are the worst for some reason which i will never understand but they will try and ruin your life over having a little party fun powder in your pocket..some people will get less time for murder than they will for some harmless booger sugar for some unkonown reason..if they would just legalise drugs it would solve a l;ort of problems.

  2. Look how aggressive that cop is. What's the whole story. Looked like dude was stopped at a light. Could sway a jury

  3. If no law is broken then we as citizens are allowed to defend ourselves. It might not end well but enough is enough. Transparency

  4. Surly the officer knows there’s unhinged people, should go about his job safely. If they chose to run off etc so be it. It’s come back on said person. Almost died for what stopping a biker?!

  5. If cops were honest , full of integrity and served the public THEN and only then i will comply.
    I have witnessed them lying in court, covering up murders and twisting the story to fit personal adjenda.
    No thank you

  6. 😂😂ur an idiot y would he do that n get extorted out of 1500 bucks u said 🤔 he got away…. sounds like he didn't add any felony charges sounds me like he got out of charges to me😂😂 if that biker sees this ride on brother your a champion I think u made the right choice never let the biggest gang n America extort you out of money for a victimless crime if you can help it❤ that cop was the criminal no victim no crime your policing like this is wats already starting the next American Civil War people are fed up with are government keeping us poor

  7. Never comply the officer could have made a different decision than getting in front of his bike when are they going to be held accountable

  8. Just comply is really expensive, i think that the cops should have to reimburse for bail, tow, and impound fees for all bad arrest. This will stop cops from making bad arrest and saying let the courts figire it out, is horrable

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