
Biggest Moments in the Karen Read Case | Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial


#Biggest #Moments #Karen #Read #Case #Killer #CoverUp #Murder #Trial

Could #TrooperProctor’s behavior impact other murder trials? #CourtTV’s Vinnie Politan and experts analyze some of the biggest moments in the case against #KarenRead.

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22 thoughts on “Biggest Moments in the Karen Read Case | Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial”

  1. I would take it the very way this lawyer is saying it. So hes right. Its time that banana republics get called out.

  2. Wow Massachusetts is the worst this judge is really trying to get around the verdict slip. Justice has really gone out the window in this country . They want the jury to lean towards guilty and not give them the option. That’s pretty clear . Absolutely disgusting .

  3. Can’t believe you’d have an attorney on who is completely biased! He’s Colin Albert’s attorney

  4. I don't live in Merica, can anyone check if the form thing is true? That it's usually laid out that way?

  5. He lost me on FKR people are aligned with BLM. Nothing of the sort from what I’ve seen here in mass. More like complete opposite situations.

  6. 7:40 7:40 7:45 that form is incorrect, if only guilty is there ut can confuse the jurt not lawyers exactky. It shouldve had 2 chouces!!!!!! Fir clarity

  7. I’m not sure what the jury is questioning. Nothing has been proved. 😂😂 The state didn’t do a good job.

  8. It"s all about Karen Read. From the beginnig to the end. So sad 🙁 So selfish behavior.

  9. Morrissey, Albert’s , McCabes , Higgins , Proctor
    Has made a mockery of the judicial system
    The whole world is watching the injustice, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is inflicting
    On Karen Read !
    The reason this case has captivated the hearts and minds of so many people, is
    This could happen to anyone not just in Massachusetts, but in a state where corruption is allowed to fester !!! 😱

  10. “Immediately appealable,” he said, and 10 seconds later she’s scolding Karen. You know she wanted to say, *uck you, to Jackson and Yannetti. 30 min later, she comes back in defeat and changes some of the verbiage. This judge is on the prosecution side, and I thought, judges were supposed to be unbiased.

    Is it true the FBI and DOJ are watching her? I wonder why?

  11. Why is she smiling & laughing all the time? Everyone who is wrongfully accused would be upset & angry.
    She is not innocent.

  12. The Canton Police Department:

    Hand-pick your investigator, have secret friends and family meetings to get your story straight, delete your call history, make mysterious phone calls at 2:22 a.m., delete Google searches, monitor police activity, get rid of evidence, get rid of your dog, destroy your phones, destroy your SIM card, let your investigator decide on a narrative early on, don’t go to the crime scene, don’t take witnesses in for questioning, question all the witnesses together, ignore witnesses who don’t fit your narrative, allow friends and family to contact those same witnesses, don’t record interviews, write vague and false police reports, omit witnesses names, omit witnesses interviews all together, don’t photograph the evidence, don’t conduct any forensics, don’t document the evidence, don’t document the log, leave all of the evidence in the hands of one person and then manipulate that evidence.

  13. I don't get it…have not heard full story…version I just saw on ABC NIGHTLINE is incoherent/disjointed. If his body is in his buddies driveway…who was home when this happened…and they say she ran him down with SUV..then…did this occur where body was found, or was it moved…? if she ran this guy down not in his own driveway but at buddy's place…who was home? then…did he not hear unholy commotion of someone being squished like a windshield bug by SUV in his driveway?

    or are they saying his body was dumped off there already freshly squished elsewhere?
    I don't get the whole story in form ABC messed it up..

  14. I’d really like to know what kind of horrible person John was seeing that everyone appeared to want him killed…absurd, KR is guilty.

  15. Whose to say Karen Read didnt get out of her car after hiting john pick up a piece of taillight and scratch john arms?

    If you had a dog attack youd defend yourself with forearm not inneer arm. Those are not bites that ive evcer seen

  16. ? Didnt kalren read, from the back seat of the car while searching for John, saying there he is there he is in the middle of a snow storm?

  17. I think shes GUILTY. A retired cop friend told me there is no way in hell a bunch of friendly cops are going to commit a conspiracy, also killing a fellow cop. I agree 100 percent

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